TOPIC 22 Flashcards
Tarsal extensors
M. Tibialis caudalis
M. flexor digitorum superficialis
Tendo calcaneus comunis
3 parts
- ) Tendon of Gastrocnemius
- ) Tendon of Superficial Digital flexor
- ) Accesory tendon from.3 muscles
- M.semitendinosus
- M.biceps.femoris
- M.gracilis
●Popliteal artery - Supplying the gastrocnemius and popliteal m. - Terminates as crani/caudal arteries. - From a.femoralis ●Caudal tibial artery - Running with tibial nerve - From a. poplitea - Connection with A.genus dist med? ●Saphenous artery - Cranial and caudal branch Cranial: Anastomose with superficial branch of cranial tibial artery
One of the terminating branches of the sciatic n.
Pass inbetween two heads of gastrocnemius m.
Supplies the muscles caudal to tibia and fibula
Procimally to the hook - devides into medial and lateral plantar nerves
Caput laterale and Caput mediale
O: Med/lat fossa supracondylaris of femur
I: Tendo calcanei communis -> Tuber calcanei
A: Extends tarsus and hook, flex stifle
N: N.tibialis
M.flexor digitorum sulerficialis
Covers common calcanei tendon
Forms galea calcanea
O: Fossa supracondyralis of femur, between the lateral and medial head of gastrocnemius
I: On the.2nd phalanx of digits II - V
(Ph2, Dig II - V, tuber calcanei (galea))
A: Flex the chief digits, Extends hook, flex stifle
M.Tibialis caudalis
O: caudally on head of fibula
I: medially at tarsus it radiates into tarsal fascia
A: extends tarsus