Unit 10: Nutrition Flashcards
The basic function of water
To moisten tissue
The basic function of carbohydrates
Act as an energy source and help control blood glucose and insulin metabolism
The basic function of protein
Help repair and build your body tissue
The basic function of fats
Give your body energy and support cell function
The basic function of vitamins
Help fight infection, heal wounds, make bones strong, and regulate hormones
The basic function of minerals
Help maintain body functions
Adaptive Devices
Any tool used to help people with impairments with activities of daily living
Inhaling foreign objects down the trachea
Bland diet
Easily digestive food, soft, low fiber, cooked, nonspicy
Macronutrients in food and drink
Clear liquid diet (cl liq)
Specific diet plan of liquid and semi-liquid that are fully clear
Diabetic diet
Calories and carbohydrates are carefully controlled, and protein and fats are regulated
Serious condition form inadequate amount of fluids in the body
Diet card
List the resident’s name and information about special diets, allergies, likes, and dislikes
Professional who creates diet plans for residents
Difficult swallowing
Difficult speaking
Swelling caused by excess fluid in body tissue
Lipid (butter, oil, etc.)
Food pertaining to natural or artificial substances that can’t be digested
Fluid balance
Equal amount of intake and output
Fluid restriction
Not able to eat and/or swallow fluids
Full liquid diet
Only liquid intake, usually ordered due to medical condition
Gastrostomy tube
Tube inserted through the stomach that brings nutrition directly to the stomach
Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
A chronic condition in which the liquid content of the stomach is backed up into the esophagus
Gluten-free diet
The diet is free of gluten
High protein diet
A diet containing mostly protein
The amount of fluids a person consumes
Intravenous (IV)
Liquids and/or meds through a person’s vein
Low cholesterol diet
A diet designed to reduce fat and/or cholesterol blood levels
Low-fat diet
A diet of low-fat food and/or unsaturated fat
Low sodium diet
A diet that restricts salt
Mechanical soft diet
A diet consisting of chapped or blended foods that are easier to chew and swallow and do not limit spices
Milliliters (ML)
Type of measurement of liquid
Modified calorie diet
A diet that reduces calories to lose weight or prevent weight gain
The US Department of Agriculture developed to help people build healthy plates at mealtime
Nasogastric tube
Feeding tube through the nose to the stomach
Nothing by mouth
Ounces (oz)
Type of measurement in liquid and weight
how much you stool and/or substances that come out of your body
Peptic Ulcer
Raw sour in the stomach that causes pain, bleeding, and vomiting
Large molecules composed of amino acids
Pureed diet
Blended food diet to help resident that has trouble chewing and/or swallowing
Stomach acid coming from the stomach to the esophagus
Soft diet
Soft texture and/or chopped food that is easier to chew and swallow
Total parenteral Nutrition
Feeding nutrients to a person involuntary
Vegetarian diet
No meat diet but can eat other animal products
Blood glucose
how much blood sugar
Diabetes type 1 (T1DM)
A chronic condition in the pancreas produces little to no insulin
Diabetes type 2 (T2DM)
Chronic condition affects the way the body processes sugar
organ that secretes particular chemicals
Too much blood sugar
Too little blood sugar
Hormone that lowers and/or regulates the level of glucose
All the physical and chemical processes in the body that convert or use energy
The large gland that makes insulin
High glucose in the blood but not high enough to be called diabetic
an important endocrine gland that makes and releases certain hormones