Trematodes Ovum And Etc Flashcards
ovoidal in shape measuring from 70 - 100 micra in length by 50 - 65 mira in width, the eggshell is thin and frequently has a rough beaded outer surface due to cellular debris adherent to it
on the side near one end is a depression from which extends a small spinose process which is sometimes called the small lateral tubercle
embryonated when laid, has a ciliated miracidium with attenuated anterior end creating the sloping shoulder within the shell
S japonicum
thin-walled saccular structure filled with germ cells
Sporocyst of japonicum
elongate pear shaped body with rounded end and a long trail
tail is characteristically bifid
cuticle of the body and tail is covered with minute spines except at the region of the anterior sucker and tips of the tail
Cercaria of japonicum
ovoidal in shape, measuring 155 by 60 miera, sometimes with S-like curve
yellowish brown, transparent shell with
a characteristic lateral spine
embryonated when laid with a ciliated miracidium
elongate, ovoidal in shape, measures 112 - 170 micra by 50 micra
light yellowish brown, transparent shell and has a distinct terminal spine
partly mature when laid with miracidium
in the tissues:
reaction in the tissues is similar to those of S. mansoni eggs
eggs appear to be spindle shaped with rounded anterior and conical posterior end
with a terminal spine
large, operculated, ovoid in shape
140 - 150 micra by 65 - 90 micra for ______
160 - 190 micra by 70 - 90 micra for_____
light yellow in color when laid (bile stained)
transparent shell with thin double walls
contains large mass of lecithin granules when freshly voided (immature when laid)
F. hepatica
F. gigantica
“thin-walled saccular structure filled with germ cells
Sporocyst of Fasciola spp
free-swimming, ciliated, 130 by 27 micra in size
has a cephalic papillae, eye spots, two flame cells and a rudimentary digestive tract
Miracidium of Fasciola spp
flask shape, yellowish brown and operculated
measures 35 to 20 micra
possess a terminal hooklike spine, resembling an electric bulb
operculum is smaller than the body of the shell, so that a characteristic shoulder is produced by the protruding shell like a lid of a teapot
fully embryonated when laid
Clonorchis ovum
oval in shape with an operculum resting on “shoulders”
28 by 16 micra in size
may or may not possess terminal tubercle-like knob
fully embryonated when laid
Opisthorchis ovum
yellowish brown ellipsoidal
measures 130 - 140 by 80 -85 micra
has a clear thick shell with a small operculum at one end
undeveloped when evacuated in the faces
Fasciolopsis buski ovum
ovoidal in shape, straw colored, operculated
immature when passed out in the feces
measures 83 - 116 micra by 58 - 69 micra
Echinostoma ovum
elongate structure which has anterior collar, rhabdicoele gut and a locomotor appendage
Echinostoma redia
has a body and a simple tail
anterior end will resemble an adult worm with them same number of circumoral spines
reproductive organs are still immature
Echinostoma Cercaria
minute, operculate, ovoidal, light brown in color
measures 28 to 30 micra by 15 - 17 micra
the shell has a slight shoulder at the rim of the operculum and sometimes a knob at the posterior end
fully embryonated when oviposited
Heterophyes eterophyes ovum
minute, ovoidal, operculate with a slight “shoulder”
measures 26 - 28 by 15 - 17 micra
fully embryonated when laid
Metagonimus ovum
oval in shape and golden brown
measures 80 by 55 micra
operculum is flattened, has thick shell
unembryonated when laid
Paragonimus ovum