Radiation Protection COPY Flashcards
Ensure that radiation exposure activities are
Useful and justifiable
Limit individual risk by establishing a
Maximum dose limit
In order to minimize the potential risk of biological effects associated with radiation,
Dose limits and guidelines are established
ALARA stands for
As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Integral part of all activities that involves the use of radiation or radioactive materials
ALARA concept
ALARA includes
Design, construction and operations of existing and future facilities
Reducing both internal and external exposure to ionizing radiation
Means that the risk from receiving the exposure is worth the net benefit of the activity
Related to balancing the assumed risks of radiation exposure against the benefit of performing the work
ALARA effort
Concept of ALARA
“There should not be any occupational exposure of workers to ionizing radiation without the expectation of an overall benefit from the activity causing the exposure”
ALARA means
Preventing unnecessary exposure as well as overexposure
Implementation of the ALARA concept
Responsibility of all employees
Success of the ALARA program depends on
Each radiological worker’s attitude and actions
Minimize radiation exposure to levels that are
ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable)
Hazards can occur
both external and internal source
includes radionuclides that are inhaled, ingested and absorbed through the skin or inhaled through a break in the skin
Internal hazards
All types of radiation except alpha which cannot penetrate unbroken, intact skin
External sources
Three protective measures from external radiation is also known as
Cardinal Principles of Radiation Protection
The Three protective measures from external radiation
Primarily used to reduce and minimize the dose received from external radiation source
Three protective measures from external radiation
Used for reducing the intake of radioactive material, thereby reducing internal dose
Time and Distance
Relationship of dose received by patient to the length of time spent in the field
Directly proportional
Increasing distance will result to
decreased exposure
Dose-Distance Relationship
“Double the Distance Quarters the Dose”
Dose of radiation from an external radiation source is
Inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source
Increased distance may also
decrease airborne radioactivity levels
Radioactive material in any chemical or physical form that is dissolved, mixed, suspended or otherwise entrained in air
Airborne radioactive materials or airborne radioactivity
____ between source and workers reduces exposure
One of most effective ways to reduce external radiation exposures
Types of shielding depends upon
type of radiation and its penetrating power
Use permanent shielding such as
non-radiological equipment/structures
Use shielded containment such as
glove boxes
Can only be installed when procedures are used
Temporary shielding
Once temporary shielding is installed
it cannot be removed without proper authorization
another method of reducing radiation dose
Source reduction
Source reduction normally includes procedures such as
- flushing radioactive systems, decontamination
- careful selection of materials used in and around activation sources
- practicing good housekeeping in radiological areas
ICRP meaning
International Commission on Radiological Protection
helps to prevent cancer and other disease and effects associated with exposure to ionizing radiation
ICRP has developed, maintained and elaborated the
International System of Radiological Protection
Used worldwide as the common basis for radiological protection standards, legislation, guidelines, programmes and practice
International System of Radiological Protection
International System of Radiological Protection has been developed by ICRP based on
i. current understanding of the science of radiation exposures and effects
ii. value judgements
Take into account societal expectations, ethics and experience gained in application of the system
Value judgements
Has established fundamental radiation protection principles and recommendations
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements
ICRU originally known as
International X-Ray Unit Committee
later as: International Committee for Radiological Units
ICRU was conceived at
First International Congress of Radiology (ICR) in London 1925
ICRU officially came into being at
ICR-2 Stockholm 1928
ICRP and ICRu were established in
1928 by Second International Congress of Radiology
NCRP means
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
has been active in the areas of radiation protection and measurements since its inception “The Advisory Committee on X-Ray and Radium Protection” in 1929
States its objectives as follows:
- collect, analyze, develop and disseminate in the public interest information and recommendations about radiation protection
Charter of the Council
United Nation Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
response to widespread concerns about the effects of radiation on human health and the environment
become the world authority on global levels and effects of ionizing radiation
IAEA means
International Atomic Energy Agency
created in 1957 in response to the deep fears and expectations resulting from the discovery of nuclear energy
works for the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology
Main work areas of IAEA
- Nuclear Technology and Application
- Nuclear Safety and Security
- Safeguards and Verification
PNRI means
Philippines Nuclear Research Institute
PNRI is mandated to
- undertake research and development activities
- to institute regulations and to carry out the enforcement of said regulations to protect health and safety of radiation workers
PNRI provides
film badge and thermoiluminescent dosimetry (TLD) personal monitoring services nationally
PNRI maintains and operates a _____
Secondary Standards and Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL)
PNRI maintains and operates the national
Radioactive Waste Management Center
regulatory agency for radioactive materials
Formerly known as Bureau of Health Devices and Technology (BHDT)
Center for Device Regulation, Radiation Health, and Research (CDRRHR) of the Department of Health
the regulatory agency for electrical/electronic devices emitting ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
Center for Device Regulation, Radiation Health, and Research (CDRRHR)
approved the revised recommendations for a system of radiological protection
Main Commission of the ICRP on March 21, 2007
latest publication of ICRP
ICRP Publication 103
Three Key Principles of Radiological Protection
- Principle of Justification
- Principle of Optimization of Protection
- Principle of Application of Dose Limits
situations involving the planned introduction and operation of sources
Planned exposure situations
Unexpected situations such as those that may occur during the operation of a planned situations or from a malicious act requiring urgent attention
Emergency exposure situations
exposure situations that already exist when a decision on control has to be taken, such as those caused by natural background radiation
Existing exposure situations
The Commission continues to distinguish among:
- occupational exposures
- public exposures
- medical exposures of patients