Underriver Rails and AUC 207 Flashcards
Under river
When evacuating do you walk in between the rails or outside the rails?
The Billy Bar has how many prongs?
How far apart are 2 1/2”outlets?
Walk outside the rails
2 prongs
Outlets every 200ft
Under river
Are under river standpipes dry or wet?
How far apart are section valves?
Where can you find sound powered phone jacks?
Standpipes are wet
600ft apart are section valves
Sound powered phone jacks are located at standpipe outlets
Under river
What is found at power removal boxes and how har apart are they?
Where are EED’s located?
TorF. Blue light phones can call outside the system.
Power removal boxes are every 600ft with blue light phone, 20lb dry chem extinguisher
EED located at BOTH ends of each under river tube at base of emergency exits
Blue light phones can receive calls from outside the system, they can not make calls outside the system
Under river
What 5 things does the preliminary size up contain?
LIVES Location Incident information Ventilation Evacuation Safety
Under river
What should initial actions focus on?
TorF only request power off when a person is confirmed on the track
Should evacuation take place towards or away from a fan operating in exhaust mode?
Initial actions should focus on assisting self evacuating passengers
False, any indication of a person on the tracks, request power off
Evacuation should take place AWAY from a fan operating in exhaust mode (fresh to face)
Under river
What is the priority order for victim removal
1-ambulatory victims
2-non ambulatory RED
3-non ambulatory Yellow
4-victims requiring disentanglement/extrication RED
5-victims requiring disentanglement/extrication YELLOW
6-BLACK tags
Under river
What is the primary method for moving patients and equipment?
What are standard truck tools for under river tubes?
Nolan rail cart
Wooden hooks, FE tools, and BOLT cutters (to gain access to EED)
TorF. ECC should hook up to hydrants asap because systems are dry.
How many volts are catenary lines? Do they hold residual power when power is shut off?
ECC should not connect to hydrant until fire is located
Catenary lines 11,000 and may carry residual power
What is the proper positioning for the communications relay?
Chauffeur (ladder)- bottom of subway entrance stairs, go to token booth if within 50 yards of entrance
OV-foot of stairs to platform if within 50 yards of LCC
ROOF- approx 50yards from stairs on platform
Engine officer -approx 100yards from Roof line of sight
Truck officer to location of fire
*additional HT equipped member every 100yards if needed
How do you hold the flashlight if attempting to halt a train?
What is the priority order to dike a fuel spill?
CHEST high and back and forth horizontal motion of at least 4ft
Diking order
1-sand or earth
3-charge hose line and encircle fuel spill
Does a blue light phone buzz or ring?
What scba maneuver must be used when taking refuge in a cut out from a passing train?
Who will announce over the train PA system “FD is on scene and situation will shortly be under control”
Blue light will buzz not ring
A reduced profile must be done
Have the train operator announce it
How is the emergency exit identified from track level?
What does a red globe at a subway entrance mean? Green globe?
A prism shape or a cluster of 5 white lights
Red globe - stairway may be closed sometime during a 24hr period
Green globe - 24hr access and MAY have a token clerk
Where are track identification signs located?what info is on them?
Located at the end of each platform (red background with white letters)
Info- station name, track designation and location, “you are here”, train movement, nearest emergency exit, normal movement of trains
Light train
Who decides to use it?
What if communications can not be established?
What is the chain of communication?
What type of fires will we use the train for?
Chief in charge makes decision
If no communications do not use train
The chain of communications is FD using train radio -> TA command center -> FD dispatcher -> chief in charge
Use for fires that can be extinguished by 1 or 2 cans or investigate source of minor smoke condition
Can you enter the track from the light train?
How often are progress reports from light train?
Yes, after power removal
Progress reports every 15 min
Who orders fan activation?
Are fans effected by power removal?
IC orders fan activation
Fans not effected by power removal
How many volts is standby power?
What is the min distance from catenary lines?
How do you open standpipe outlet cabinets on subway platform?
Sound powered phone access how?
480 volts for standby power
Min distance when operating is 10ft (caTENary)
Standpipe outlet cabinets opened with subway emergency exit key
1620 to access sound powered phone
207 EED How long is it? Will it conduct electricity? Where are they found at underground stations? Grade level stations? Elevated stations? Where are the keys to unlock them?
7ft long
Will not conduct electricity
Underground stations - 1st blue light south of the south bound platform
Grade level - 1st blue light south of the south bound platform
Elevated stations - full time token booth
Keys are at every token booth
Air train
How far apart are blue light power removal?
How many cars and how many passengers per car?
800ft apart
1-4 cars at 200 passengers each
207 air train
Where would you expect to find the walk way if no guardrail above parapet? If guardrail above parapet?
Center walkways are how wide? Side walkway how wide?
With no guard rail expect center walkway 5 1/2’ wide
With guardrail 3’ high expect side walk way 2 1/2’ wide
Air train
When incident is at station what do you do?
What is the primary mean of accessing a guideway?
When on a high speed roadway do you need to completely close the roads was or just in the direction you are operating?
When incident is at station go to fire alarm panel at ground level and contact operations center using phone
Access guideway from nearest overpass
Always required to completely close highspeed roadway in both directions
Folder at all full time token booths contains what info?
REST Map Room in station (all) Emergency exits Stairways Token booths Map of station
If you lose your metro card who do you call and what 2 reports are needed?
Light train the primary means of communication is what?
What channels are subway repeater and how many watts?
Call resource center, need Police report and lost property report
Light train primary means of communication is train operators radio
14 and 15 and 5 watts
Any member on repeater channel must be teamed with a member on channel 1
Subway repeater has power back up good for __hrs
If repeaters fail can we still use channels 14 or 15?
When apparatus is OOS who makes sure metrocard gets on spare? When new apparatus goes into service who ensures its on new apparatus?
4hrs of back up power
If repeaters fail we can not use channels 14 or 15
When OOS or get rig back from repair OOD ensures it goes on rig
When getting NEW rig company commander ensures its on rig