Nervous System and Special Senses (Eye & Ear) Development Flashcards
What forms most of PNS
neural crest cells
what does neural tube form
brain & spinal cord neurons CNS
all 3 layers of meninges are formed by what
neural crest cells
what layer do they all come from
neural epithelial cells
enitre lineage of all cells from neurotube come from what
neural epithelial cells
what is germative layer
neural epithelial cell layer
what are the neural cells before they hit their target
bipolar neuroblast or glialblast
until they hit their target they don’t do what
when do the neural cells differentiate
when they hit their target
what are the cells called that don’t leave
appendable cells
mesenchymal will form what
what are the scavengar cells
what do the microglia
come in after things are being formed and cleaned up the scavengers
In week 4 what is first thing that happens
develops 3 bulges
does neural tube go spine
what is the first bulge in 4th week
what is second bulge in 4th week
what is third bulge in 4th week
what is cervical flexure formed from
what folds the neural tube
headfold, tailfold
what is prosencephalon
what does proencephalon give rise to
telencephalon & diencephalon
what does telencephalon form
what does diencephalon form
optic vesicle (eyes)
what is mesencephalon
what is rhombencephalon
is the retina a nerve
no it is brain itself
cephalic & cervical flexure - label
pg 7
label pontine flexure
pg 8
what does pontine flexure do
bend & separates metencephalon & myelencephalon
what structural changes happen to midbrain
not much
what is the first layer called laying across neural tube
ventricular/ependymal zone
what embryologically is important about ventircular zone
everything comes from it it is the germ layer
what is second layer across neural tube
intermediate/mantle zone
what is the third layer across neural tube
marginal zone
what wlil be shifted along neural axis due to presence of ventricles
alar & basal plates
in telencephalon how many layers are added
2 layers
how many add’l layers does cerebellum have
3 add’l layers
lateral 3rd and 4th ventricles shift the alar and basal plates which direction
what helps form cerebellar hemispheres
alar plates
what do basal pplates form in hindbrain
everything but cerebellar hemispheres
what are the 3 added layers on the hindbrain formed after 3 original layers and migrate on radial glia
granular, purkinje, molecular layers
how many layers are added and changed in midbrain
the cerebral cortex forms what add’l 2 neuronal layers in forebrain**
neocortex & molecular
the neocortex and molecular layers wil differentiate into what
6 final layers of the cerebral cortex
what is meninges originate from
neural crest & mesoderm of neural tube
describe the organization of early neural tube that makes spinal cord
central lumen, alar ,basal plates
what happens to ventral horns in spinal cord
cervical enlargement & lumbar enlargement
what kind of cells are in ventral horn
where is cervical enlargement
by upper limbs (need more motor in ventral horn by upper limb)
where is lumbar enlargement
by lower limb (need more motor in ventral horn by lower limbs)
where does PNS originate from
neural crest cells
if you remove brain and spinal cord what would happen to peripheral nervous system
it wouldn’t work
if you take out brain and spinal cord what happens to enteric nervous system
would still function
where does development of eye come from
dianephalon (forebrain)
eye first starts as what
optic groove
optic stalk comes from what*****
forebrain - it is brain itself
identify the forebrain that makes optic stalk
pg 17
what does optic cup
sends induction signals to surface ectoderm & lens of eye
lens of eye is made of what
surface ectoderm
anterior cornea is made of what
surface ectoderm
inner layer of cornea is dervied fromw hat
neural crest cells
retina has what two layers
outer pigmented & inner neural layer
hyaloid artery has proximal and ____ part
as baby develops what happens to hyaloid artery
it breaks up into tiny pieces and floats in your eye for the REST OF YOUR LIFE
what happens to hyaloid artery in optic nerve
becomes central artery of retina
sclera originates from what
neural crest cells
cilliary muscle is derived from what
neural crest cells
what 3 muscles of eye violate the rule of where muscle orinates from
cilliary muscle, sphincter and dilator pupillae musle
sphincter and dilator pupillae musle are derived from what**
neural tube itself
choroid is derived from what**
neural crest cells
is chorid mesoderm in origina
no it is neural crest
what is unique about the pharyngeal arch #1
inside and outside are both ectoderm
outer ear comes from clef of what
pharyngeal arch 1
auricle of ear is fromed from what
auricular swellings from pharyngeal arches 1 & 2
what is unique about the tympanic membrane
only part of human body derived from all 3 germ layers
outside of ear is lined with what
inside ear is lined with what
inner ear is lined with what
oval window does not have what organization
the same as the rest of the ear - with all 3 germ layers, only the tympanic membrane has that
what is the lining of the entire middle ear
anything that comes off of middle ear like iditris or pharyngeal tympanic tube
inner ear is made of what
surface ectoderm
inner ear migrates and clicks into what
middle ear
all the parts of inner ear is derived from what
what happens if inner ear doesn’t migrate correctly
no inner ear & sensory deafness
what is the external ear mainly formed from
pharyngeal arch 1 goes in and forms what
external aucustic meatis and ultimately helps form the outer part of tympacni membrane
middle ear is lined with what
inner ear is lined with what
surface ectodermal
diencephalon comes from what
neural ectoderm
retina is what
forebraine - brian itself
does optic stalk have 3 layers of meninges
yes, retina is forebrain itself
what does posterior of ear
neural crest
sclera and choroid are not what
mesoderm (they are neural crest cells)
what does posterior of ear
neural crest(check on this, not sure if this is what he mean)
sclera and choroid are not what
mesoderm (they are neural crest cells)
neuroectoderm forms what
neural tube & neural crest cells
what else besides cephalic fold differentiates forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
headfold, tailfold, pontine
does the spinal cord 3 layers have the same size throughout its entire length
partially true, but there is cervical and lumbar enlargement
lateral ventirlces do what
shove everything downard, they have huge affect
neuropethelial layer wille ventually form what
ventricular layer
inner ear is derived from what
outer ear is lined with what