Unit 2, Part 2 Flashcards
All organisms break down food to use the _________ in it.
What is a molecule?
A substance made when two or more atoms chemically combine
What is a compound?
A compound is a molecule made from different combinations of atoms.
Proteins are large molecules made up of smaller molecules called _____ _____.
Amino Acids
Proteins are needed to ______ and ______ body structures.
Grow and Repair
One special type of protein found in red blood cells is ____________.
It helps the blood to _____ _______.
Hemoglobin, Carry Oxygen
What is an enzyme?
What does it do?
- An enzyme is a special protein in our body.
- Enzymes speed up or slow down the chemical reactions in our body.
What are 6 examples of high protein foods?
- Chicken
- Fish
- Legumes
- Dairy Products - yogurt, cheese, lowfat milk, etc.
- Steak
- Protein Shakes
Carbohydrates give us large amounts of ________
True or False? If false, correct the statement.
Carbohydrates contain the elements helium, hydrogen, and oxygen.
False. The correct answer would be carbohydrates contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
What are the four different types of sugars?
- Glucose
- Lactose
- Sucrose
- Fructose
True or False?
Sugars, starches, and fiber are all carbohydrates.
This question is just a bonus. It will not show up on the test.
What is the chemical formula for glucose?
C6, H12, 06
Are simple carbohydrates or complex carbohydrates healthier?
Complex carbohydrates.
Name 2 examples of simple carbohydrates.
Hint: Simple carbs are not healthy. Think about sweets.
- Fruit
- Candy
Name 5 examples of complex carbohydrates.
- Pasta
- Rice
- Bread
- Crust from pizza
- Oatmeal
What are lipids?
- Lipids are compounds that cannot mix with water (fats).
What is a phosolipid?
- Phosolipids are molecules that make up our cell membranes
True or False?
A cell membrane is a structure that surrounds every cell.
The ________ of the phosolipid is attracted to water but the _____ is not.
- Head
- Tail
What are fats and oils?
- Stored Energy
When an organism has used up all the energy from ____________, it gets its energy from stored ____.
- Carbohydrates
- Fat
True or False?
At room temperature, oils are solid, and fats are liquid.
Where do oils come from?
What are some examples of them?
- Oils come from plants
- Vegetable oil, corn oil, avocado oil
Where do fats come from?
What are some examples of them?
- Fats come from animals
- Lard, butter
What makes animal fat so unhealthy?
- Cholesterial
ATP is a major _______ ________ _______ in the cell.
Energy Carrying Molecule
True or False?
Energy in carbohydrates and lipids must be transferred to ATP, which then provides fuel for cellular activities.
Nucleic Acids are the ____ ____ of life because they have all the information needed for a cell to make ________
Blue prints, proteins
Nucleic Acids are made up of smaller molecules. What are they called?
RNA and DNA are both ______ ___.
What does the R in RNA stand for?
What does the D in DNA stand for
- Nucleic Acids
- Ribose
- Deoxyribose
What was the theory of spontaneous generation?
What were some examples of it?
- Spontaneous generation was a theory that living things came from non-living things.
- They thought frogs came from mud, mice came from grain, and maggots came from rotting meat.
What is Biogenesis?
- Biogenesis is a theory that living things can only come from other living things.
What experiment did Francesco Redi do to disprove the theory of Spontaneous Generation?
What year did it occur?
- Francesco Redi’s experiment involved three jars. In the jar that was open, flies were attracted, resulting in them to lay eggs on the meat (maggots). The jar covered with a screen did not allow the flies to touch the meat, so they died on the screen. The sealed jar remained free of maggots aswell.
- 1600’s
What experiment did Lazzaro Spallanzani do in the 1700’s?
- Lazzaro conducted an experiment involving contaminated broth. He boiled broth in flasks, sealed some of them, and left others open. Then, he heated the sealed flasks to make sure anything from the air wouldn’t be a problem. The result of his work showed that the sealed flasks remained free of microorganisms, while the open ones had many.
Other than proving against the theory of Spontaneous Generation, what did Louis Pasteur do?
He developed pasteurization (filtering juice or milk to remove bad bacteria).
What experiment did Louis Pasteur do?
What year did it occur?
- Louis Pasteur did an experiment that involved three groups. Every group had a flask that contained beef broth with an S - shaped neck. For the first group, Louis applied heat, let the flask sit, and no bacteria was present. For the second group, Louis applied heat, removed the neck of the flask, and bacteria was present. For the last group, Louis applied heat, corked the flask and let it sit, then he also found out that bacteria was not present.
- 1800’s