Giardia lamblia
Chilomastix mesnili
Trichomonas hominis
Trichomonas vaginalis
Dientamoeba fragilis
bilaterally symmetrical
rounded anteriorly and pointed posteriorly
Giardia lamblia
9.5 - 21 micra in length
5- 15 micra in width
2 - 4 micra in thickness
Giardia lamblia
cytoplasm is grayish violet, fairly granular
occupying the ventral portion is the sucking disc which is a pale stained shallow, slightly notched concavity
the 2 nuclei lying at the anterior portion, one on each side of the midline, are ovoidal in shape with a central darkly stained karyosome
Giardia lamblia
- blue black sausage-shaped slightly curved structure, the para-basal body, is usually seen lying obliquely just
posterior to the sucking disc posterior axonemes may be seen along the midline of the body of the parasite - flagella are rarely seen, if present, there are 4 pairs, rarely 5, and they appear as thin, threadlike filaments which are the lateral crossed flagella, lateral uncrossed flagella, central flagella, posterior flagella
Giardia lamblia
Cystic Stage
shape: ovoidal, football-shaped
Giardia lamblia
8 -12 micra in length
7 - 10 micra in width
Giardia lamblia
definite cystic wall with a clear separation between the wall and the cytoplasm (double-wall appearance)
- the number of nuclei range from 1-4, spherical in shape crossed fibrils arranged in parallel pairs are seen
Giardia lamblia
cytoplasm is grayish violet, granular
nuclei are spherical with central dark violet karyosome
crossed fibrils are cleep violet in color
Giardia lamblia
cytoplasm is greenish
nuclei are seen as black dots, occasionally as hollow structures crossed fibrils are seen as blackish threads
Giardia lamblia
IODINE Preparation
cytoplasm is yellow
nuclei appear as dots, occasionally hollow structures crossed fibrils appear as dark brown threads
Giardia lamblia
shape: asymmetrically pear-shaped
Chilomastix mesnili
size 6 - 20 micra in length, 2-10 micra in width
Chilomastix mesnili
cytoplasm is grayish violet, one may be able to see food vacuoles
single, spherical nucleus is located medially at the interior portion with a small darkly stained central karyosome
cystosome is rarely visible; if present, it is seen on one side of the nucleus and is rounded anteriorly and posteriorly with a median constriction
the spiral groove which runs obliquely long the veritral surface of the parasite is occasionally seen
the flagella are rarely seen; if present, there are 3 anterior flagella and are seen as fine, threadlike filaments
Chilomastix mesnili
shape: lemon-shaped with a nipple-like protuberance at the anterior portion
Chilomastix mesnili
7 - 10 micra in length
4.5 - 6 micra in width
Chilomastix mesnili
definite cystic wall is observed
cytoplasm is clearly separated from the
cyst wall at the anterior portion
one nucleus is present, occasionally 2
Chilomastix mesnili
1 & H preparation
cytoplasm is grayish violet, granular
the cytoplasm is separated from the cyst wall a the anterior portion
- nucleus and cystosome are clearly seen
Chilomastix mesnili
NSS preparation
- cytoplasm is colorless
nucleus is rarely visible; it seen, it appears as a black dot
Chilomastix mesnili
lodine preparation
cytoplasm is yellow
the nucleus and cystosorne may be seen
Chilomastix mesnili
Shape: pyriform
size: 5 - 14 micra (average 7 - 8 micra) in length, 7 - 10 micra in width
Trichomonas hominis
cytoplasm is grayish violet, finely granular
a single, ovoidal nucleus is seen at the anterior end with a central karyosome
the cytoplasm cleft is rarely visible, if seen, it is one side of the anterior end
the undulating membrane, located at the opposite side of the cytosome, is also rarely visible
the posterior end of the axostyle may be seen protruding through the posterior portion of the parasite
rarely seen are the flagella which are 3 - 5 anteriorly and an additional one on the margin of the undulating membrane
6 flagellates in total
Trichomonas hominis
shape: pyriform
size: 7 - 23 micra (average 13 micra) in length
Trichomonas vaginalis
cytoplasm is grayish violet, granular; one may see dark-stained siderophil granules
the single ovoidal nucleus is located anteriorly
the cytosome, found at one side of the anterior portion, is less conspicuous
a short undulating membrane at the opposite side of the cytosome is rarely visible
the axostyle may be seen extending posteriorly
the 4 anterior flagella and the fifth flagella found along the margin of the undulating membrane are rarely visible
6 flagella in total
Trichomonas vaginalis
• Found in the oral cavity
• Measures 5-14 um long
• One ovoid nucleus
• With five flagella, 4 extend anteriorly, one extends posteriorly
• Undulating membrane extending 2/3 of body length
Trichomonas tenax
• Cytoplasm contains a remarkably large amount of siderophil granules
• HABITAT: vagina and prostate gland
• Prefers slightly alkaline environment or somewhat more acid than that of healthy vagina
Trichomonas vaginalis
Up to 30 um long Ovoid, round, pear-shaped Stiff, rotary, directional One, ovoid All originating anteriorly:
3-5 extending anteriorly
one extending posteriorly Undulating membrane extending half of the body length
Trichomonas vaginalis
• Lives in the cecal region on the colon
• Has a well-defined trophozoite and cystic stage
5-25 um long, 5-10 um wide
Stiff, rotary, directional
One with small central or eccentric karyosome
No peripheral chromatin
Chilomastix mesnili
5-10 um long
Lemon-shaped, with a clear hyaline knob extending from the anterior end
One, with large central karyosome No peripheral chromatin
Retracted from the cell wall Well-defined cytostome located on one side of the nucleus
Chilomastix mesnili
shape: irregular
size 3 - 22 micra
Dientamoeba fragilis
cytoplasm is granular with vacuoles containing bacteria
nuclei, commonly 2 in number, with karyosome consisting of
4-8 chromatin granules
Dientamoeba fragilis
shape: ovoidal
size: 2. - micra in length
Leishmania donovani
cytoplasm is blue or violet
a single nucleus may be seen as a deeply stained dot in the cytoplasm
other structures like parabasal body, blepharoplast and axoneme are not visible
Leishmania donovani
Trypomastigote Stage
shape: spindle-shaped, characteristic C-shape
size: 20 micra in length
Trypanosoma cruzi
cytoplasm is bluish
a red or purple dot which is the kinetoplast may be seen at the posterior end of the parasite
the flagellum at the anterior end originates from the kinetoplast following the margin of the undulating membrane and becomes free at the anterior end is rarely visible
Trypanosoma cruzi