Firetech I Got Wrong Flashcards
Safe atmospheric conditions are: Oxygen levels between? Flammable range not over? CO not over? Hydrogen sulfide not over?
Oxygen between 19.5 and 23.5
Not over 10% LEL
CO not over 35ppm
Hydrogen sulfide no over 10ppm
T or f
Untrained members can perform confined space entries in extreme circumstances
Only rescue and squad are trained to perform complex confines space entries
Yes to both
What size is the square vacant building marking?
*additional marking shall be made at other entry points like rear or side entrances, however sealed doors and windows should not be marked.
What is a 3 on a placard mean
FLAMMABLE liquid (not combustible)
Who do you notify for a lost METRO card
Lost, stolen, or damaged immediately notify the FDNY resource center
Who do you submit a request for a department related social media site?
Office of public information
*gets approval by fire commissioner
EAB activation (L100 roof in trouble)
How long will your radio show “EA received LAD 100-Roof” in orange/amber on the main display?
If L100 roof speaks, what does the main display show?
Your radio can show the most recent # calls/transmissions?
When viewing the recent calls list, what symbol indicated the EA was activated?
Shows for 8 seconds
When member speaks “emergency call lad 100-roof”will appear on main display
Can show most recent 15 transmissions
When viewing most recent calls, amber triangle indicates EA was activated.
The inline pressure gauge will rapidly flash “lo-batt” when how much time is left? What about slow flash?
Rapid flash = 10 min remaining (swap battery, ok with water flowing)
Slow flash - 90 min remaining (swap battery at conclusion of operation)
Battery last 5hrs
Cockloft nozzle
The two 1/2” outer steam tips increase the reach of the stream to over __ft.
Normal pressure gives you ___gpm
The configuration of the two outer stream types (reduces or eliminates) back pressure
T or F- should be supplied with same pressure as 1 3/4” line.
Reach of stream greater than 60ft
Eliminates back pressure
True same pressure as 1 3/4” line
What situations are a major gas emergency?
10-20 VOIDS 10- 10% LEL inside or outside 20 - 20% LEL in unvented subsurface V-Found Void or wall O-outside source coming into building I-Inoperative valve or unable to locate D-Damage (serious) to major components of infrastructure S- 2 of more Subsurface structures
Operation sidewalk
How long will a company be at the event?
The company will be in service and will respond to alarms at whose discretion?
If operation sidewalk is cancelled who must the OOD notify?
1hr long
Will respond at dispatcher discretion
If cancelled notify people at where you were going and the Fire safety education unit
Windows that are in the elevator shaft shall be labeled how?
Manhole, when requested to put water in a manhole should you aim it directly in or let it flow/pour in
At manhole let it flow/pour in
For a chemical suicide what signal do you transmit?
10-80 code 1
ABR school How big are the windows used to remover students? Sills are painted what color on inside and outside? On the (top or bottom) window pane there will be a sign that says what? On interior doors leading to holding area a sign will say what and be what colors?
Windows are 32x48”
Red sills inside and out
Top of window pane says “ACCESS”
Interior doors have sign “Holding Area” with red letters on white background
What percent of the LEL for gas leak would you treat the area as a potential blast zone if you can not locate the leak? If you can locate the leak?
10% LEL for unable to locate leak
80% LEL or greater when able to locate leak
Beluga glass cutting knife
Can it cut through 1-automobile windshields, 2-residential hurricane windows 3-commercial hurricane windows?
Can the head swivel more then 180degrees?
Can cut all of the above
Head can swivel 360 degrees
When the pak tracker receives an alarm, who shall attempt to contact the member to determine whether the signal is for an emergency or an inadvertent activation?
The Fast officer
When on a roof,
IF roof is supported by lightweight construction should you immediately evacuate the roof or can you ventilate scuttles and skylights?
Same question for gypsum roof?
Lightweight roof you can still vent scuttles and skylights
Gypsum roof you evacuate immediately
What are the tool assignments for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd roof?
1st roof - halligan, hydra ram, KO curtain
2nd roof- halligan, maul, LSR
3rd roof - KO curtain and normal compliment of tools
*1st LCC will deliver LSR to 1st roof when called for
The furthest flare gets placed where?
2ft from the edge of the roadway
Who gets notified: Changes/alterations to quarters For permission to park cars in quarters Demolition adjacent to quarters To take photos inside FD buildings
Chief of dept for changes/alterations to quarters
Fire commissioner for permission to park in quarter, demolition adjacent to quarters, and taking photos in dept buildings
T or F
If a unit tells the dispatcher that they are responding understaffed, another unit (engine for engine, ladder for ladder) will immediately get assigned
If 2 ladders are both responding with 4 FF’s an additional ladder will get sent if a 10-75 is transmitted.
True to both
If charges are getting preferred against a member, who prepares them? What if member is on a detail?
The OOD of the unit that the member is working in when the incident happened prepares the charges
If hydrant inspection goals are not going to be met, who do you send a letter head report to requesting help?
IF you are full duty do you need permission from the fire commissioner for extra departmental employment? What if you light duty?
To the borough commander for help
Only need permission when on LD, ML no working side jobs
At an MD, if the sprinkler pipe freezes and breaks and there is no responsible party to notify, who do you notify that will get in contact with the owner? What if it is commercial?
MD- contact OEM
Commercial contact BFI
*thru dispatcher
Mutuals must be submitted how far in advance of the 1st date? How many days notice and the mutual will be canceled because one member goes on some type of leave?
3 days to submit
5 days notice to be voided
Command discipline
Who interviews the Capt? The Lt? The ff?
Where does the report get sent?
How long can an interview be postponed if the member wants representation?
Capt interviews Lt and FF, chief will interview Capt.
Report gets sent to borough command
Interviews will be postponed up to 48hrs
When a civilian approaches you that they are being harassed, who do you send the report to and what info do you need? Do you take a mark in the company journal
You are the investigating officer and allow a member to leave, who do you send a report to stating why?
Report to Chief of ops, name of civilian and identity of PD officer, and yes take a mark in the journal
Report to chief of department
Spray caps
What hours will they be on?
How old to request?
What size mains can they not be placed on?
18yrs old
Can not be put on 20” or larger mains
What units must start a tour with 2 trained chauffeurs?
SCPD-SH (Suffic County PD shush) Satellite units Collapse rescue unit Planning vehicle Decond units Squad Hazmat tech units
How many flares/cones to shut a lane?
Where does the 2nd engine officer report at an explosion
How many members need to get granted ML in order to need a multiple member injury report?
4-6 cones/flares to close a lane
2nd engine officer to the triage transfer point
3 members granted ML, officer on duty as 30days to complete report or another assigned officer will do it. Report gets sent to chief of ops, Capt will review report first and make suggestions if needed.
When a hazardous highway separation is observed, what info gets sent to who?
The roadway/bridge name, location of separation, approximate size, direction of travel, and highway mileage designation when applicable to chief of ops
In line pumping,
What size main?
How many lengths of 3 1/2” can you use?
When psi drops below what should be be augmented?
6” or larger main
Up to 6 lengths of 3 1/2”
When psi drops below 15 on the intake