AMOEBA Flashcards
Entamoeba coli
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba buetschlii
Entamoeba gingivialis
Entamoeba histolvtica
Trophozoite Stage (I & H preparation)
Shape: condensed, thickened, rounded
mass size: 15 - 50 micra
Entamoeba coli
cytoplasm is grayish violet; there is no clear demarcation between the ectoplasm and endoplasm
the endoplasm is highly vacuolated containing bacteria
the nucleus is spherical with thick nuclear membrane lined with coarse irregular chromatin granules or plaques; the karyosome is moderately large and eccentrically located
Entamoeba coli
Cystic Stage
shape: spherical
size: 10 - 33 micra
Entamoeba coli
smooth, definite, thick cystic wall
number of nuclei range from 1 - 8 rarely more with an eccentric karyosome
in younger cysts, chromatoidal bars with splintered ends and glycogen mass may be present
Entamoeba coli
1 & H preparation cytoplasm is granular, grayish violet
nuclei are clearly visible with dark stained eccentric karvosome
• if present, chromatoidal bodies are bluish black
• if present. glycogen mass is unstained
Entamoeba coli
NSS preparation
refractile cyst wall cytoplasm is colorless
nuclei are fairly visible as refractile rings
• if present, the chromatoidal bodies are refractile structures
• if present, the glycogen mass is a clear or empty space in the cvioplasm
Entamoeba coli
lodine preparation
• cytoplasm is yellowish brewn
• nuclei are clearly seen with eccentric karyosome
• if present, chromatoidal bodies are refractile
• if present, glycogen mass is dark brown in color
Entamoeba coli
Trophozoite Stage (I & H preparation)
shape: irregular
• size: small, 6 - 15 micra
Endolimax nana
cytoplasm is grayish-violet, vacuolated which may contain bacteria
there is small, spherical, single nucleus with a large irregular, central or eccentric karyosome
Endolimax nana
Cystic Stage
shape: oval
• size: 6 - 10 micra
Endolimax nana
smooth, definite cystic wall number of
nuclei ranges from 1-4
Endolimax nana
- I & H preparation
cytoplasm is grayish, granular
nuclei are visible as darkly stained dots
chromatoidal bodies occasionally seen as deeply stained, small, slightly curved rods
Endolimax nana
NSS preparation
refractile cyst wall
cytoplasm is colorless;
nuclei are faintly visible
Endolimax nana
lodine preparation
cytoplasm is yellowish
nuclei are visible as dots
glycogen mass is usually absent; if present, it is usually diffused with ill-
defined margins
Endolimax nana
Trophozoite Stage (I & H preparation)
shape: irregular
shape: 6 - 25 micra
Iodamoeba buetschlii
granular, vacuolated cytoplasm and vacuoles may contain bacteria and yeast cells
single, spherical nucleus with a large central or eccentric karyosome surrounded by an unstained halo
Iodamoeba buetschlii
Cystic Stage
Shape: irregular
size: 6 - 15 micra
Iodamoeba buetschlii
smooth, definite cystic wall
have a single nucleus, rarely with 2 nuclei
large glycogen vacuole
Iodamoeba buetschlii
1& H preparation
• vio et-gray granular cytoplasm
nucleus is visible
large glycogen vacuole is unstained
• chromatoidal bodies are usually absent; if present, they are seen as deeply stained small rods
Iodamoeba buetschlii
NSS preparation
• retractile, relatively thick cyst wall cytoplasm is colorless
• nuclei is not visible
glycogen vacuole is unstained or an empty space in the cytoplasm
Iodamoeba buetschlii
lodine preparation
cytoplasm is yellowish
nucleus may be visible
glycogen vacuole is clark brown
Iodamoeba buetschlii
Trophozoite Stage (I & H preparation)
Shape: irregular
shape: 5 - 35 micra
Entamoeba gingivialis
clear demarcation between the clear ectoplasm and granular endoplasm
endoplasm contains food vacuoles with bacteria and rarely RBC
possesses a single nucleus which is spherical in shape, karyosome is near the center
have multiple pseudopodia with progressive directional movement similar to E. histolytica
Entamoeba gingivialis
Trophozoite Stage (I & H preparation)
shape: irregular
shape: 10–60 micra
Entamoeba histolytica
cytoplasm is grayish violet with a clear demarcation between the ectoplasm and endoplasm
endoplasm is briefly granular with ingested bc which are bluish black in color
single, spherical nucleus; nucleus membrane is lined by fine, regularly arranged chromatin granules; karyosome is relatively small and centrally located
Entamoeba histolytica
Cystic Stage
shape: spherical
size: 5 - 20 miera
Entamoeba histolytica
smooth, definite, relatively thin cystic wall
the number of nuclei range from 1-4, rarely more, with a centrally located
in the younger cyst, the chromatoidal bars with rounded ends and glycogen mass may be present
Entamoeba histolytica
18 H preparation
cytoplasm is grayish violet, granular
the nuclei are clearly seen with dark stained central karyosome
if present, the chromatoidal bars are blue-black in color
if present, the glycogen mass is unstained
Entamoeba histolytica
NSS preparation
the cyst wall is refractile and relatively thin
the cytoplasm is colorless with a ground glass appearance nuclei are rarely visible, sometimes one may appreciate the outline of the nucleus
if present, the glycogen mass is a clear or empty space in the cytoplasm
if present, the chromatoidal bars are refractile
Entamoeba histolytica
ladine preparation
The cytoplasm is greenish yellow
The nuclei are clearly seen with central karyosome
If present, the chromatoidal bars are refractile
If refractile, the glycogen mass is dark yellowish brown in color
Entamoeba histolytica
The nucleus has a central karyosorne, RBC are found in the food vacuoles of the trophozoites
the cysts has 1-4 nuclei,
chromatid bars are with rounded ends
Entamoeba histolytica
The nucleus has a large eccentric karyosome
the cytoplasm of the trophozoite is dirty and highly vacuolated
the cyst has 1 - 8 nuclei
chromatoidal bars are with shard ends.
Entamoeba coli
The nucleus has a large irregular karyosome which is either centrally eccentrically located
the small cyst has 1 - 4 nuclei.
Endolimax nana
The nucleus has a large central or eccentric karyosome surrounded by an unstained halo
medium-sized, cyst with characteristic glycogen vacuole seen as an empty space.
Iodamoeba buetschlii
Usually binucleated
The nucleus is seen with a karyosome consisting of 4-8 chromatin granules
Only the trophozoite stage has been described.
Dientamoeba fragilis
The trophozoite is binucleated** with **4 pairs of flagella*
a pair of sucking discs
parabasal body
the cyst is football shaped with 1-4 nuclei and crossed fibrils.
Giardia lamblia
Trophozoite is pear shaped with a single nucleus, cytosome, spiral groove and flagella, cyst is unirrucleated with visible cytosome
Chilomastix mesnili