- sexual reproduction with the development of spores, taking place in the mosquito
- mature sexual cell
- the cell resulting from the union of the male and female gametes
- the motile vermicular zygote
- the form which develops within the sporocyst and infects the salivary
gland of the mosquito
- the asexual multiplication of sporozoa by fission, taking place in the
vertebrate host
- the vegetative or feeding stage of the parasite which contain one
nucleus and develops in the RBC
- a stage following the trophozoite stage of the parasite which contain one
nucleus and develops in the RBC
- the cell resulting from the final division of a schizont
GAMETOCYTE- a sexually differentiated but immature cell
a)_____ - immature female cell
b)_____ - immature male cell
- development of the parasite in the liver cells prior to entry into RBC
- the development of the parasite inside RBC
- stage of development of the parasite which takes place in the liver cells.
In this stage, the malarial parasites do not contain pigments.
(the infected RBC is enlarged)
A. Early trophozoite or ring form
• shape: delicate ring
size: 1/3 of the infected RBC
a single fine chromatin dot a ring of cytoplasm
Plasmodium vivax
Growing trophozoite (developing trophozoite)
shape: irregular or amoeboid
size: large
a single chromatin dot
cytoplasm is very irregular
may observe fine scattered malarial pigments in the cytoplasm of the parasite
Schuffner’s dots may be seen as stipplings in the cytoplasm of the RBC
Plasmodium vivax
Mature trophozoite
• shape: rounded, somewhat ambeboid
• size: the parasite almost fills up the infected RBC
a single chromatin or nucleus, larger dot and surrounded by vacuole
cytoplasm is rounded, occasionally it may appear arnoeboid with scattered pigments
Schuffner’s dots are present
Plasmodium vivax
Young Schizont
• shape: rounded or somewhat amoeboid
size: almost fills up the infected RBC
• structures:
chromatin divides into 2 masses
cytoplasm is rounded or slightly irregular with scattered pigments
Schuffner’s dots present:
Plasmodium vivax
Growing Schizont
shape: somewhat amoeboid
size: large, almost fills up the infected RBC
• structures:
chromatin dividing into several irregular masses
cytoplasm is sornewhat amoeboid with scattered pigments
Schuffner’s dots present.
Plasmodium vivax
Mature Schizont
shape: segrnented
• size: fills up the infected RBC
consists of merozoites 12 - 18 in number; a merozoite consists of a single chromatin and cytoplasm
pigrents are aggregated
Schuffner’s dots are present
Plasmodium vivax
• shape: rounded or oval, compact
• size: may fill up the infected RBC
• structures:
diffuse chromatin, absence of vacuole around the nucleus
cytoplasm is pale blue with abundant scattered coarse pigments
- Schuffner’s dots are numerous
Plasmodium vivax
shape: rounded or oval, compact
size: may fill up the infected RBC, usually larger than the microgametocyte
chromatin is compact, peripheral mass, absence of vacuole around the nucleus
cytoplasm is deep blue with coarse pigments. More pigments are found around the periphery of the cytoplasm of the parasite
Schuffner’s dots are abundant
Plasmodium vivax
Early trophozoite or ring form
shape: very delicate ring, multiple infection is common, appliqué forms are frequent
size: 1/5 of the infected RBC
fine chromatin dots, usually 2 bluish ring of cytoplasm
Plasmodium falciparum
shape: kidney-shaped with rounded ends
size: larger than the infected RBC
chromatin is diffused
cytoplasm is pale blue with abundant, scattered pigments
Plasmodium falciparum
• shape: crescent-shaped with rounded ends
• size: larger than RBC
compact chromatin is located near the center
the cytoplasm is dark blue with more compact pigments located near the center
Plasmodium falciparum
- Any Plasmadium with more than one nucleus is a schizont of (3).
_______schizonts are found in the visceral blood
P. vivax
P. ovale
P. malariae
P. falciparum
Any Plasmcidium with one nucleus, numerous hematin granules and almost fills up the infected RBC is a gametocyte of (3).
Gametocytes of P. falciparum are_____-shaped.
P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae
Any Plasmodium with one nucleus, with amoeboid cytoplasm and few pigments is a_______
growing trophozoite
The ring forms are morphologically characteristic for_____ but species identification cannot be made on this basis.
One has to see the different stages of the parasite.
Enlarged infected RBC is seen in ______ infection.
P. vivax
Schuffner’s dots are seen in_____.
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium vivax has more than____ chromatin masses in the mature schizont.
Plasmodia found inside normal sized infected BC with stages older than the ring form is______
Plasmodium malariae
Plasmodium with a band for cytoplasm is_____
Plasmodium malaria
If all the malarial stages found in the peripheral blood smear is of the ring form, these could be______
Plasmodium falciparum
A. Trophozoite stage
shape: large, ovoid, pointed anteriorly and broadly rounded posteriorly
size: 50 - 200 miera in length, 40 - 70 miera in width
Balantidium coli
entire body is covered with uniform length of short cilia
the cytostome, a slightly curved conical depression, is located at the anterior end
the cytopyge, a small opening at the posterior end is sometimes seen
the cytoplasm contains numerous food vacuoles with one or two contractile vacuoles
there are two nuclei, a large bean-shaped macronucleus and a micronucleus, a small rounded structure located at the curvature of the macronucleus
Balantidium coli
Cystic Stage
shape: rounded
size: 45 - 65 micra
Balantidium coli
- thick double walled cyst wall
cytoplasm is granula
the macronucleus and micronucleus are present
Balantidium coli