Unit 3- Neurovascular Structures Of The Thigh Flashcards
Femoral nerve roots
Largest branch of the lumbar plexus
Femoral nerve
Femoral nerve forms in the:
It passes beneath the:
Psoas muscle in the abdomen
Mid part of the inguinal canal
What happens to the femoral nerve in the femoral triangle
It divides into terminal branches to the anterior thigh muscles
Femoral nerve sends articular branches to the:
Hip and knee joints
Distal extension of the femoral nerve
Saphenous nerve
Saphenous nerve passes though
The adductor canal with the femoral artery and vein
Saphenous nerve is proximal to the
Adductor hiatus- it passes between the sartorius and gracilis
Saphenous nerve supplies
Sensory innervation to the anterior-medial aspect of the knee and foot
Obturator nerve roots
Obturator nerve passes on the:
Medial border of the psoas and enters the obturator foramen
Where does the obturator nerve split into ant and post branches?
Adductor brevis in between
Anterior branch of the obturator nerve supplies
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Post branch of the obturator nerve innervates
Obturator externus
Adductor magnus
An extension of the external iliac artery beyond the inguinal ligament
Femoral artery
Distal to the inguinal ligament, the femoral artery produces:
Superficial epigastric artery
Superficial (& sometimes deep) circumflex iliac artery
Superficial and deep external pudendal arteries
Pathway of the femoral artery
Descends on adjacent border of iliopsoas and Pectineus (floor of the femoral triangle)
Bisects the femoral triangle - enters the adductor canal deep to sartorius at the apex
After passing through the _____ ____, the femoral artery becomes the:
Adductor hiatus
Popliteal artery
Branches of the femoral artery
Superficial circumflex iliac artery
Superficial epigastric artery
Deep artery of thigh (deep femoral)
Lateral circumflex femoral art
Obturator art
Medial circumflex femoral art
Perforating arteries come off of:
They supply what compartment?
Medial circumflex of femoral art
Medial compartment
Deep femoral (profunda femoris) arises where?
Femoral triangle
Profunda femoris- perforating branches pass:
Posterior to the femus to the adductor magnus,
And vastus lateralis (all 3 compartments of the thigh)
Circumflex branches arise from:
femoral artery and encircle the femur and anastomose
Circumflex branches are at risk in:
Femoral next fractures and dislocations
Lateral branch of the femoral artery supplies
Muscles lateral to the hip
Medial branch of the femoral artery supplies
Head and neck of the femur as posterior retinacular arteries
Obturator artery usually arises from
Internal iliac artery
~20% of people have an enlarges pubic branch of the inf epigastric art, which will replace the obturator art
Obturator art supplies the
Obturator externus
Pathway of obturator art
Enters the medial compartment of the thigh through obturator foramen (canal)
To splits into and and post branches in the medial thigh- surrounding the adductor brevis
The post branch of the obturator art supplies the
Femoral head (acetabulum branch)
The femoral vein is a continuation of the:
Popliteal veins ascending in the adductor canal
The femoral vein runs ______ to the femoral artery
Where does the femoral vein enter the femoral sheath?
Lateral to the adductor canal
The femoral vein becomes the:
External iliac vein
At the inguinal ligament
What forms the deep vein of the thigh?
The union of the deep perforating veins joining the femoral vein
Inferior to the inguinal ligament
What and where does to great saphenous vein join to?
Distal to the inguinal ligament
Sensory nerves of the gluteal region
Counsel nerves
Superior nerves are cutaneous branches of:
Posterior rami of L1-L3
Pathway of superior cluneal nerves
Runs inferolaterally across the iliac crest
Sup cluneal nerves supply the:
Superior buttock as far as the tubercle of the iliac crest
Pathway of the middle cluneal nerves
cutaneous branches of post rami of S1-3
Exit through the post sacral foramen, sacrum adjacent to buttock
Pathway of the inf clunael nerves
Cutaneous branches of post rami of S2-3
exit inf border of the glut maximus
ascends inf buttock as for as the greater trochanter
What are the deep gluteal nerves branches of?
sacral plexus
Where do the deep gluteal nerves exit?
via the greater sciatic foramen
All deep gluteal nerves emerge where?
inferior to the piriformis except of the sup gluteal nerve
Superior gluteal nerve comes from post divisions of the anterior rami of:
Inferior gluteal nerve has post division of the anterior rami of:
Where does the superor gluteal nerve enter?
the gluteal region via the greater sciatic foramen, superior to the piriformis
Where does the inf gluteal nerve enter?
The gluteal region via the greater sciatic foramen, INFERIOR to the piriformis and deep to the inf gluteus max
The superior gluteal nerve runs between what?
the glut medius and max with the deep branch of the sup gluteal art
THe inf gluteal nerve runs superficial to:
the sciatic nerve accompanied by branches of the inf gluteal art
The inf gluteal nerve splits into:
several muscular branches
What does the superior glut nerve innervate?
Gluteus medius
Gluteus min
Tensor of the fascia lata
What does the inf glut nerve innervate?
glut maximus
What is the sciatic nerve formed by?
anterior and posterior divisions of L4-S3
What is the largest nerve in the body
Sciatic nerve
Where do the rami converge to form the sciatic nerve?
at the inf border of the piriformis
what runs medial to the sciatic nerve?
Inf gluteal nerve, art, and vein
and the internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nerve
Where does the sciatic nerve pass?
beneath the gluteus max, midway between the greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity resting on the ischium
Arterial supply to the sciatic nerve
Artery to the Sciatic Nerve
(T/F) The sciatic nerve supplies part of the gluteal region
What does the sciatic nerve supply via the tibial section?
Post thigh muscles (except short head of the biceps femoris)
The sciatic nerve continues ______ to supply
all the leg and foot muscles and sensation to MOST of the leg and foot
What branches of the sciatic nerve share a common sheath that splits in the superior popliteal fossa?
Tibial and common fibular branches
The internal iliac iliac artery branches supply the gluteal region via the:
superior gluteal artert
inferior gluteal artery
internal pudendal artery
The superior gluteal artery exits the pelvis via the:
(SUP/INF) to the piriformis
greater sciatic foramen
sup to the piriformis
After passing through the greater sciatic notch, the supt gluteal artery immediately divides into:
superfical and deep branches
The superficial branch of the sup glut art supplies what muscles
gluteus max
subcutaneous tissue
The deep branch of the sup glut art supplies what muscles
glut medius
glut minimus
tensor of the fascia lata
The internal pudendal artery arises from the:
it lies:
internal iliac art
ant to the inferior gluteal art
What does the internal pudendal arter run parallel to?
the pudendal nerve entering the gluteal region via the greater sciatic foramen inf to the piriformis
the internal pudendal art crosses the __________ ligament and enters the perineum via the:
ischial spine/sacrospinous ligament
lesser sciatic foramen
the internal pudendal art supplies:
skin of the external genitalia and perineal muscles
branches of the internal iliac artery
lateral sacral
sup gluteal
inf gluteal
internal pudendal
middle rectal
Uterine (F) or Art to ductus deferens (M)
Vaginal (F) or inf vescical (M)
Obturator A
Superior vesical
Obliterated umbilical
4 perforating arteries come from the
profunda femoris
the perforating arteries perforate what?
the aponeurotic portion of the distal attachment o fthe adductor magnus to enter the post compartment
What do the perforating arteries supply in the post compartment?
Hamstring muscles and anasomotic branches to the inf gluteal and popliteal arteries
Perforators transverse the post compartment to pierce the ______ _____ _____ to enter the ant compartment to supply the:
Lateral intermuscular septum
Vastus lateralis
Gluteal veins are tributaries of the:
internal iliac veins
Superior and inf gluteal veins accompany art through the:
greater sciatic foreamen sup AND inf to the piriformis muscle
Internal pudendal veins accompany the ______ arteries and drain into the:
internal iliac vein
Lymphatic drainage follows the _____ _____ to the _______ _____ ___ ___
These drain to the:
These drain to the:
gluteal vessels
inf and sup gluteal nodes
common iliac nodes
peri-aortic nodes