Tools Flashcards
Fog nozzle, turn to the (left or right) for straight steam position.
Straight is right
How many engines to put into service? And what tools?
Do you need to remove the window?
When multiple rooms where do you start?
What engine brings to command post?
How much gpm when 50psi is at nozzle
3 length stretch how much psi at outlet? 4 length stretch?
2 engines to put into service, roll ups, FE tools, standpipe kit, HRN
Most cases you do not need to remove window
5th engine to command post
3 length is 70psi at outlet, 4 length is 80psi at outlet
*68degree bend
Cockloft nozzle
What is the gpm discharge rate?
Who carries it?
Where does it get deployed from?
How big of a hole is needed?
What is the min height of the cockloft needed?
OST increase the reach of the stream to __ft.
125gpm Carried by squad and divisions Deployed just inside of the apartment 3x3’ hole needed 4”min cockloft OST increase reach to 60ft
A (increased/reducer) is used when the male end is smaller than the female end
What is the range?
At what angle is the safety stop?
How far back should the supply lines run straight?
Can be rotated how many degrees when in base?
Ground base max pressure is __psi and __gpm
What pressure at the 3 tips?
When in truck mount it is from 90degrees to 15 degrees below horizontal
Safety stop at 35degrees
Can be rotated 180 degrees when in base
Max pressure is 200psi and 800gpm
1 1/4 tip - 100psi, 1 1/2”tip=70psi, 2”tip= 50psi
How many members to carry?
Do you tie the rope knots first or hook up hose first?
Can you use the gauge on the nozzle as a guide to regulate pressure?
2 to carry
Tie knots first
Yes you can reference the gauge on the nozzle
MET-L and Lith-X extinguishers How far away do you start? How long is discharge time? Covers how many square feet at 1” thick? Which has a yellow label? Which is better at clinging to metals Which is superior on very hot burning metals?
Start 10ft away 30 second discharge time 3 sq/ft at 1” thick Met-L has yellow label Met-L will cling to metals Lith-X superior on very hot burning metals
MEt-L and Lith-x Can they be operated Upside down? Where do you direct the discharge? Should you delay overhaul? How often are they inspected?
NO, hold them upright
Aim at base of fire
Overhaul may have to be delayed up to 30min
Inspected weekly
In-line pressure gauge
What degree is the elbow?
__gpm is an effective flow rate
How long with no flow will it go to sleep? Turn off?
What does a slow lo batt flash mean? rapid flash?
who established a schedule for battery rotation?
How many batteries, when do they get rotated?
45degree bend in elbow
15min of no flow it goes to sleep, 30min it turns off
Slow “lo batt” 90 min remaining, rapid means 10min remaining.
Company commander determines schedule
4 batteries that get rotated weekly and after use
Water extinguisher (CAN) How much psi? How many gallons? Discharge time? Where do you aim discharge? Do you put your finger over the nozzle at large fires? How often is it hydrostatically tested? OOS gets sent to who?
100psi 2.5 gallons 55sec discharge time Aim at base of fire Finger over nozzle only for small smoldering fires Hydrostatically tested every 5 yrs OOS to tech services
Power saws Can the carbide tip be used on 1-gravel covered roof 2-light sheet metal 3-autobodies 4-security doors 5-locks 6-window bars
Carbide tip good for - gravel and tar covered roof, wood flooring, and light sheet metal
NOT for - auto bodies, security doors, locks, window bars
Power saw
What is the oil to gas mix?
When does carbide tip go out of service? abrasive discs? Diamond blade?
2.6oz to 1 gallon
Carbide tip- when 3 of 12 tips missing or 8 of 24tips missing, blade is cracked, or center hole out of round
Abrasive discs- cracked or badly nicked, center hole out of round, or when diameter is 8” or less
Diamond blade - cracked, chipped, warped, or bent
Power saws
How big is the circle of danger? Who is allowed in?
Can you use the saw from a ladder?
How far apart are your feet?
Diamond blade produces how much less sparks (%), and will outlast (#)abrasive blades. Can it be used to cut wood?
20ft circle of danger Officer, operator, and guide allowed in Can use from a ladder if no alternative 18-20” apart are feet Diamond blade produces 90% less sparks, and outlasts 150 abrasive discs. Can cut wood but not recommended
Power saw
What does 1,2,3 slaps on the back mean?
1- stop
2- cut
3- shut it down
TIC Can it see thru glass, plastic, water? What is the field of view (degrees)? What is the focal point? Is it waterproof? Can the radio cause interference?
Doesn’t see thru glass, plastic, water 50degreee field of view Focal point is 3ft Is not waterproof Radio can cause interference
Rebar cutter Cuts up to \_\_” thick Can it be used on case hardened locks Can you use it in an explosive atmosphere? Head swivels \_\_\_degrees Battery last \_\_\_cuts
Up to 5/8” thick Not on case hardened locks Do NOT use in explosive atmosphere Head swivels 180degrees Battery last 40 cuts
Ogura rebar cutter
Can cut up to ___” thick
Can you hold what your cutting?
How do you switch between high speed and high torque?
Up to 1” thick
Do not hold what your cutting
Cut at 90degree angle
It automatically switches between high speed and high torque
KO Curtain
Can survive __min of fire exposure
It’s __’x__’
Where do you get a replacement?
When used and confiscated, who do you send report to?
Can you use it at drill?
If damaged in other then fire operations, who sends a report where?
60 min of exposure 8’x6’ Div has replacements Send report to chief of ops Don’t use at drill Company commander sends report to chief of ops when damaged not at fire ops
Window blanket How big is it? Who delivers it to where? Where can you get a training blanket from? How do you get a replacement?
Squad delivers to the floor below (anyone can deploy)
Div has training blankets
Replacement from R&D during business hours, SOC island after hours
HydraRam How far will it open? How many Lbs of force? Can you use it on both outward and inward opening doors? How can you use it at a car fire? Can it be used underwater? Can you strike it to gain a purchase?
4” open 10,000lbs of force Both outward and inward opening doors Can be used to create opening on hood or trunk Never strike to gain purchase Use 3 to 1 oil to lubricate
PPF How long will it run on a full tank of gas? When do you check it? How long is it run for at MUD? When can you not use the exhaust hoses?
2-3hrs on a full tank of gas Check on 9x6 and MUD Run at full rpm for 5 min at mud Always use exhaust fans Never refuel inside, and never transport while in operation
How much space for insertion?
How far will a 12ton bag move 12tons?
What kind of cylinder is used with airbags?
What do you set the low pressure gauge too?
If the high pressure gauge falls below __psi, change the cylinder
How long are the hoses and what color and how many of each?
1” for insertion
12ton bag will move 12tons 1”
Steel cylinder used with airbags
Low pressure gauge set at 135psi
If high pressure gauge falls below 200psi change cylinder
2 red and 1 yellow hose all 16’ long [red is 3 letters yellow is 6: 2(3) =(1)6 and 16 has a 6in it]
What is the max internal air pressure for bags?
Bags can be inflated to % to % to avoid pillowing
Can you place wood between bags?
30ton bag with 10” max will lift how much 10”?
How do you store bags(horizontal or vertical)
Max internal air pressure is 118psi To avoid pillowing fill 50%-75% No wood between bags 30ton bag with 10” max lift will lift 15tons 10” Store bags horizontal
The orange hose has a relief valve that will limit internal air pressure to?
What repair can we do?
What is the life span?
Do not use on surfaces hotter than __degrees
Orange hose has 22psi relief valve
Only repair we can do is change the lens
10yr life span
Do not use on surfaces hotter than 220degrees
Glow sticks How many hours of illumination? How many on the rig? Do heat and humid lengthen life span? Requisition in packs of _#_ from where? Can they tolerate high pressure?
12hrs of illumination (flares burn for ~30min)
10 on rig
Heat and humidity shorten life span
Requisition packs of 5 from tech services
Can tolerate high pressure
Beluga auto glass knife
Penetrates less than #”
Can if cut safety glass, hurricane windows, and construction glass?
Penetrates less than 1”
Cuts all of them
Nolan rail cart
There are 2 yellow and 2 red straps, which is for securing to apparatus? Which to secure to hand truck?
Can equipment and patients extend beyond the front and rear?
Who determines the best access point?
How do you know which wheel has the wheel lock?
2 yellow secure to rig
2 red secure to hand truck
Yes can extend beyond front and rear, NOT the sides
Officer determines best access point
A red square is painted by the wheel with wheel lock
Portable lights
TorF a 75’ cord cannot power a fan, lights, or small tools
How long do you operate the portable generator to test? Lights?
The waterproof connections are good up to _#_ft of water?
_#_min max for max output on generators
Can you preconnect appliances to generator before starting?
50’ cord or less for lights, distance not a problem for lights or small tools
Run generator for 15min and lights for 5min weekly
Waterproof connections good for up to 3ft of water
30min max at max output
Do on preconnect
Body should always be on the (left/Right)
Do you start a cut slowly or at full rpm?
When does pull in occur? Push back?
What is the circle of danger and who is allowed in?
Do not cut above ___height
Body should be to the left
Start at full RPM with bumper spike in contact with wood
Pull in occurs when chain on bottom of bar stopped suddenly
Push back occurs when chain on top of bar stops suddenly
10’ circle of danger with operator and guide inside
Do not cut above chest height
Chain saw
When can you cut objects that have fallen against structures/objects and are now leaning on them?
Blade faces up or down hill when transporting
Cut % to % of the diameter downward, finish by cutting upward
Do not cut objects which are leaning on something
Blade faces downhill
50%(1/2) to 75%(3/4) downward then finish cutting up
TIC 6000
How do you know when in high heat (low sensitivity mode)?
When colors __ and __ appear in more than % it shift to high heat (low sensitivity) mode
Is operating time reduced by hot or cold temps?
Green triangle in upper left corner for high heat mode
Yellow or red in more then 32% shifts to high heat mode
Yes hot and cold temps will reduce operating time
TIC 6000 What do the following mean (% remaining and time remaining) 4 green lights 3 green lights 2 yellow lights 1 red light 1 flashing red light
4 green lights = 75-100% or 3-3.5hrs 3 green lights = 75-50% or 2-3hrs 2 yellow lights = 50-25% or 1-2hrs 1 red light = 0-25% or less than 1 hr 1 flashing red light = Critically low, less than 5 min