Transportation Flashcards
DOT label Yellow-III allows what surface dose rate when the package is shipped non-exclusive use?
between 50 mrem/hr and 200 mrem/hr
DOT label Yellow II allows what radiation dose rate on the surface?
0.5 mrem/hr to 50 mrem/hr
DOT label White I allows what dose rate at 1 meter?
None above background
DOT label White I allows a dose EQ on the surface of the package:
Less than 0.5 mrem/hr
DOT classifies radioactive material as hazardous when their specific activity exceeds:
Nuclide specific values: 49 CFR 173
DOT label Yellow II allows what radiation dose at 1 meter
Up to 1 mrem/hour
Highway route controlled quantity is a type B quantity of radioactive material which is _____ times the applicable “A” value or _____ curies, whichever is less.
3000 : 27,000
Limit for loose alpha contamination for packages to be shipped in a non-exclusive use conveyance? Beta?
Alpha: 24 dpm/cm^2 Beta/gamma: 240 dpm/cm^2
Maximum allowable exposure rate at contact of any external surface of an exclusive use vehicle transporting radioactive material is
200 mR/hr. The limit at 2 meters from the surface of the vehicle is 10 mR/hr
The specific activity which represents the DOT-regulated radioactive material lower limit is
For an exclusive use, closed transport shipment of a radioactive materials package, at what level does external package removable beta/gamma contamination become unacceptable upon arrival at the consignee’s facility?
24,000 dpm. Regs allow package surface contamination levels up to 100 times the normal limits upon arrival if the package is transported exclusive use, closed transport.
TI max for passenger aircraft
Exclusive use MAX surface exposure
1000 mrem/hr