Understanding disorders Flashcards
what is Freud tripartite personality?
Id, ego, superego govern way we think and act
-majority of personality comes from unconscious mind
-abnormal behaviour occurs when there is an imbalance
-overdeveloped superego lead to excessive anxiety
what is Freud iceberg analogy?
Ego, conscious level- visible ( reality principle, implements defence mechanisms)
superego, preconscious level- not visible ( morality principle)
id, unconscious level- not visible (pleasure principle)
what is the Id?
-impulsive, instinctive
-present at birth
-consists of life and death instincts
-pleasure principle
-immediate gratification
what is the ego?
-reality principles
-mediate between irrational and real world
-problem solve
what is the superego?
-no right or wrong
-morality principle instilled by parenting
-controls Id demands through conscience and ideal self
-conflict with id creates anxiety dealt with through defence mechanisms
what does Freud mean by the psychosexual stages of development?
-children unconsciously go through these
-each stage characterised by a fixation on a part of the body
-individuals need to complete each stage to move to the next
-when this isn’t done fixation occurs
what is the oral stage?
-breastfeeding/ bottle feeding
-putting objects into your mouth
-fixations: addictions, vape, smoke, chewing gum, manipulating behaviours, biting nails
what is the anal stage?
-potty training
-control of bladder and bowel movements
-fixation: messy, disorganised, overcontrol, stingy, inconsiderate
what is the phallic phase?
-oedipus/electra complex
-castration anxiety
-penis fixation-
-fixation= complication with sexuality, envy, mother fixation, aggressive to women
what is the latency stage?
-love of learning/ new skills
-superego strengthens
-making social connections
-fixations: difficulty expressing emotions, forming long lasting relationships
what is the genital stage?
-sexual activity
-settling into loving relationship
what is the aim of Freuds study?
.give an account of a boy suffering from phobia of a horse and a range of other symptoms
.to use this case to illustrate existence of
Oedipus complex
who was the participants in Freuds study?
jewish boy
3-5 years
little hans
phobia of horses
father referred hans to freud
what were characteristics of little hans?
-cheerful and straightforward until ill
-phallic stage
what was Freuds method?
-longitudinal case study
- data gained by father, observing and questioning, sent records to Freud
-Freud gave advice
what are issues with the data gathered?
-demand characteristics
-social desirability
what did Hans show interest in just before turning 3?
his ‘widdler’
presence/ absence of this in others, human and non human
genital stage
what happened during this time? Freud, Genital stage
-threats from his mum to get Dr A to cut it off
-gained sister Hanna
-subconsciously wanted his mum to drop her in the bath
where did little Hans live?
Vienna early 1900s
coaches drawn by horses
what 2 things developed Hans fear of being bitten by a white horse?
-overhearing a dad say ‘don’t put your finger to the white horse or it will bite you’
-seeing a horse pulling a carriage and fall and kick about with it’s legs
What did Hans fear generalise to?
carts and buses
what were Hans fantasies?
the Giraffe
Two Plumber
The Parenting
what was the Giraffe fantasy?
-big Giraffe (dad) and crumpled Giraffe ( mum)
-took away crumpled one from big one and big one called out
-sat on crumpled one
what were the two Plumber fantasies?
1) Hans in bath, plumber unscrewed bath, took borer (corkscrew) stuck in his stomach
2)took Hans behind + widdler with pliers, replaced with bigger ones
what is the Parenting fantasy?
-married to his mum with children
-father the grandfather
what were the overall results? Freud
-fear of horses= subconscious fear of dad
-dark around mouth and blinkers are moustache and glasses
-fear of dad and widdler fascination due to Oedipus complex
what were the Giraffe results?
-representation of trying to take mum from dad
what were the parenting fantasy results?
Oedipus complex
what were the plumber results?
-due to identifying with his father
what were the conclusions for Freud?
-psychosexual development
-boys in phallic stage experience Oedipus complex
-phobias are unconscious anxiety placed on external objects
-unconscious determinism (people not aware of causes of behaviour)
-psychoanalytic therapy
why is generalisability a w in Freuds study?
case study
why is usefulness a w in Freuds study?
case study
phobias differ for each person
why is ecological validity a s in Freuds study?
own environment with dad
why is the method a s in Freuds study?
case study
qualitative data
Freud nature or nurture?
reasons for his phobia
Freud freewill or determinism?
pyschosexual stages
oedipus complex
ID impulses
Freud individual or situational?
Hans phobias
what is the background for Baron-Cohen ?
-autistic individuals lack TOM
-implications arise for communication
-triad of impairments : impairments of communication, social interaction, limited imagination
-tests have a ceiling to a mental age of six so are too east for adults
what is the background for Baron-Cohen ?
-autistic individuals lack TOM
-implications arise for communication
-triad of impairments : impairments of communication, social interaction, limited imagination
-tests have a ceiling to a mental age of six so are too east for adults
what were some previous autism tests?
-sally- anne (dolls)
- Happé- strange stories (jokes)
what was the aim for Baron Cohen?
-to investigate if autistic adults lack TOM
-to investigate gender differences between TOM
-to test whether high functioning adults with autistic spectrum disorders struggle to identify emotions from photographs of eyes
what were the participants in group 1 for Baron Cohen?
-16 individuals with high functioning autism or asperger’s syndrome
-4 autism 12 asperger
-13 males 3 females
-normal intelligence
-advert in National Autistic magazine and variety of clinical sources
what were the participants in group 2 for Baron Cohen?
-control group
-50 normal
-age matched
-25 male 25 female
- general population of Cambridge
What was the third group for Baron Cohen?
-control group
-10 adults
-Tourette syndrome
-age matched
-8 male, 2 female
- normal intelligence
-opportunity, recruited from tertiary referral centre in London
what was the method and variables for Baron Cohen?
-Quasi experiment
-Iv= type of individual
-Dv= score/ 25 on eyes task
what were the characteristics and standardisation of the eye tasks?
-25 pics
- black and white
-same size
-eye region only
- asked to chose emotion from an option of 2
what was the experimental design for Baron Cohen?
Matched- age
what was the procedure for Baron Cohen?
-presented with 4 tasks in random order
- investigated in quiet room, on own, in own home or Cambridge uni or research lab
-eye task
-gender recognition task
-basic emotion recognition task (full face)
-strange stories
what were the results for Baron Cohen?
-Autism group did significantly worse than control group in identifying emotions
-normal females perform better than males on eye task
-autism group made more errors on Strange Stories
-gender task no difference
out of 25:
-Autistic= 16.3
- Normal= 20.3
-Ts= 20.4
what were Baron Cohens conclusions?
-adults with autism do possess impairs TOM
-some of autism group have degrees showing TOM deficits independent of general intelligence
why is generalisability a w for Baron Cohen?
-small sample not representative of large spectrum
-volunteer sample
why is reliability a s for Baron Cohen?
-same pictures
-same size (15x10cm)
-standard instructions
-high internal reliability
-external also good as easy to replicate
why is ecological validity a w for Baron Cohen?
-situation different from everyday social life
-judging emotions in real life isn’t done by just looking at eyes
why is ethics a s for Baron Cohen?
-not deceived
-no distress beyond what they experience in their daily lives
why is usefulness a s for Baron Cohen?
-even high functioning autistics adults have problems reading emotions
-opens ways forward in helping them manage their condition
-can teach people to make use of different visual cues to judge emotion
what are the similarities between Freud and Baron Cohen?
-volunteer sample
Differences between Freud and Baron Cohen?
-1p 5y/o little Hans
-qualitative data
-no procedure= subjective questioning
-3 groups
-quantitative data
-controlled procedure= picture size