Trematodes Flashcards
The infective stage is_____
EXCEPT Schistosomes
Classification of Medically Important Trematodes
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Class Trematoda
Subclass Digenea
Classification of Ova
• Mature
Classification of Ova
• Fasciola
• Fasciolopsis
• Echinostoma
• Paragonimus
• Schistosoma
General Life Cycle of Trematodes
MS. RC Muñoz
Classification Based on
Location in Man
(Blood Flukes)
(Intestinal Fluke)
(Liver Flukes)
(Lung Flukes)
Blood Flukes
Schistosoma japonicum
Schistosoma mansoni
Schistosoma haematobium
- Skin penetration of cercaria
- Schistosomiasis japonicum or
Oriental schistosomiasis
Schistosoma japonicum
Intestinal Flukes (FEAH)
- Fasciolopsis buski (Giant Intestinal Fluke)
- Echinostoma ilocanum
- Artyfechinostomum malayanum
- Heterophyid Group
- ingestion of metacercaria on waterplants
Fasciolopsis buski (Giant Intestinal Fluke)
Fasciola hepatica (Sheep Liver Fluke)
- ingestion of metacercaria from snails
Echinostoma ilocanum
- ingestion of snail with infective stage (snail: Bullastra cumingtiana)
Artyfechinostomum malayanum
- ingestion of metacercaria from fishes
Heterophyid Group
Heterophyid Group
• H. heterophyes
• M. yokogawai
• H. taichui
• H. yokogawai
Liver Flukes (FCO)
- Fasciola hepatica (Sheep Liver Fluke)
- Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese Liver Fluke)
- Opisthorchis felineus (Cat Liver Fluke)
- ingestion of metacercaria in fish
Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese Liver Fluke)
- ingestion of metacercaria in fish
Opisthorchis felineus (Cat Liver Fluke)
Lung Flukes
- ingestion of metacercaria from crabs
- Paragonimus westermani (Oriental Lung Fluke)
Schistosome species
Schistosoma japonicum : Oriental blood fluke
Schistosoma haematobium: Visceral blood fluke
Schistosoma mansoni: Manson’s blood fluke
Parasitizes portal vein and its branches
Each female fluke deposits 500-2000 immature eggs/day
Schistosoma japonicum
Schistosoma japonicum in eternal copula
• Males have a _______ which receives the female during copulation
gynecophoral canal
S japonicum ova
• Ovoidal, rounded or pear-shaped
• Thin shell
• Pale yellow
• Curved hook / spine or lateral knob
• Laid in the multicellular stage and embryonate within 10-12 days
Schistosome Miracidium
• Hatches from the egg in slightly
alkaline clean water with a temp.
• Free swimming ciliated embryo liberated from the egg
• Phototactic
• Infect snails
25 oC to 31oC
Emerges from daughter sporocysts
Escapes from the snail
Has a body and a forked tail
Infects man by skin penetration
• Mother ______ develop from miracidium within the snail
Daughter sporocyst develops
from mother sporocyst
________ develop from daughter sporocyst
Sporocysts and Cercaria
Develops from cercaria after skin penetration
Adapted to survive in serum or physiologic saline at 37 °C
• Enter the pleural cavity—diaphragm— peritoneal space—penetrate the liver to reach the intrahepatic portions of the portal vein
Schistosoma manson
With Lateral spine
Schistosoma haematobium
• Note the terminal spine
• Eliminated with urine
Blood Flukes: Diagnosis Schistosomiasis
Rectal biopsy
Stool Examination Techniques
• Merthiolate-lodine Formalin
Concentration Technique (MIFC)
• Kato Katz Technique
Sensitive for moderate and heavy infections
Not adequate for light infections (less than 10 eggs/gram of stool)
Merthiolate-lodine Formalin
Concentration Technique (MIFC)
For enumeration of eggs
Most commonly used for evaluating epidemiology, effect of control measures, drug trials
Kato Katz Technique
Fasciola species
Fasciola hepatica
Sheep Liver Fluke
Temperate Liver fluke
Fasciola gigantica
Giant Liver Fluke
Tropical Liver Fluke
Clonorchis sinensis
(Chinese Liver Fluke)
Opisthorchis felineus (Cat Liver fluke)
Opisthorchis viverrini (South East Asian Liver Fluke)
Large, flat, brownish 3 x 1.5 cm o With OS and VS
Integument covered with scales; posterior end surface smooth
Alimentary system inverted Y-branched ceca with lateral branches
Fasciola hepatica / Fasciola gigantica
Operculated 140-150 × 65-90 micra (hepatica) 160-190 x 70-90 micra (gigantica)
Light yellow: bile stained
Transparent with thin double walls
Contain lecithin granules (immature)
Fasciola hepatica / Fasciola gigantica
Fasciola spp
1st IH
1st Intermediate Host
Lymnaea philippinensis
Lymnaea swinhoei
Fasciola spp
2nd IH
Ipomoea obscura (Kangkong)
Nasturtium officinale (water cress)
Fasciola species: Laboratory Diagnosis
Serologic tests
(RFLP) Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
size 11-20 um x 3- 4.5um
Translucent and brownish in color
Clonorchis sinensis
(Chinese Liver Fluke)
Bile stained with a smooth outer coat and is flask-shape
There are fully developed with miracidia and possess.
Prominent opercular shoulders
Measures 29 um x 16 um
Clonorchis sinensis
(Chinese Liver Fluke)
Clonorchis sinensis
1st Intermediate Host
• Bulimus
• Parafossarulus
• Semiculcoapira
• Alosinma
• Melanoides
Clonorchis sinensis
2nd Intermediate Host
2nd Intermediate Host
• Fish of the Family
Clonorchis sinensis : Diagnosis
Detection of parasite egg in stool
Clonorchis, Opistorchis and Hetrophyid ova may not be differentiated under ordinary light microscope
ELISA with crude Clonorchis sinensis antigen
Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
Polymerase Chain Reactions
• 7-12 um length
• They have two testes lying one behind the other in the posterior portion of the body
• The ovary is anterior to the testes and a uterus is coiled between ventral sucker
Opisthorchis felineus (Cat Liver fluke)
Opisthorchis viverrini (South East Asian Liver Fluke)
The egg measure 19-29 um long x
12-17 um wide
They have knob at the abopercular end that may be prominent, inconspicuous, or absent
Opisthorchis felineus (Cat Liver fluke)
Opisthorchis viverrini (South East Asian Liver Fluke)
Opisthorchis felineus (Cat Liver fluke)
Opisthorchis viverrini (South East Asian Liver Fluke)
1st Intermediate Host
• Bithynia
Opisthorchis felineus (Cat Liver fluke)
Opisthorchis viverrini (South East Asian Liver Fluke)
2nd Intermediate Host
Fish majority belonging to the Family Cyprinidae
Fasciolopsis buski
Heterophyid group
Echinostoma ilocanum
Giant Intestinal Fluke of man
Parasite of the intestines of humans and pigs
The viable metacercariae excyst in the duodenum and become mature in about three months
Fasciolopsis buski
MOT of Fasciolopsis buski
Mode of transmission is by ingestion of encysted metacercariae on aquatic plants
• Elongated
• Oval
• 20-75mm in length and 8-20 mm in width
• Covered with spines
• No cephalic cone
• Unbranched intestinal caeca which reach up to the posterior end
Fasciolopsis buski
• Yellowish brown
• Ellipsoidal
• 130-140 x 80-85 micra
• With clear thick shell
• Operculated
• Unembryonated when laid
Fasciolopsis buski
Fasciolopsiasis: Diagnosis
• Detection of parasite eggs in stool
• Resemble Fasciola eggs
• Provided with an operculum
Enumerate the 4 Heterophyids
• Many species live in the intestine of fish-eating hosts:
• Heterophyes heterophyes
• Metagonimus yokogawai
• Haplorchis taichui
• Haplorchis yokogawai
• Elongate, pyriform and grayish
• 1-1.7 x .3 - 4 mm
• Cuticle covered with scale like spines
• OS small, VS thick walled and muscular
• Genital sucker at left posterior border
• With 2 ovoid testes posterior 5th of body
• Subglobose ovary anterior of testis
• Vitellaria with large polygonal follicles in lateral posterior end
Heterophyid group
• Light brown in color
• Ovoid in shape
• Operculated
• A fully developed symmetrical miracidium is already present
• Operculum fits into the egg smoothly
• No abopercular protuberance like that of Clonochis sinensis ovum
Heterophyid group
MOT of Heterophyids
• Mode of transmission is by ingestion of
metacercariae encysted in fish
• Metacercariae in the abdomen excysts, liberating a larva that attaches to the intestinal wall
Clonorchis sinensis
1st IH
1st Intermediate Host
• Melania juncea
• Thiara riquetti (snails in the brackish water)
Clonorchis sinensis
2nd IH
2nd Intermediate Host
Chanos chanos(bangus)
Clarias batracus(hito)
Ophiacephalusstriatus (dalag)
Sigamus canalicatus (danggit)
Tilapia nilotica (tilapia)
And many other fishes that live in fresh water, brackish water.
Clonorchis sinensis
Laboratory Diagnosis
Detection of eggs in the stool using Kato Katz method
Care must be taken to distinguish them from Clonorchis and Opistorchis ova
Reddish gray
Horseshoe-shape collar of spines (circum oral disk) around the oral suckers
49-51 collar spines
Integument is covered by plaque like scales
Simple intestinal caeca
Echinostoma ilocanum
Color of Echinostoma ilocanum
Reddish gray
Similar to Fasciola and
Fasciolopsis buski ova
Echinostoma ilocanum
Echinostoma ilocanum ova is same with
Similar to Fasciola and
Fasciolopsis buski ova
Echinostoma ilocanum
1st IH
1st Intermediate Host
• Gyraulus convexiusculus
• Hippeutis umbilicalis
Echinostoma ilocanum
2nd IH
2nd Intermediate Host
• Pila luzonica (kuhol)
• Vivipara angularis (susong pampang)
Echinostoma ilocanum
Laboratory Diagnosis
Detection of characteristic eggs in the stool
Paragonimus westermani
• Hermaphroditic
• Body covered with spines
• Reddish brown
• Measures 4-6 mm in width and
3.5-5 mm in thickness
• Resembles a coffee bean
• Adult worms are found in pairs or in threes in fibrotic capsules or cysts in the lungs
Paragonimus westermani
Paragonimus westermani resembles a
Coffee bean
Yellowish brown
Operculated with thickened abopercular end
May be seen in the sputum or in feces if the sputum is swallowed
Paragonimus westermani
MOT of Paragonimus westermani
• Man gets infected after ingestion of raw or insufficiently cooked crabs harboring the metacercariae
Paragonimus westermani
1st IH
1st Intermediate Host
• Brotia asperata (snail)
Where miracidium develops into 1 sporocyst and 2 redial stages of development
Paragonimus westermani
2nd IH
2nd Intermediate Host
• Sundathelphusa philippina or
Parathelphusa grapsoides (former name)
Harbors the metacercaria that is infective to man
Paragonimus westermani is misdiagnoed with
Diagnosis of Paragonimiasis
Radiographs aid in diagnosis
Definitive diagnosis is based on the finding of ova in the sputum, stool or less frequently in aspirated material from abscesses or pleural effusions
Multi-dot ELISA
Eurytrema pancreaticum
Pancreatic fluke
Stout worm with ruffled margins
Oral sucker is larger than the ventral sucker
Eurytrema pancreaticum
Thick shelled
Dark brown in color
Embryonated when laid
Eurytrema pancreaticum
Eurytrema pancreaticum
1st Intermediate Host
• Macrochlamys indica (snail)
Eurytrema pancreaticum
2nd Intermediate Host
Technomyrmex deterquens(ant)
S .japonicum
Superior mesenteric vein
(and tributaries)
S. mansoni
Inferior mesenteric vein (and tributaries)
S. Haematobium
- vesical venous plexus
Purpose of knob
Attachment and penetration
How to see miracodium in kato katz?
Add 1% eosin dye