Unit 3-Lesson 6 Flashcards
What is speciation/macroevolution?
Speciation: the formation of a new species from an existing species (AKA macroevolution)
What is microevolution?
Microevolution: change within the frequency of alleles in a population
Why does speciation happen?
When two populations have become reproductively isolated over time, there is “No gene flow between them”
What are the two type of reproductive isolating mechanism?
- Pre-Zygotic
- Post-Zygotic
What are the 5 pre-zygotic isolating mechanisms?
- Behavioural
- Habitat
- Temporal
- Mechanic
- Gametic
What is behavioural isolating mechanisms?
Species have a specific signal or behaviour that prevents closely related species from interbreeding
What is habitat isolating mechanism?
Two species live in the same area but different habitats, they rarely encounter and interact with one another
What is temporal isolating mechanism?
- Temporal conditions refers to time of day, year and season
- Some organisms mate at different times which limits their interaction
- Very common in flower species
What is mechanical isolating mechanism?
- Some species are anatomically incompatible and unable to fertilize
- Ex. The genital in insects like a lock and key model
What is gametic isolating mechanism?
- Occurs when a species gametes (egg and sperm) are not able to fuse to form a zygote
- Ex. Sperm is unable to survive within female reproductive tract
What are the 3 post-zygotic mechanism?
- Hybrid Inviability
- Hybrid Sterility
- Hybrid Breakdown
What is pre-zygotic isolating mechanism?
Species are not able to mate or when eggs cannot be fertilized (AKA Pre-fertilization Barries)
What is post-zygotic mechanism?
Sperm and egg meet, but zygote cannot develop into a viable offspring
What is Hybrid inviability?
- When genetic information is not compatible between species
- Zygote does not undergo mitosis, and zygote cannot develop further
- E.g. hybrid embryo between sheep and goats die before birth
What is Hybrid Sterility?
- Two species can mate and produce hybrid offspring (ie. Mule + donkey)
- However, the hybrid offspring is sterile
- Meiosis fails to produce normal gametes in the hybrid offspring
What is hybrid breakdown?
- Two organisms are able to mate and produce viable and fertile offspring
- However, when the hybrid species mate, (2nd generation) their offspring are weak and sterile
What are the two types of speciation?
- Sympatric Speciation
- Allopatric speciation
What is sympatric speciation?
- Populations in same geographical area become reproductively isolated
- More common in plants than animals
- Chromosomal changes in plants or non-random mating in animal alters gene flow
- The result is reproductive incompatibility without geographical isolation
What is Allopatric Speciation?
- Occurs when populations are separated by a geographical barrier and diverge genetically
- Gene flow is interrupted
- Separation can occur due to river, water level change, geological remodelling
What is adaptive radiation?
- Type of allopatric speciation
- Diversification of a common ancestral species into a variety of differently adapted species
What is Divergent evolution?
Species that were similar to the ancestral species diverge and become increasingly distinct
What is Convergent evolution?
Similar traits arise because different species have independently adapted to similar environmental conditions