Miscellaneous Flashcards
First National Planning Conference
1909, held at the National Conference on City Planning and Congestion Relief in Washington, D.C.
First City Planning Course
1909, the first city planning course was taught in Harvard’s Landscape Architecture Department.
Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago
1912, Walter Moody. Adopted as an eighth-grade textbook by the Chicago Board of Education. This is the first known formal instruction in city planning below the college level.
Carrying Out the City Plan
1914, Flavel Shurtleff. The first major textbook on city planning.
American City Planning Institute of Planners (ACIP)
Founded in 1917. Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., was ACIP’s first president.
American Institute of Planners (AIP)
1939 renaming of American City Planning Institute of Planners (ACIP)
First issue of City Planning
In 1925, published by the American City Planning Institute and the National Conference on City Planning This was the predecessor to the current Journal of the American Planning Association.
American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO)
Founded 1934
Code of Ethics
Adopted by American Institute of Planners AIP in 1971
First exam for American Institute of Planners AIP membership
Administered in 1977
American Planning Association was created
1978, merger of American Institute of Planners AIP and American Society of Planning Officials ASPO
First land use zoning restrictions on the location of noxious uses.
1867, San Francisco
First local civic center plan in the U.S.
1903, Cleveland. Daniel Burnham, John Carrere, and Arnold Brunner led the development.
First major American city to apply City Beautiful principles
1906, San Francisco. Daniel Burnham developed.
First town planning board
1907, Hartford Connecticut
First metropolitan regional plan
1909, Chicago by Daniel Burnham.
First city to use land use zoning to guide development.
1909, Los Angeles.
First state to pass enabling legislation
1909, Wisconsin
First full-time employee for a city planning commission,
Harland Bartholomew was hired in Newark, New Jersey in 1914. Became famous planning consultant
First comprehensive zoning code
1916, NYC. Written by Edward Bassett
First regional planning commission
1922, LA County
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act
1924, issued by Secretary Herbert Hoover of the U.S. Department of Commerce
First major U.S. city to adopt a comprehensive plan
1925, Cincinnati. Alfred Bettman, Ladislas Segoe.
Standard City Planning Enabling Act.
1928, issued by Secretary Herbert Hoover of the U.S. Department of Commerce
The first U.S. National Planning Board
- It was later renamed the National Resources Planning Board and then abolished in 1943.
The first federally supported public housing constructed
Atlanta, 1934 (?)
First state to introduce statewide zoning
Hawaii, 1961. Later amended in 1978.
How the Other Half Lives
Jacob Riis, published in 1890. This book resulted in housing reform in New York City.
Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform
Ebenezer Howard, published in 1898. This book initiated the Garden City movement.
Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago
Walter Moody, published in 1912. This book was adopted as a textbook for eighth graders in Chicago.
Carrying Out the City Plan
Flavel Shurtleff, published in 1914. This book was the first major textbook on city planning.
Cities in Evolution
Patrick Geddess, published in 1915. This book centers on regional planning, and Geddes is known as the “father of regional planning.”
Planning of the Modern City
Nelson Lewis, published in 1916.
Local Planning Administration
Ladislas Segoe, published in 1941. This book was the first in the Green Book Series produced by the International City/County Management Association.
Urban Land Use Planning
F. Stuart Chapin, published in 1957. This book became a common textbook on land use planning.
Image of the City
Kevin Lynch, published in 1960. This book defines basic concepts within the city, such as edges and nodes
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
Jane Jacobs, published in 1961. Jacobs provided a critical look at planners and planning, with a special focus on the mistakes of urban renewal.
Silent Spring
Rachel Carlson, published in 1962. This book focuses on the negative effects of pesticides on the environment.
The Urban General Plan
TJ Kent, published in 1964.
With Heritage So Rich
edited by Alfred Reins, published in 1966. This is a seminal book on historic preservation.
Design with Nature
Ian McHarg, published in 1969. This book focuses on conservation design using an overlay technique that was later the basis of GIS.
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces
William Whyte, published in 1980. This book promotes the use of environmental psychology and sociology in urban design.
Erie Canal built in what year?
Union Pacific RR and Central Pacific RR joined in Utah in what year?
Where and when was the first US subway built?
Boston 1897
Where and when was the first historic preservation commission?
Vieux Carrie, New Orleans 1921
Where and when we’re the first off street parking regulations enacted?
Columbus Ohio 1923
Where and when was the first historic preservation ordinance passed?
Charleston South Carolina 1931
Where and when was the first urban growth boundary established in US?
Lexington Kentucky 1958
What State was the first to institute statewide zoning and when?
Hawaii 1961
What is the largest concrete structure in the us?
Grand Coulee Dam in 1941
What does ZIP code stand for?
Zone Improvement Plan Code
How many square feet in an acre?
How many linear feet in a mile?
How many acres in one hectare?
How many acres in a square mile?
What scale is a USGS topo quadrangle map in?
1:24,000 which means 1 inch on map equals 24,000 inches (2,000 feet) in real world.
When was the first Earth Day?
April 22, 1970
When and Where was the first national conference on city planning?
Washington DC in 1909
What are the functions of planning, within the framework of linking goals/knowledge to action?
1) improve efficiency of outcomes
2) enhance social welfare
3) widen range of choice
4) enrich civic engagement and governance
Types of Planning Theories
1) Normative
2) Disciplinary
3) Procedural
Planning Movements
Parks Sanitary Reform Settlement House City Beautiful Garden City City Efficient Progressive Movements
CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behaviour through environmental design.
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique
(Scheduling technique) PERT is a project management tool which was designed to analyze tasks of a project and to identify the minimum time needed to complete the total project.
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
The TVA is a federally owned corporation in the United States created by congressional charter on May 18, 1933 to provide navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development to the Tennessee Valley, a region particularly affected by the Great Depression
Linear Programming
A technique to find the optimum design solution for a project
ITE parking generation rates for Office
0.5-3.0 spaces per 1,000sf
ITE parking generate rates for Shopping Centers
1.0-5.0 spaces per 1,000sf
What was the first national wildlife refuge?
Pelican Island in 1903
Programmable thermostat cost savings
Up to 20% in heating costs saved.
Closing off air vents in unoccupied rooms saves 5-10%.
When was the first National Park created?
Yellowstone National Park established in 1872
When was the National Park Service created?
In 1912
Real property includes rights to what?
all land, structures, attached equipment such as street lights, anything growing on the land, the right to drill for oil, use airspace or an easement across another’s property
What is a plebiscite?
A plebiscite is a direct vote on an issue
Which federal agency is tasked with disposal of excess federal property?
General Services Administration
McMillan Plan of 1901
The Plan (and Committee of same name) sought to resurrect L’Enfant’s 1791 Plan for Washington, D.C. and restore the city to civic greatness.
What was considered the first Garden City in the U.S.?
Sunnyside Gardens in Queens, New York, 1922. Clarence Stein devised the plan for 1,202 housing units.
What is origin of the “Green Book” used as a main reference in city planning?
Local Planning Administration by Ladislas Segoe, published in 1941, was the first in the Green Book Series produced by the International City/County Management Association.
Regional Planning Association of America, 1923-33. led by Clarence Stein, was an urban reform association that advocated Garden Cities and other innovations in town planning and environmental conservation. Not to be confused with the RPA (Regional Plan Association of New York