p3 (b) criminal psychology Flashcards
what are biological key assumptions?
-behaviour caused by our biology and way our body works
-mind resides in physical structures of the brain so all thoughts feelings and emotions have physiological cause
what are non physiological explanations for criminals?
Bandura SLT
self fulfilling prophecy
what is Banduras explanation of criminals?
-children around same sex role models who are criminals observe it
-if outcomes good behaviour is vicariously reinforced
-children imitate behaviour in hopes of also gaining a reward
what is the self fulfilling prophecy of what makes a criminal?
-when you are treated like a criminal u become one
-Jahoda: Ashanti culture
.Wednesday- aggressive
Monday- calm
-22% violent crimes committed by wednesday boys and 7% monday
what are physiological explanations for criminals?
-Lombroso ‘criminal evolution’
-Sheldon ‘the criminal body’
what is the Lombroso theory of criminals?
-Charles Darwin theory of evolution
-humans evolved to possess criminal features
-criminals subspecies of human
-narrow sloping brow
large ears
defined jawline
what is Sheldon’s explanation of what makes a criminal?
-ectomorphs, endomorphs, mesomorphs
-mesomorphs criminal (most inmates)
-those with muscular build can achieve anything (rewards) with force
-muscular build creates prejudice cant escape stigma
-historically wc due to diet and labour
what is the aim for Raine?
Study brain activities in murderers and non-murderers using PET
Find out if differences in areas thought to be involved in violence
what was the experimental sample for Raine?
41 murderers
39 men, two women
Mean age 34.3
what was the control sample for Raine?
matched sex age
Six schizophrenic
what was the design Raine?
Quasi experiment
Matched pairs
what was the procedure Raine?
practice CPT
Began CPT session
30 seconds later injected with glucose tracer
CPT lasted 32 minutes
10 horizontal slices at 10 mm intervals
Brain scan using PET
what two techniques were used to identify brain regions?Raine
cortical peel technique ( lateral areas)
Box technique (middle area)
what regions did the cortical peel technique identify?Raine
superior frontal gyri
Middle frontal gyri
Inferior frontal gyri
what regions did the box technique identify? Raine
Orbital gyrus
Superior frontal gyrus
i what were the asymmetrical results?Raine
Abnormal asymmetrical activation in amygdala 0.88
higher in right
what regions were lower in murderers?Raine
lateral prefrontal cortex1.09
medial prefrontal cortex
what were conclusions for?Raine
Aries with abnormal activity associated with aggressive behaviours
-Amygdala lack of fear
-Prefrontal cortex lowered self-control
-Issues expressing emotions
what are two biological strategies to prevent crime?
plastic surgery
drug treatment
why would plastic surgery work to prevent crime?
correct facial defects
associated with physical abnormalities with criminality
exposed to ugly villains and handsome princes
self esteem independently linked to risk of criminality
what study used plastic surgery to reduce crime?
450 facial reconstructions for prisoners broken noses, facial scars, deformed ears
increased cooperation with authority and prison activities
inmates likely to learn a trade
what are strengths of plastic surgery to prevent crime?
reduces recidivism
enhances self esteem and perception
improves reputation and first impressions
breaks sfp ’new start’
42% reoffend not 75
what is a weakness of plastic surgery to prevent criminals?
not all crime
not all criminals need
issues with crime scenes and fingerprints
mistake made with fingerprints
golden hour
Competing motives
-motivated to identify criminals
-motivated to catch the right criminals
what are motivating factors and bias with fingerprints?
Charleston- 13 analyst main motivation
hope and satisfaction
case importance
-marks often poor quality, incomplete, sludge, distracted
what are problems with fingerprint analyst Dror?
lack of consistency
individual fingerprint analyst from one another and themselves over time
-range of cognitive factors bias decisions
what are causes of bias in fingerprint analyst?
-emotional context: Dror- high emotion increases chance of match decision
-desire to solve the case: when matched prints found- motivated to find more non existent
what are latent marks?
marks left by fingerprints on surfaces, ridges and patterns
what are Hall and players aims?
-if fingerprint experts emotionally affected by case details in report
-if emotional context would bias the decisions
what was Hall and Player sample?
70 experts
Met police bureau
11 years mean experience
what was the design for hall and player?
lab experiment
independent measures design
IV- high emotion- fire two shots
low emotion- forgery fake £50
DV-impacted by emotional context and if it effected decision
what fingerprint where they given in Hall and Players study?
-fingerprint from known source
-superimposed- latent mark only just identifiable (confirmed by other experts)
-matched set of 10 donor prints
-colour, size and detail valid
what two objects were the analysts given?
-fingerprint magnifying glass
-Russell comparator
what were the analysts given in hall and players study?
-test mark card
right forefinger
examiners report
10 fingerprints
what were the results for hall and players study?
high emotion affected- 50%
low emotion- 6%
-no significant difference between decisions made identified 6 highs, 7 low
what were the conclusions for hall and players study?
-emotional context affects expert feelings
-doesn’t affect analysis/ decision
-experts better at analysing