Timeline history Flashcards
Ordinance of 1785
provided for the rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest. Daniel Elazar called the rectangular survey has been called “the largest single act of national planning in our history and the most significant in terms of continuing impact on the body politic”.
First “model tenement”
built in Manhattan1855
opened lands of the Public Domain to settlers for a nominal fee and five years residence.
1862 Homestead Act
1864 New York Council of Hygiene of the Citizens Association
mounts a campaign to raise housing and sanitary standards.
First major tenement house law (New York) restricting physical conditions.
prohibits specific obnoxious uses in certain districts–beginning of land-use zoning in U.S.
1867 San Francisco
A form of multifamily housing widely built in New York, and notorious for poor living conditions (lack of light, air, space).
1879 “Dumbbell Tenement”.
A source of the City Beautiful Movement and of the urban planning profession.
1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago
the legislative basis for the revision of city codes that outlawed tenements such as the “Dumbbell Tenement
1901 New York State Tenement House Law
first English Garden City, is constructed. This is a stimulus to the New Town movement in America.
1903 Letchworth
plan developed for Cleveland, by Daniel
H. Burnham.
1903 First local “civic center”
First comprehensive city survey,
1907 Pittsburgh
Plan for San Francisco and the first application of “City Beautiful” principles to a major American city.
1906 Daniel Burnham’s
First official, local, and permanent planning board
1907 Hartford, Connecticut
First National Conference on City Planning in Washington, D.C
First State Enabling Act
1909 Wisconsin
Plan of Chicago
1909 Daniel Burnham
Carrying Out the City Plan is the first major American textbook on planning
1913 Flavel Shurtleff’s
first private planning consulting firm, located in New York City and created by George B. Ford and Earnest P. Goodrich
1913 Technical Advisory Corporation
first state to make planning mandatory for local governments
1913 Massachusetts
first full-time municipally employed planner
Harland Bartholomew
Cities in Evolution, a foundation for regional planning theory
1915 Patrick Geddes
The National Park Service
Planning of the Modern City
1916 Nelson P. Lewis
First federal-aid highway act
becomes first president of newly founded American City Planning Institute, forerunner of the American Institute of Planners and the American Institute of Certified Planners.
1917 Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.
First parkway in America completed
1919 Bronx River Parkway, New York
first statewide citizens organization in support of planning
1919 Ohio Planning Conference
first historic preservation commission in the U.S.
1921 New Orleans
Vieux Carre Commission