Ladders 1,2,3,6 Flashcards
What is the nested length of the following ladders 35’ extension 24’ extension 14’ a fame 10’ folding ladder
35’ = 20 ft 135lbs
24’ = 14ft 80lbs
14’ A = 7ft 35lbs
10’ folding = 11ft 16lbs
The length of a portable is marked within __” of which end on straight ladders? Extension ladders?
Unit designation is marked where?
What’s the proper climbing angle?
Within 12” of both ends for straights and butt end for extension ladder
Unit designation is within 18” of butt end for both
65-75 degree climbing angle
Portable ladder What is the proper tip placement at: 1-window 2- roof 3-along fire escape 4-against fire escape
Level with the sill
2’ above the roof
1-3 above railing (along side the fire escape )
Slightly above railing (against fire escape)
If portable ladder is going to be left unattended, who secures it at the tip?
Are tools carried inside or outside of the ladder?
When performing leg lock, you go over and under __ rung(s) above rung standing on.
1st member to climb secures at tip
Tools carried outside the ladder
Leg lock is leg opposite side your working on and 2 rungs above rung your standing on
For an over crowded fire escape, your going to place two portable to help, where do they go?
When venting windows, the tip of the ladder is placed where?
1st goes opposite the drop ladder
2nd goes to balcony above
Venting windows tip goes level or above top of window
Portable ladders
When is wax applied?
How much and when are the pulleys oiled?
Visual inspection when?
When taking a portable into a brownstone which end first?
Which ladder do you use to bridge stairs?
Wax applied every 3 months 1-2 drops of oil yearly Weekly visual inspection Butt end first when going thru a brownstone 24’ extension to bridge stairs
1st truck, where does search begin?
When venting for search and fire is in the front, who does the ov team up with? Fire in the rear?
Top floor fire in tenement, what is the 2nd roof tool assignment?
Search begins at seat of the fire
Fire in front OV and LCC, fire in rear OV and Roof
Top floor 2nd roof = saw and halligan hook
Is smoke pushing from a cornice a sign of a cockloft fire?
2nd roof tool assignment at tenement, not top floor?
At a tenement fire when can the roof use the interior stairs?
Scuttle returns are opened up to see conditions or ventilate?
Smoke pushing from cornice is not a sign of cockloft fire
2nd roof not top floor brings halligan and halligan hook
Roof does not use interior stairs to get to roof
Scuttle returns are opened up for both vent and see conditions
T or F
At a tenement fire the 2nd roof will team up with either the 1st roof or 2nd ov and search and vent all floors above the fire, and pay particular attention to top floor apts and hall
For a fire in a dumbwaiter shaft, what three areas of the building need to be checked as soon as possible
Cock loft, top floor and basement
What does the secondary search include
Who assisted the LCC in positioning of rig?
Secondary includes entire perimeter of building, all shafts, basements and cellars
The OV assists the LCC in positioning
Aerial ladder apparatus should be how close to building?
The aerial tip should be how far from the objective? How far over the sill? How about in case of rescue?
25-35ft from building
Tip should be 2-6” from objective, less then 6” above the sill. In case of rescue 2” from objective
Aerial placement
Along side fire escape? Roof?
Can you drive over hose?
Can you move a aerial with members or victims on it?
1-3ft above fire escape rail
5ft above roof
Drive slowly over hose
You can move a aerial with members or victims on it in an extreme emergency, do not extend or retract
When operating for an extended period and turntable will be left unattended do you leave or take ladder out of PTO?
TorF when taking small children down a ladder stay one rung below them
Take it out of PTO
Small children must be carried down ladder
When venting windows with aerial can you use lateral pressure?
When climbing aerial with hook, it gets hooked on a rung and not moved unit the top of the hook is at ___level.
When more then # people are in need of rescue who do you contact?
Can you leave a victim in the street if more people need rescue?
Do not use lateral pressure
Knee level before moved again
More then 2 people need rescue contact 2nd ladder for help
Yes you can leave someone in the street if more people need rescue
What is the order for removing ice from aerial
Rungs, trussing, main beams, ladder rung locks
Ronnie Likes To Mambo R-rungs L-Ladder rung locks T-trussing M-main beams
Typically who is the guide FF to help LCC with positioning
Can you use a 6’ hook as a guide to determine if outriggers will clear for a 75’ TL? 95’?
Who performs delicate movements?
OV is typically guide ff
6’ hook good for 75’ TL, 95’ TL needs 6’8” clearance
Pedestal usually performs delicate movements
Who verifies that both the door latches are locked?
Are bucket railings substantial?
What is ideal horizontal distance from pedestal to objective?
How much clearance is needed to drop bucket to ground?
when operating over the cab you should be reach what floor and above?
All members in bucket verify door latches are locked
Bucket railings are NOT substantial
32ft from pedestal to objective horizontally
25ft needed to get bucket to ground
When operating over cab you should be able to reach 3rd floor and above
How many rowframes can a TL potentially cover?
When on a hill what direction would you want to face and operate in what direction (uphill/downhill)
Potential cover 6 rowframes
Ideally face downhill and work up hill
If facing uphill stop before objective and operate uphill
When operating in a vacant lot what two members must conduct a survey for stable ground. How do you place the rig when doubtful of stability?
Officer and LCC survey for stable ground, when i doubt position rig perpendicular may be advantageous
Can you operate the boom thru light branches?
Bucket ff remains in (voice or sight) contact with member conducting search
How do you want to position the bucket for rescue of ambulatory Victim? How above for an unconscious or incapacitated or obese?
Yes thru light branches
Bucket ff remains in voice contact
Ambulatory- place bucket at a level where a person can easily step into it w/o straddling the window sill or fire escape railing. Obsese/unconscious top bucket rail level with sill or top rail of fire escape.
When moving bucket from a window what’s your first move? From the roof?
From window 1st move is opposite last move
From roof 1st move is to raise
Cutting a peak roof what is the order of cuts
1 3 l——————- l l l /. 4. 4 is knockout cut 2.
Where do you start saw and how do you hold it?
Escape ladder is last resort, when using does PTO remain in or out, and engine shut down or running?
Start saw in bucket, hold outside of bucket until its shut off
When using escape ladder, keep PTO engaged and turn off engine
When overhauling from bucket where is the railing in reference to work area?
How much psi at gated inlet when supplying TL
Can you reposition a TL without disconnecting a supply line?
Overhauling- top of the bucket railing should be positioned slightly below work area
You can reposition TL without disconnecting supply line if distance is short and there is enough slack, boom must be bedded
When multiple floors of fire do you start high or low?
What are the exceptions?
Multiple floors start low and work your way up
Exceptions: advanced fire in a rowframe, common cockloft exposure protection
What tip is preferable for deep penetration?
When using a maul to breach cinder blocks do you start at top or bottom?
When cutting brick walls how do you cut them?
Can you use landing pads as a high anchor point?
1 1/2”tip preferable for deep penetration
Using maul to breach cinder block start at top
Cutting brick walls make a triangle with peak at top. Last cut is bottom cut along mortar
Do no use landing pads as a high anchor point