Taxpayers/Vacants Flashcards
Taxpayers Rules for sprinkler systems 1938 1968 2008
1938 area exceeding 10,000sq/ft
1968 area exceeding 7,500sq/ft
2008 full building exceeding 12,000sq/ft, combined area of all floors and mezzanines exceeds 24,000sq/ft, occupancy exceed 7,500sq/ft, any area 3 stories or above, any area located in a high rise, any area contained unenclosed stairs or escalator connecting 2 or more floors
Open web steel joists span up to __ft and fail in - min
50’ steel “I” beam heated to 970 degrees expands __”
100’ “I” beam heated to 1000degrees expands __”
Open web steel joists span up to 60ft and fail in 5-10min
50’ steel “I” beam heated to 970 expands 4”
100’ “I” beam heated to 1000 expands 9.5”
Cast iron columns fail on average in __min
Truss roofs may only support __% of the load they were designed to hold.
What size hole in a taxpayer roof?
Roof sector supervisor must supervise roof when more then __saw(s) is operating
Cast iron fail in 30min
Truss roofs may only support 40% of what was intended
8x8’ hole
Roof sector needed when more then 1 saw is operating
Properly positioned TL can cover a building with a frontage of ___ft.
When can 1 3/4” hose lines be used
TL can cover 100ft of frontage
1 3/4” can be used in exposures when conditions permit
Cellar fires
Where does the 1st line go? 2nd line?
What is the last resort for extinguishment?
Cellar fire
1st line to the interior cellar stairs, can go down the stairs if conditions permit, then 2nd line would go to top of stairs
If 1st line is controlling 1st floor 2nd line into cellar via interior or exterior entrance.
Last resort is to flood 1st floor with monitors or TL streams
Cellar fire Who ensures sprinkler is supplied?
store/cockloft fire who ensures sprinkler is supplied
Cellar -1st and 2nd will supply if able to, 3rd engine ENSURES it is supplied
store/cockloft - 3rd engine ensures sprinkler is supplied
When backdraft is suspected when should you open the roof?
what roof ops can you do on building with bowstring truss?
When using a fog stream to vent a roof how far back do you stand?
When backdraft is suspected open roof over fire first
No roof ops on buildings with bowstring truss (can operate on bowstring truss if building is not on fire)
Fog stream should be size of opening and stand back 4-5 ft
When cutting floors where do you cut? Where do you avoid?
Cut near windows, avoid near doors
Taxpayer cockloft fires
Where does the 1st line go?
Stretch line into most seriously exposed occupancy/building depending on life hazard and location and security of fire.
When exposures are not a problem 1st line stretched into store under main body of fire
What companies should bring 10’ and 12’ hooks with normal tools?
What colors of smoke are associated with back draft?
Room needs __% of its space to contain explosive mixture for backdraft
All ladders other than 1st and 2nd should bring 10’ and 12’ hooks
Colors of smoke for backdraft: dense black, dirty brown, yellow brown, gray yellow
Who shuts down utilities?
When 1st roof brings saw to roof what other tool does he bring?
What do subsequent members going to the roof bring?
1st ladder shuts utilities, send 2 members
1st roof brings saw and hook
Subsequent members bring saw and axe or halligan
Cellar fire where does the 1st truck operate? 2nd truck?
1st truck - to store above fire
2nd truck - F/E team to adjacent stores and cellars
Who orders the vent of show windows?
Can you cut a floor prior to a hoseline being in position to protect?
IC orders vent of show windows
Flors not cut until hose line in position
Who big is the vacant symbol? How wide are the lines? What color?
Who can mark a vacant?
Who can put vacant into ECIDS?
Vacant symbol is 18”x18”, 2” wide lime yellow lines
Anyone can mark a vacant
Only admin company can put vacant into ECIDS
When a vacant is fully involved where does the 1st line go?
It goes to protect life, even if not the most severely exposed
What size are defensive lines?
Ladder operations are generally devoted to what?
TorF generally there is no need for VEIS since we are not aggressively searching for trapped occupants
2 1/2” for defensive lines
Ladder ops generally devoted to facilitating engine company efforts in getting water on the fire
When are primary searches?
When do you conduct searches on floor above?
Primary searches generally conducted after all visible fire has been knocked down, and IC conducted size-up and risk assessment
Searches on floor above not until all visible fire has been knocked down and IC conducted size up and risk assessment.