Safety Flashcards
Radiation that possesses the ability to remove electrons from atoms by a process called?
Effects of radiation on the body being irradiated
Somatic effect
Effects of radiation on the genetic code of a cell; affects the next generation
Genetic effects
Radiation contained in the unpolluted environment
Natural back ground radiation
Man made radiation
Artificially produced radiation
Radiation exiting the tube
Primary radiation
X-rays emerge from the patient and strike the ir
Exit radiation
Absorption and scatter of the X-ray beam as it passes through the patient
X-ray beam that contains photons of many different energies
Heterogenous beam
Absorption of X-ray photons in the atoms of the body
Photoelectric effect
Scatter of X-ray photons from the atoms of the body
Compton effect
Unit of exposure
Air kerma
Unit of absorbed dose; measured in joules
Radiation absorbed by air
Absorbed by tissue
Unit of effective and equivalent dose
Unit of activity
Makes recommendations on equipment design and protection regarding lead shielding and exposure rates
NCRP report #102
Defines annual exposure limits, makes recommendations pertaining to risk benefit analysis of radiation exposure
NCRP #116
Upper boundary dose that can be absorbed, either in a single exposure or annually, with a negligible risk of somatic and genetic damage to the individual
Effective dose limit
Lifetime occupational exposure must not exceed the radiographer age times by 10 msv
Cumulative effective dose
Equal to the effective dose multiplied by the weighting factor
Equivalent dose
Concept of radiologic practice that encourages radiation users to adopt measures that keep the dose to the patient and themselves at minimal level
Randomly occurring effects of radiation; the probability of such effects is proportional to the dose
Stochastic effect
Effects of radiation that become more severe at high levels of radiation exposure and do not occur below a certain threshold
Deterministic effects
Amount of energy deposited by radiation per unit length of tissue
Linear energy transfer
Ability to produce biological damage directly proportional to LET
Relative biological effectiveness
Effect that occurs when radiation directly strikes DNA in the cellular nucleus
Direct effect
Effect that occurs when radiation strikes the water molecules in the cytoplasm of the cell
Indirect effect
Effect that occurs as radiation energy is deposited in the water of the cell:
Radiolysis of water
Erroneous information passed to subsequent generations via cell division
Cells are most sensitive to radiation when they are immature, undifferentiated, and rapidly dividing
Law of bergonie and tribondeau
Cardinal principles of radiation protection
Distance time shielding
Best protection against radiation exposure