Trematodes Adult Flashcards
elongated, cylindrical in shape, measuring 12 - 20 mm by 0.5 - 0. 55 mm in greatest diameter
integument is nontuberculate;
gynecophoric canal is present oral and ventral suckers lie close together at the anterior end with the ventral sucker as a shallow cup suspended from a short base
S japonicum male
alimentary system consists of the mouth surrounded by the oral sucker, the esophagus, then the intestine which bifurcates in front of the ventral sucker and joins again in the last fourth of the body
has 7 (6-8) medium, ovoid, slightly lobate testes in single column near the anterior end of the worm, each provided with a short vas deferens emerging into the seminal vesicle before opening into the exterior through the genital pore
S japonicum male
elongate, cylindrical in shape measuring 6 - 14 mm by 1.1 mm
integument is grossly tuberculate
intestinal ceca unite early, in the anterior half of the body, united intestine is long
testes are small, 8 - 9 and are zigzag row.
S mansoni male
measures 14 mm by 0.25 mm
ovary is located in the anterior half of the body
uterus is short with usually 1 - 3 eggs
S mansoni female
elongate cylindrical in shape, measuring 19 - 15 mm by 0.8 - 1 mm
integument is covered with minute integumentary tuberculations (fine tuberculate)
intestinal ceca is long, reunite at the middle of the body
testes are in groups, 4-5 in number, found just behind the ventral sucker
S haematobium male
long and slender, measures 20 mm by 0.25 mm
suckers are small, subequal and not conspicuously muscular
ovary is in the posterior half of the body
uterus has 20 - 30 eggs at a time
other structures are similar to S. japonicum
S haematobium female
large, flat, brownish, leaf-shaped
Fasciola spp
the anterior end has a conical projection called the cephalic cone, giving the worm a shouldered appearance (_______has a shorter cephalic cone)
integument is covered with scales, but posterior surface may be smooth
Fasciola spp
F. gigantica
alimentary system has an inverted Y appearance, the branched intestinal ceca
bear a number of lateral compound branches
genital system is similar to the other trematodes
Fasciola spp
narrow, oblong, flat, tapering anteriorly and rounded posteriorly
measures 10 - 25 mm by 2– 3 mm
oral sucker is larger than the ventral sucker
ventral sucker is situated at the junction of the anterior and middle third of the body
simple blind intestinal ceca and extend to the caudal region
large testes which are deeply lobed, and found in the posterior third of the body, one behind the other
Chlonorchis sinensis
flat, elongated, aspinous, tapering anteriorly and rounded posteriorly
measures 5 - 10 by 1 - mm
oral and ventral suckers are about the same size
testes are lobate situated in the posterior fourth of the body
Opisthorchis viverrini
large, broadly ovate or oval, anterior end is narrower than the posterior end
measures 2 - 7.5 cm by 0.8 - 2 cm
ventral sucker is larger than oral sucker
resembles F. hepatica but does not possess any cephalic cone
alimentary tract is simple, but ceca do not bear any lateral branches
Fasciolopsis buski
small, elongate, oval, reddish gray fluke
measures 0.25 - 0.65 cm in length by 0.1 - 0.13 cm in width
anterior end has a circumoral disc surrounded with a crown of 49-51 spines, attenuated posteriorly
integument is covered with plaque-like scales
oral sucker is smaller than the ventral sucker
simple intestine of unequal length which extend to the subcaudal region
2 deeply lobed testes which lie one behind the other in the middle of the posterior body behind the globular ovary
vitellaria are medium-sized follicles in the lateral fields through the posterior ¾ of the body
Echinostoma ilocanum
elongate, pyriform, grayish fluke*
small size, measures 1 - 1.7 by 0.3 - 0.4 mm
cuticle is covered with fine scale-like spines
oral sucker is minute, ventral sucker is thick-walled, muscular and lies in the anterior part of the middle third of the body
the genital sucker is situated on the left posterior border of the ventral sucker
two ovoid testes side by side in the posterior fifth of the body
**subglubose ovary¥¥ anterior to the testes
vitellaria with large polygonal follicles in the lateral posterior third of the body
Heterophyes heterophyes
small, pyriform in shape with rounded posterior and tapering anterior end
measures 1 - 2.5 by 0.4 - 0.75 mm
the ventral sucker is deflected to the right of the midline
the 2 oval testes are located at the posterior third of the body
globose ovary is found at the junction of the middle and lower third of the body
coarse vitellaria in a fan-shaped distribution in the posterior lateral fields
Metagonimus yokogawai
thick, fleshy, egg-shaped
measures 01.8 - 1.2 cm by 0.4 - 6 cm
oral and ventral suckers are of the same size, the ventral sucker is situated near the middle of the body
integument has minute spines
testes are irregularly lobed, placed oblique to each other in the posterior third of the body
ovary is lobed located anterior to the testes
vitellaria in the extreme lateral fields along the entire length of the body
blind intestinal ceca have no lateral branches and extend to the caudal region
excretory vesicle is large ard extends from the posterior extremity to the anterior region dividing of the body into two equal parts
Paragonimus westermani