Tutoring Review Flashcards
What are the two reasons the PGCs migrate to the dorsal wall?
- allows time for gonads to form
2. proliferate in 5th week
What is the chromosome amount during primary oocyte?
46 4N
How many chromsoomes are there for secondary spermatocyte
23 2N
what is chromsoome amount of spermatids and mature oocyte
23, 1N
During the fifth month what are the primary oocytes arrested at?
prophase 1
primary follicle and secondary follicle both have what inside
primary oocyte (secondary has follicular antrum as well)
what does tertiary follicle contain
secondary oocyte + antrum
why is a tertiary follicle important
during ovulation the granular cells and theca interna form the corpus leuteum
what happens to corpus leuteum if there is no fertilization
corpus albicans
what acts as primitive placenta for first 20 weeks of pregnancy
corpus leuteum
does a spermatid fertilize?
no it’s a spermatazoa
when the acrosome cap forms it’s where
on top of sperm
what reaction happens when the sperm enters the egg
acrasome reaction
what is the zona reaction
what happens after fusion of oocyte and sperm -prevents fusion of multiple sperm with egg. it’s also called corticol reaction
what enters the uterus
zona pelucida doesn’t degrade what happens
implantation cannot take place
where does blastocyst implant
superior posterior to uterus
3 major thin in week of 3
primitive streak
what makes up primary villi
cytotrophoblast and synchiotorophlbas
hydratiform mole
when trophoblast develops
what does trophoblast need to develop
just male pronucleus
hydratiform mole
when trophoblast develops (just need paternal genes), causes cancer
what does trophoblast need to develop
just male pronucleus
what order do endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm, and hypoblast form?
hypoblast then endoderm then mesoderm then ectoderm
what drives into endometrium
what helps third population come out
maneuvering of notocord
why is allantois important
if dont have it will not have umbilical cord or abilical arteries or veins
does ambilical vein have oxygenated blood?
what two major portions do neural crest cells come about
cardio with membranous ventricular septum
medulla of adrenal gland
what is importance of gastrula polarity
how primtivie streak gives rise to orientation
what is important for heart fold
heart goes ventrally
what is important for tail fold
pushes alantoid into connecting stalk
what’s in secondary chorionic villi
3 layers:
maternal side of placenta hormones can’t cross but what can
drugs (teratogans can cross)
what is the maternal side of placenta
septum transversum is what
bochdalek hernia is
morgani hernia
problems in midline
bochdalek & morgani hernia are both
congenital & diagphragmatic
spleen is what
LPM not endoderm
dorsal mesentary grows faster than what
ventral - why there is 90 degree rotation
foregut is what mesentary
dorsal & ventral
midgut and hindgut are what mesentary
just dorsal mesentary
pseudoglandular period
no respiration happening
canalicular period
a little respiration but not adeuqte - terminal bronchioles
what’s the earliest baby can be delivered
upper limb rotates how
dorsolaterally 90 degres
lower limb roates how
ventromedially 90 degrees
what is first artery to supply upper limb
common interosseus
what supplies the lower limb
umbilical artery which then becomes ischiatic artery