Trachea Flashcards
Tracheal collapse syndrome often is a ______ condition, requiring both _____ and _____ radiographs for detection.
inspiratory and expiratory

tracheal ratio
Technique used to objectively measure the size of the tracheal lumen by comparing the width of the trachea to the width of the thoracic inlet at the level of a line connecting the first sternebra and first thoracic vertebra on a lateral thoracic radiograph. Noraml= 20%, Brachycephalic breeds= 16%, BD= 10%

tracheoesophageal stripe sign (a.k.a tracheal stripe)
Occurs when the esophagus contains gas and the ventral esophageal wall blends with the dorsal tracheal wall to mimic false thickening of the tracheal wall (sign indicates presence of gas in the esophagus). Other name; tracheal stripe sign.

A radiographic contrast study of the lumen of the trachea.
The trachea may appear falsely narrowed due to orientation to x-ray beam and superimposition of the ____ ____ ____. The thoracic protion of the trachea is positioned just ____ of membrane in a properly positioned DV/VD radss)
dorsal tracheal membrane.

Weakness in tracheal cartilage results in _____ ____ of tracheal rings, elongation of _____ tracheal membrane, and _____ of trachea.

outward flaring

Mainstem bronchi may also be affected and usually collapses near the _____.
Most often reported in older (usually 6-7 years but sometimes as early as 1 year) toy and miniature breed dogs. (Yorkshire, Terriers, Poodles, Chihuahuas and Pameranians). Rarely seen in cats and large breed dogs.

Collapse of cervical trachea tends to occur during inspiration due to decreased _____ _____.
Thoracic treacheal collapse tends to occure during expirations due to increased _____ _____.
pumonary pressure
extralumenal pressure

masses near heart base (left atrial dilation, lymphadenopathy) can compress caudal tracheal and bronchi, aggravating _____ ____.
Collapse syndrome.
What is Brachycephalic Syndrome?

Short-Nose Breeds, Stenotic Nares, Pinched Nose, Elongated Soft Palate, Soft Palate Elongation, Everted Laryngeal Saccules, Laryngeal Collapse, Tracheal Hypoplasia, Hypoplastic Trachea
Males are more often affected than females

Clinical signs of brachycephalic syndrome are:
Dogs with elongated soft palates generally have a history of noisy breathing, especially upon inspiration (breathing inward). Some dogs will retch or gag, especially while swallowing. Exercise intolerance, cyanosis (blue tongue and gums from lack of oxygen), and occasional collapse are common, especially following over-activity, excitement, or excessive heat or humidity. Obesity will aggravate the problems. Many dogs with elongated soft palates prefer to sleep on their backs. This is probably because this position allows the soft palate tissue to fall away from the larynx. The signs associated with stenotic nares and everted laryngeal saccules are similar.

Radiographic findings of hypoplastic trachea are:
- Trachea may be thickend and ill-defined.
- Mainstem bronchi may be larger than trachea
- Thickening of bronchial walls is common
- Cross section shape of tracheal lumen often is more rounded than elliptical shape on skyline view.

DDF for tracheal collapse:
- Redundant dorsal tracheal membrane
- Hypoplastic trachea
- Tracheal stenosis
- Tracheal mass
What is the hilus of the trachea? How many cartilage rings line the trachea and which way does the open C shape face? What holds the rings together?
The area where the mainstem bronchi enter the lungs
band of muscular tissue that extends along the entrie length of the trachea

Tracheal width is the distance from ______ to ______.
Another way to evaluate the normal tracheal size is to note that the width should be ~ 3x the ______ 1/3 of the ____ rib.
mucosa to mucosa (internal width)
width 3rd