Treatment Flashcards
What is the treatment Plan for FVE
- Low Na/ restrict fluid
- I/O and daily weight
- Diuretics
- Bed rest induces diuresis
- Physical assessment
- Give IVF slowly to elderly
What is the treatment plan for FVD
- Prevent further loss
- Replace volume - PO (mild), IV (severe)
- Safety Precautions- High risk for falls, monitor for overload
Treatment for Hypermagnesemia
Calcium gluconate (antidote for mg toxicity)
Safety precautions
Treatment for Hypercaclemia
Move Fluids prevent kidney stone Sodium phosphate enema-drives P up and Ca goes down Steroids Add Phosphorus to diet safety precautions Vit D to use Ca Calcitonin decreases serum ca
Treatment for Hypomagnesemia
Increase Mg
Check Kidney function before giving Mg
Seizure precautions
Eat Mg
Treatment for Hypocalcemia
Vit D
Phosphate binders
IV Ca - but make sure client is on telemetry
Treatment for hypernatremia
Restrict Na
Dilute client with fluids
Daily weight/ I & O
Lab work
Treatment for Hyponatremia
Increase Na
Restrict water
If having neuro problems : Give Hypertonic solution
Treatment for Hyperkalemia
Calcium Gluconate
Glucose and Insulin
Sodium Polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexelate)
Treatment for Hypokalemia
Give potassium
Eat more potassium
Treatment for Respiratory Acidosis
- Fix breathing problem
- Treat pneumonia, get rid of secretions by postural drainage, percussion (vibration therapy), deep breathing exercise, suctioning, fluids, elevate HOB, and incentive spirometry
- pneumothorax
- Encourage post-op turn, ,cough and deep breathe every hour
Treatment for Respiratory Alkalosis
Do not wait for the kidneys to kick in Breathe into a paper bag May ask client to decrease respiratory rate treat cause monitor ABG's
Treatment for Metabolic Acidosis
Treat the problem
Drug to help acidosis, IV Na bicarb
Treatment for Metabolic Alkalosis
Fix problem
Replace Potassium
Treatment options for someone with burns
- Fluid replacement
- Emergency Management: blanket cool water, remove jewelry, patent airway, dry cloth
- Medications: Albumin
- Pain management: Lowest amount of narc to releve pain
- Grafting
- Immunization: Tetanus Toxoid, Immune Globulin
How often can we reharvest from a skin graft
12-14 days
Treatments for Cancer
Radiation - Internal (brachytherapy)/ External (teletherapy, beam radiation)
Treatment for? Electrosurgical excision Laser Cryosurgery Radiation and chemo for late stages Conization Hysterectomy
Tx for Cervical Cancer
Treatment for? Hysterectomy TAH (Total abd hysterectomy) Radical hysterectomy Radiation Chemo Estrogen inhibitors
TX for uterine cancer
Treatment for? Surgery chemo hormonal therapy radiation
Tx for Breast cancer
Treatment for?
Tx for Lung Cancer
Treatment for? Surgery Radiation Chemo Speech rehab
Treatment for Laryngeal Cancer
Treatment for?
Surgery, radiation, chemo
Treatment for colorectal cancer
Treatment for? Surgery Ileal conduit may be impotent hourly output increase fluids
Treatment for bladder cancer
Treatment for?
Watchful waiting
surgery- radical prostectomy
TURP(only for symptom)
Treatment for prostate cancer
Treatment for?
Treatment for Stomach Cancer
Treatments for? Anti-thyroids Ioidine compounds Beta Blockers Radioactive Iodine Surgery
Treatment for hyperthyroidism
Treatment for?
Levothyroxine, thyroglobulin, liothyronine
Treatment for hypothyroidism
Treatment for?
IV calcium
Rangel, phosphorus binding drugs
What can you do as a treatment optionf or someone with pheochromocytoma
surgery to remove tumours
What do you do for someone with addisson’s disease
Combat shock (losing sodium and water) Increase Na in diet processed fruit juice/ broth I/O and daily weight Placing on mineralcorticoid drug (Fludrocortisone.. it's aldosterone)
Treatment for?
Adrenalectomy (unilateral or bilateral)
Quiet environment
diet pre-treatment: Increased K, Decrease Na, increased Protein, and increased Ca.
Treatment for cushing’s disease
Treatment for type I diabetes
Treatment for type II
start with diet and exercise then add oral agents, and maybe insulin
Treatment for DKA
Find the cause hourly sugar and K check IV insulin ECG Hourly outputs ABGs IVF--> NS, then switch to D5W to prevent hypoglycemia
Treatment for Chronic stable angina
1) Nitroglycerin Sublingual
2) Beta Blockers (for prevention of angina)
3) Calcium channel blockers (prevention of angina)
4) Asprin
5) Client teaching to rest, avoid overeating, dress warm etc..
If a major arrhythmia occurs as a result of Acute coronary syndrome what is priority treatment for V-FIB
If that doesn’t wrok, give Epinephrine (vasopressor)
Also Amiodarone and lidocaine are anti-arrhythmias
Watch for Hypotension with amiodarone and
Lidocaine Toxicity: Neuro changes with lidocaine
What drugs are used for treatment in ED for MI
Aspirin -chew
What position do you need the patient to be if they have an MI
Head up position as it decreases workload of Heart and Increases CO
Treatments for Acute Coronary syndrome
1) Fibronolytics-
2) Medical Interventions- PCI, CABG
3) Cardiac Rehab
A patient is on: 1) Ace Inhibitors 2) ARBS 3)Digitalis 4)Diuretics What are these used for
Treatments for HF
A patient is is on: - O2 -Diuretics -Nitroglycerin -Morphine -Nesiritide What are these used for
Treatment for Pulmonary Edema
What position do you put someone who has Pulmonary edema
Upright, legs down
How do you prevent pulmonary edema
Auscultate lung sounds and avoid excess fluid
Treatment for Cardiac Tamponade
Remove blood from around the heart
Arterial disorders of lower extremity are treated with
Angioplasty or endarterectomy
Treatment for chronic arterial insufficiency
Treatment for chronic venous insufficiency
When someone is on a low protein, low sodium and high carb diet.
As well as monitoring I/O, dialysis and diuresing
Treatment for glomerulonephritis
When someone is getting a high protein, low sodium diet. Ace inhibiotors, corticosteroids, and lipid lowering drugs as well as anticoagulants and dialysis
Treatment for nephrotic syndrome
When someone is receiving Extracorporeal shock wave lithiotripsy (ESWL) and is receiving ketorolac, ondaserton, and hydromorphone what is this commonly treated for
Kidney Stones
What is the treatment goal for pancreatitits
Control Pain
How do we control pain in pancreatitis
- decrease secretions: NPO, NGT to suction, bed rest
- Pain meds
- Steroids
- anticholinergics
- pantoprazole
- H2 receptor antagonists
- Antacids
- Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
- Maintain nutritional status (TPN)
- Insulin (pancreas not making it, steroids given and TPN)
- Check weights
- Eliminate alcohol
If someone is on antacids, vitamins, diuretics
we are monitoring daily weights and I/O
having them on bleeding precautions and measuring abdominal girth
They have cirrhosis
When someone is on lactulose, they are given cleansing enemas, have low protein diet and are monitored for ammonia
They have hepatic coma
When someone is receiving blood, is being monitored for VS, CVP, receives oxygen, octreotide, is having a balloon tamponade put in, has cleansing enemas, gets lactulose and is receiving saline lavage….what are they getting treatment for
Esophogeal varices
If someone is on: 1) Antacids 2) PPI 3) H2 antagonist and are told to decrease stress, stop ssmoking, avoid caffeine, and should be seen after a year what are they treated for?
Peptic Ulcer
When someone is receiving: 1) Small frequent meals 2)Has to sit up 1 hour after eating 3) Has to have an elvated HOB and is taught a healthy diet and lifestyle change, what could they have
Hiatal hernia
Someone who can sit semi-recumbent with meals, lies down after meals, has no fluids with meals, has frequent small meals and avoids foods high in carbs and electrolytes, what are they treated for?
Dumping Syndrome
When someone receives low fiber diet, and avoids hot/cold foods and smoking… as well as receive antidiarrheal, anitibiotics, steroids what is this person treated for?
Ulcerative colitis, Chron’s
What kind of surgery can a person with ulcerative colitis receive
Total colectomy (ileostomy is formed) Koch's ileostomy or J pouch (no external bag)
What kind of treatment can a person with Chron’s receive
They try not to do a surgery for a patient with Chron’s but they may remove the affected area, client may end up with an ileostomy or colostomy.