Review Flashcards
What time period is the morula formed in?
Where do the primordial germ cells come from?
What is the very first system that develops
when does reproductive system develop
week 3
what is second system to develop
when does cardiovascular system start to develp
in the middle of week 3
what is pathway of PGC
from epiblast through primitive streak to gonadal ridges
what are gonadal ridges formed from
caeolmic epithelium
what does celomic epithelium come from
intermediate mesoderm
How many chromosomes does PGC have
46, 2N
what is formed after PGC
oogonia & spermatogonia
when are primary oogonia form
5th month of intereutirine life
when are spermatogonia formed
what is the difference b/w primary and secondary (oocyte, spermatocyte)
46, 4N → 23, 2N
Where would you find the first polar body
tertiary follicle
where is secondary oocyte formed
tertiary follicle
what happens to primary polar body
it divides and forms two more polar bodies
what’s the process going from spermatocyte to sperm
no mitosis, all body work, pointy head, etc.
what’s another name for spermatazoa
what is in a primordial follicle
primary oocyte
what’s in a seondary follicle
primary oocyte
what’s the difference be/w primorida, secondary, tertiary follicle etc
the glandular cells
what is in the tertiary follicle
secondary oocyte & first polar body
at fertilization what occurs
list steps
what happens in first week
fertilization (list all the steps)
What happens in second week of development
- Embryoblast (E) splitting into two germ layers: the epiblast and hypoblast (lamination- bilaminar disk)
- Trophoblast (T) dividing into two layers: inner cytotrophoblast and outer syncytiotrophoblast
- Two cavities appear- the amniotic cavity and the blastocyst cavity
- Blastocyst cavity is remodeled twice to form the primary and secondary yolk sacs
- Extraembryonic mesoderm splits into two layers: parietal and visceral layers
what part of embryo does hypoblast form
what does hypoblast form
inner lining of yolk sac
extraembronic mesoderm is formed from what
hypoblast cells
what isst he connecting stalk formed from
parietal and visceral laterl plate mesoderm
does the chorionic cavity completely surround the blastocyst
almost all of it except for the connecting stalk
what villi will remain throughout pregnancy
what happens in week 3
trilaminar disk
what goes throught he primitves streak first
definitiive endoderm cells
where do mesoderm cells go
flow like water to the front
what allows the neuroectoderm to pinch off
what is significant about the allantois
blood vessels migrate from allantois to connecting stalk
what are blood vessels in connecting stalk called
the endoderm,w hat’s the only strucutre it forms?
gut tube + inner lining of gut tube + anything that buds off gut tube
what are sinusoids formed from
paraxial mesoderm is dividied into what
what’s the difference b/w somate and somatomyere
somatomere is in head and is less organized
what’s the most important thing from the head fold
forces heart from dorsal to ventral position
what develops as heart moves ventrally
a space
what starts to enclose space as heart moves
pericardial fold that will form parietal pericardium
what is only part of anterior surface that is not pinched off
umbilical cord
what are the three layers of the fetal side of the placenta
parietal extraembryonic mesoderm most inner
where is the primitive primoridal body cavity coming from
space b/w parietal and visceral laterl plate mesoderm-
where star is on summary of development of body cavities
where is the only place you’ll find ventral mesentary
ventral mesentary has falciform ligament, coronary iligament, and what
triangular ligament
whats opposite of ventral mesentary
dorsal mesentary
where will you find dorsal mesentary
foregut, midgut, hindgut
where will you find dorsal mesentary
foregut, midgut, hindgut
lateral folding does what
help merge dorsal aorta together
merge heart tubes together
help merge extraembryonic blood islands together
closes anterior part of developing embryo
what are two most common heart defects
Ostium secundum atrial septal defect (ASD) Membranous ventricular septal defect: (Tetralogy of Fallot is common abnormality. I thought in class he said something about ectopic cordis)
ectopic cordis
laterl folding defect in thoracic region
what are two defects in abdominal cavity lateral defect
gastroschisis or omphalocele
what is unique about the midgut
due to kidneys and reproductive system it gets pushed out during development and then comes back in
what happens if midgut doesnt get sucked back in
why is omphalocele so serious
chromosomal or birth defects
inferior body section defect can affect what
bladder and in males the penis
inferior body section defect can affect what (due to lateral wall defect)
bladder and in males the penis
the pericardium is formed from the descent of what
heart and lung
what separates primtiive body cavity into two parts
septum transversum
where does setptum trasnversum start
cervical region
heart and lungs push what from cervical region to normal location
as setum transversum pushes down diaphragm it goes throughw hat canals
pleuroperitoneal cnals
what burrows through pleuroperitanle cnal
lung itself
as lung travels what does it does
separates pleural pericardial fold
what is formed from pleural pericardial fold
pericardium (just the fibrous and pareital part)
what forms visceral pericardium
heart itself
what is the diaphragm formed from
septum transversum
what is septum transversum formed from
what fills in where the lung has eaten away as it travels
myotomes (muscular part of diaphragm)
are lungs a bud off of GI tract
what is the major structure that roates the entire developmental rotation of foregut
what affect does the rotation fo the stomach have on the descending colon
no affect - desc. colon is not foregut
what does stomach move
what moves midgut
lateral folding
urinary bladder is part of what
what makes up wall of bladder
what makes up lining of bladder
endoderm (bud off of hindgut)
where does the cloaca end?
pectinate or dentate line
where does the hidngut end
pectinate/dentate line
what is after hindgut @ pentate line
what is after hindgut @ pentate line
what is after hindgut @ pentate line
what forms all the vasculature and all the parts of the heart except for codotrumpal septum & membranous part of inner ventricular septum
where does the neuro tube start from
the blood islands
where does myoblast come from
what pushes heart tubes togehter and allows the hart to develop into sepeparete things
laterl plate folding
where does heart tube come from
upper part of epiblast
in the beginning how much of heart is from VLPM
all of it
how many pairs of aoritc arches
6 pairs
where do aortic arches go towards
head and neck
which vein is oxygen rich
umbilical vein
whats another name ofr bulbus cordis
right ventricle
what exactly of aorta is formed from conotruncal septum
ascending aorta
what does cardiac looping cause
atrium to be on top
ventricl on bottom
what is the septum primium formed from
what is hole under septum primum called
foramen primium
what are the holes poked in foramen primium called
septum secundum
what is membranous of innerventricular wall formed from
neurocrest cells
all the blood islands go into what
sinus venosus ( ?)
what does vitelline vein form
drains yolk sac of nutrients going into liver so it forms portal vein
umbilical vein forms what
round ligament of liver
supracardinal vein forms what
azygous or hemizygous
what does subcardinal veinc orm
what does right common cardinal vein form
what does sacrocardinal vein form
left common illiac
what does the posterior cardinal vein form
it degenarates but a bunch of stuff form off it
what percentage of blood goes thorugh ligmentum arteriosum
why does ducturs venosus bipass the liver
its not ready
what does job of liver before its ready
what flows through ligmentum vinosum
blood goes from right atrium to what
left atrium
what does almost all the blood go to in heart and why
left ventricle - needs lots of blood to make the wall ready
foramen ovale shutn allows what
all blood to go fromright to left atrium
cystrna chili has how many parts
cystrna chili has how many parts