Rowframes Flashcards
What is the salient feature?
How big is the cockloft?
What is the major defect in construction?
Salient feature is common cockloft
Cockloft is 1’-tall enough for person to stand in
Major defect in construction is las of fire stopping and vast quantity of combustible materials
TorF. Sometimes the cellar can run underneath more than on building with no separation.
Where does the 2nd ladder operate for a brownstone type? OLT type? TOP FLOOR FIRES
Top floor fire
Brownstone type- split company and examine exposure 2 and 4 for extension
OLT type- VEIS adjoining apartment and examine cockloft
When is top floor VEIS mandatory?
TorF 1st LCC shall not operate in any manor that will impede their return to pedestal, will go to roof when LSR rescue
Top floor VEIS is mandatory for top floor fire in brownstone type when fire has denied use of interior stairs and no rear fire escape
at an OLT type the LCC will reposition the aerial for VEIS of fire apartment when fire is above what floor? For what floors are portables used?
Reposition aerial for fire when its the 3rd floor or above. Floors 1 and 2 use portables
For top floor fires what is the 1st ov tool assignment?
When there is no rear fire escape or unable to team up or enter fire apartment from rear, what does the 1st OV do?
Top floor fire 1st ov tools- saw and halligan
When no rear fire escape or unable to enter from rear, return to front to team up with LCC to VEIS top floor
TorF it is extremely important for the OV to notify their officer and IC of the (presence or lack of) a rear fire escape.
What is the 1st roof tool assignment? And what is the priority order to the roof?
Notify officer and IC if there IS a fire escape (Old law tenements you notify if there is not a rear fire escape)
1st roof tools-halligan, halligan hook, LSR
Priority order to roof- aerial, 2nd aerial, adjoining building, but not immediate
Can the 2nd ladder officer direct the LCC to an exposure when they are no longer need at the front for OLT types? Brownstone type?
Tool assignment for the 2nd can at brownstone type? OLT type?
Yes, officer can direct 2nd LCC to exposure for either type
2nd can should consider 2 hooks in lieu of the can for both types top floor fires.
When the 2nd truck is in an exposure and fire is found in the cockloft what do they do if determined they can make a stop?
What if they can not?
If stop can be made call for a line.
If stop can not be made move to next exposure to determine boundaries of fire (can skip buildings)
What is the tool assignment for 2nd roof top floor fire?
Can you make examination holes in returns?
Engines ordered to stretch line to top floor of an exposure for cockloft fire should bring what tool?
2nd roof top floor fire- saw and halligan hook
Yes you can make examination holes in returns, avoid returns that are remote from the fire
Engine going to top floor of exposure should bring a 6ft hook
Cellar fire what do the 1st, 2nd, 3rd lines go?
1st- thru front door to cellar via interior stairs, if unable to go downstairs protect 1st floor, public hall, and stairs
2nd-back up 1st line, if not needed for back up extinguish any 1st floor fires then go to top floor. If 1st line cannot get into cellar use exterior entrance
3rd as ordered by IC
Line placement for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd at 1st floor fires
1st-to fire
2nd- back up 1st then to floor above
3rd-as order by IC, to fire building, exposure, supply TL, thru exposure to rear yard
Line placement for upper floor fire 1st, 2nd, and 3rd lines
1st-to fire, enough line to cover entire building
2nd- back up 1st line then to floor above, can go to fire in exposure (3rd or 4th will back up 1st)
3rd- as ordered by IC, to fire building, exposure, supply TL or thru exposure to rear yard
For a fully involved building with fire in exposures what two lines should the 1st engine drop?
A hand line and a 3 1/2” to supply a tower ladder
Fully involved building and fire in exposures -holding operation-
Where do the 1st, 2nd, 3rd lines go
1st- into fire building
2nd- if not needed to back up 1st line go to top floor of most severe exposure
3rd-if 2nd is backing up 1st then go to most severe exposure, if 2nd went to exposure go to opposite exposure
4th as ordered by IC
Vacant in a row of occupied
Line placement for 1st, 2nd, 3rd lines
1st line- most severe exposure
2nd- if not needed to back up 1st go to fire building or opposite exposure
3rd- to fire building or opposite exposure depending on 2nd line
For a vacant in a row of occupied frames, what two lines should the 1st engine drop
Handline for most severe exposure, 3 1/2” to supply TL
Vacants in a row of vacants where do the 1st, 2nd, 3rd line go
1st- operate on exterior until TL or multiversal in operation then into most severe exposure
2nd- opposite exposure or thru exposure to rear yard
3rd- as ordered by IC