Burns Flashcards
What happens after a burn occurs
- Increased cap permeability
- Fluid rushes out of vascular space –> FVD–>increase pulse
- Cardiac output decreases & U/O decreases–>Less volume in vascular space
What is secreted after a burn occurs
- Epinephrine and it casues vasoconstriction
2. ADH and Aldosterone as it causes the body to retain sodium and water to increase blood volume
Most comon airway injury?
What does this cause?
Where does it occur?
What treatment?
Carbon Monoxide
Head, neck, face, chest
oxygen 100%
What is a common formula for burn injury
Rule of Nine's Head and Neck 9% Trunk front and back 18% each Arm 9% each Leg 18% each
What is the Parkland Formula
(4ml of LR) * (Body weight in KG) * (% of TBSA burned) = total fluid requirement for the first 24 hours after burn
In the first 8 hours= 1/2 of total volume
In the second 8 hours= 1/4 of total volume
In the third 8 hours = 1/4 of total volume
What are some complications of burns?
Circumfential burns: burns all the way around eg. arm
Decrease urine output and then increased
Stress Ulcers
What relieves pressure and restores circulation and cuts through eschar
What relives pressure and restores circulation, but cut is deeper into tissues cuts through eschar and fascia
What are some circulatory checks
- Colour
- Temp
- Pulse
.4. Cap refill
What do you do if the color of the urine was brown or red
Call the Physician
What drug is used to flush out kidney
For someone who has a burn what does the physcian order in terms of diet and why?
NPO and NG suction to decrease the chances of developing a paralytic ileus
What lab work should you be checking to ensure proper nutrition and positive nitrogen balance?
Pre-albumin levels, total protein and albumin
When there is damage to epidermis what is this burn
First degree- superficial thickness
When there is damage to entire epidermis and varying depths of dermis
second degree- Partial thickness
When there is damage to the entire dermis and sometimes fat
third degree- full thickness
How do you prevent contractures
Splints/ wrap each finger separately/ hyperextend neck, head is back, no pillows, promote chin to chest
What likes to grow in eschar
What type of isolation for a burn patient
Positive/reverse isolation
What are sutilanis or collagenase used for
Enzymatic drugs they eat dead tissue
What can also be used to debride wound
What do you do if someone has had a chemical burn
Flush it for 15-20 minutes
What do you do if someone has had an electrical burn
Monitor heart for 24 hours
What arrhythmias are clients with electrical burn at risk for
What can build up as a result of electrical burns? what can this cause
Myoglobin and hemoglobin–> Kidney damage
Gait problems
Neuro deficits
These are complications of what type of wound