Mem. Distress, Collapse, Place Of Worship Flashcards
When do we consider a fire an IDLH?
When do we consider it a known life hazard?
IDLH when fire past the incipient stage
Known life hazard: 1- seen, 2-heard, 3-credible source
Safety team 3 and 2 response prior to arrival of fast, who is safety team? 1 4 FF engine is on scene? 1 5 FF engine is on scene? 1 4 FF ladder is on scene? 1 5 FF ladder is on scene? 1 engine and 1 ladder on scene?
3 and 2 prior to fast truck = 2nd engine control and backup
1 4 FF engine= officer and 1 ff enter for search w/o line advancement other 2 members are safety team
1 5 FF engine = control and door
1 4 FF ladder = LCC and outside team member designated by officer
1 5 FF ladder = OV and LCC
1 engine and 1 ladder = control and LCC (doesn’t matter if 4 or 5 FF)
When is a unit considered understafffed?
Who is the most influential member of fast unit?
Does the 2nd engine announce their arrival over HT?
Understaffed is when less then 4 FF for engines or ladders
Fast unit officer is most influential
Yes, 2nd engine announces their arrival over HT
What are the 13 points of size-up?
Construction, Occupancy, Area/access, Life
Weather, Auxilary appliances, Street conditions
Water supply, Exposures, Apparatus, Location, Time, Height of building
The fast team is made of of two teams, what are they and what do they do?
What additional tools does the fast team bring?
1-search team - make entry, locate, package, remove
2-removal/resource team - stage at entrance, be available to assist
Additional tools - fast pak, pak tracker, 2:1 rope, stokes with longboard, search rope.
When you come across a downed firefighter what are the 4 priorities in order?
Fire, Air, Injuries, Removal
When an unconscious member is supplied with air, how far do you turn the purge valve?
When no air how long until brain damage? Clinical death?
What are the 3 ways to determine if a member has air?
Turn purge 1/2way to allow for constant flow of air
4-6min for brain damage
6-10 min for death
3 ways to determine if member has air:1 break seal of face piece and listen, 2 turn purge valve, 3- look at remote gauge
Prior to starting packaging efforts you should turn the member how?
So that back is facing the exit
SCBA to harness, which allow for both horizontal and vertical lifts?
1-Through the leg method
2-use of personal harness leg straps
3- drag rescue device
Thru the leg method and use of personal harness allow for both horizontal and vertical lifts
DRD - for horizontal removal only not upstairs
Nylon tubular webbing
How wide is it
How long is it
Can it be used for vertical lifts?
1” wide
20ft long
NO vertical lifts
Can the fast unit be used to remove window bars? Place portable ladders?
What channel is the emergency channel?
Yes to both, must maintain unit integrity
Channel 16
When a member transmits a mayday for a missing member what info must they give?
When using th personal harness and “D” ring to package a members, how and where do you use the DRD so they can go up and down stairs?
Mayday for missing member
LUNA - Last known location, Unit working in, Name, Assignment
DRD gets wrapped over and under the RIGHT shoulder strap (left strap has air hose)
Is it a single command or unified command?
Initial rescue actions will concentrate on removal of who?
Single command with FD in charge
Initial rescue ops will be ambulatory victims and surface/lightly buried victims
How do the 1st and 2nd engines operate?
3rd and 4th engines?
2nd alarms engines?
1st and 2nd engines will take positions on opposite ends of the block and if possible hook up to different mains
3rd and 4th will act similar to 1st and 2nd but on the rear of structure
2nd alarm engines will seal off the block, ECC’s stay with the rig
What is the only unit to be in front fo the collapse?
Where will additional TL be positioned?
1st TL will be in front of building
Additional TL will be positioned to protect different exposures
What are 1st alarm engine company priorities in order?
1-extinguish fire in affected building and surrounding debris
2- protect exposures
3- extinguish burning vehicles within vicinity of collapse
4- no fire- stretch and CHARGE precautionary 2 1/2” enough to cover entire operations, 3 1/2” for TL stretched and CHARGED
Collapse 1st engine What side hose and how much? Do they supply a TL? Can they break into teams?
2 1/2” and enough to cover entire site
Consider a 3 1/2” for TL
Members remain together as unit unless ordered by IC
2nd engine
Do they supply a TL?
Can they preform CFRD duties.
Ensure TL is supplied by 3 1/2”
Assist 1st engine with stretching handlines
May perform CFR-D duties
What does the 3rd and subsequent engine do?
A under direction of IC Fire control Stretching additional lines Augment water supply CFR duties assist in removal of lightly buried victims
What does the 1st ladder do?
Can the officer split up unit into teams?
Reconnaissance, scene survey, hazard assessment and control. Remove surface and lightly buried victims to casualty collection point. Preliminary void search
Yes officer can split into teams
What does the second ladder do?
Immediately begin controlling utilities.
Ensure dispatch has notified utility emergency crews
What do the 3rd and subsequent ladder companies do?
Search additional line of sight voids, assist in control of utilities if needed, perform debris removal as directed, cut time ERS for shoring, assist with victim removal.
How often do you rotate personnel?
What are the 5 stages of collapse?
What do the air horn signals mean?
Rotate frequently, every 30 min
5 stages: 1-reconnaissance 2-removal of and accounting of surface victims, 3- void search, 4-tunneling and selected debris removal, 5- general debris removal
One long blast (3 sec)- stop/ all quiet, One long and One short-resume operations, three short blast- Run/evacuate the area
Which type of collapse is the simplest to locate victims?
What are the 4 types of voids?
Can you search voids while simultaneously removing surface victims?
Pancake collapse is simplest to locate victims
4 voids- lean to, pancake, v-shaped, and individualized
Yes you can do both at same time if manpower allows
What is the method for locating a missing member?
LUNAR Last known location Unit working in Name Assignment Resources needed to reach safety
Which of the 5 stages is not useful when we have no idea where a victim is?
When does the selected debris removal stage end?
Selected debris removal not useful when we have no idea where someone is
It ends when all LIVE victims have been removed
What do you draw at the entrance of an area to be searched and how big?
What goes in each quadrant?
X, 2’x2’, one slash when you enter, the other then you leave
Left- (Ladder) company ID
Top- Time and date company/team LEFT the area
Right- Rats, hazards
Bottom - # of live or dead victims
Collapse What do you draw when there is a known or potential victim (and how do you know which way to look)? What if the victim is confirmed? What is the confirmed victim is dead? What if victim is removed?
Draw a 2’ V with arrows that points toward victim Circle the V for confirmed victim Horizontal Line (-) thru the V if dead Vertical line (l) thru the V if victim has been removed
What is a lean-over collapse?
Inward/outward collapse?
Curtain fall wall collapse?
Lean-over=wood frame building collapse when it leans over
Inward/outward= top falls back on top of building, bottom collapses outward onto the street
Curtain-fall wall =exterior masonry wall drops like a curtain
If a victim is pinned for more than ___min a rescue paramedic must be given access
60min or 1hr
TorF both newer and older places of worship are susceptible to early collapse
How many of the following are considered major defect or faults in construction: 1- early collapse potential. 2-numerous concealed voids, 3-vast quantity of combustible material in truss roof, 4- lack of fire suppression and detection systems, 5-large open areas with limited or no fire stopping
All are major defects or faults
When fire is in large open area what is the 1st priority?
When fire is suspected in concealed attic or cockloft?
Large open area- use TL thru the rose window
Concealed cockloft or attic TL in ventilation opening above rose window
What size hoseline for cellar fires? For main floor fires?
What exposures are a collapse danger?
1 3/4” in the cellar, 2 1/2” for main floor
Exposures 2 and 4
For cellar fires, 1st floor fires, choir loft fires what entrance door do you use? What does the 2nd line do?
Always use the entrance that provides the quickest access to fire area.
2nd line will be positioned and charged outside of fire building
When do the walls and attic area checked for extension?
Who will attempt an examination of the cellar, who ensures it is examined for fire?
As soon as fire is knocked down
1st ladder will attempt, 2nd ladder will ensure
What are the 1st ladder duties?
2nd ladder duties?
1st ladder - primary of fire floor, locate and confine fire, attempt examination of cellar
2nd ladder - coordinate with 1st ladder and do primary search of area not covered, examine above fire for extension, ensure cellar is examined
3rd ladder- as ordered by IC