AICP Deck 2 Flashcards
What year were generation y or millenials born>
1972 Coastal Zone Management Act
Administered at federal level by NOAA. Applies to coastal or Great Lakes states. States develop coastal mgt programs to meet minimum fedeal standards - identify ways to control land use and protect coastal environment (State, Regional)
A Planning Director sets up an executive meeting with the Planning Commission and Council prior to public to participate in a comp plan update. The City Attorney informs the Director that an executive session is a violation of state law. Why?
The procedure is a violation of Due process
Community Development Goals
Facilitate local economic growth. Improve community by changing physical design. Provide variety of services for local needs.
What is a location quotient?
The location quotient is the ratio of an industry’s share of local employment divided by its share of the nation (or other level of government). A location quotient of < 1 indicates an import econ. If the quotient is > 1 then the area is an export econ.
Trade Bloc
A large free trade area formed by one or more tax, tariff and trade agreements. Typically trade pacts that define such a bloc specify formal adjudication bodies, e.g. NAFTA trade panels. This may include even a more democratic and particip
first skyscraper
chicago 1885
What is mitigation plannings focus?
reducing the likelihood of a natural hazard resulting in loss
What is the purpose of discretionary approval?
to allow for citizen-based public evaluation of project quality & to ensure the ability of the city to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a project
Forest Management Act,
1897 allowed the Secretary of the Interior to manage forest preserves. the regulated harvesting of timber, mining of mineral resources, and use of water on forest reservations may be permitted by the Secretary of the Interior.
The Sierra Club was founded in:
- The Sierra Club is an environmental organization in the United States. It was founded San Francisco, California, by the Scottish-American preservationist John Muir, who became its first president.
The value of all final goods and services produced in a country in one year (gross domestic product) plus income that residents have received from abroad, minus income claimed by nonresidents.
Gross National Product
Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association)
1938, Created to purchase National Housing Administration (FHA) loans. Today also purchases conventional mortgages. Publicly traded corporation
First Major Shopping Center
Northland, near Detroit, 1954
1879, NYC Tenement House Law
Address light, air, and sanitary conditions. Reqd narrow airshaft between adjacent buildings and 2 toilets/floor
Welch v. Swasey 1909
The Court established the right of municipalities to regulate building height.
“What case established the ““permanent physical presence”” test for a regulatory taking?”
1982, Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corp.
Shift share technique
An projection for employment / population that takes into account the shift/movement of jobs & people from or to a community
Who is associated with incremental planning?
“Lindblom, wrote ““Muddling Through”””
This occurs when a state coordinates transportation and infrastructure planning with other types of planning (growth, education)
Consensus Buildng
effective with many groups ivolving multiple, complex issues.
Allen Jacobs
1985, Making City Planning Work. 1995, Great Streets.
Theory of Supply and Demand
Look for intersection of supply curve with demand curve to determine point of equilibrium.
Landsat 1972
Landsat is the longest running enterprise for acquisition of imagery of Earth from space.
Religious Land Use and Institutional Persons Act
“2000 (RLUIPA) ““No gov’t shall impose or implement a LU regulation in a manner that imposes a substantial burden on the religious ex. of a person, including a religous assmbly or inst., unless the gov’t demonstrates that imposition of the burden on person”
Who founded the American City Planning Institute, and when?
Olmstead, Jr
Software-based simulation system for supporting planning and analysis of urban development, incorporating the interactions between land use, transportation, the economy, and the environment.
Young v. American Mini Theaters, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (1976)
The Court upheld a zoning scheme that decentralized sexually oriented businesses in Detroit
EIS Key Questions
Purpose and Need, Affected Environment, Range of Alternatives, analysis of the environmental impacts
A general statement that may not be realized, but is something towards which to strive.
Resettlement Administration
- used New Deal funds to develop new towns
Environmental Assessment does not include
Scoping (an EIS does)
Hybrid Center
aka Lifestyle Center with big box retail attached.
Regional Plan for New York City and Its Environs (1929)
Included explanation by Clarence Perry of neighborhood unit concept
The average squared difference of scores from the mean score of a distribution.
is a decision-making strategy which attempts to meet criteria for adequacy, rather than to identify an optimal solution
You are a planner in a medium sized city. You have been accused of a violation of the AICP Code of ethics. You may be disciplined by a majority vote of which of the following?
After review by the Ethics Officer the Ethics Committee can be convened to make a decision.
NOT an advantage of a mail survey
High Response Rate
The Housing Act of 1954 created what?
Funds for urban renewal.
Emergency Housing Act 1975
authorized HUD to provide short-term assistance to help defray mortgage payments for persons temporarily unemployed or underemployed as the result of poor economic conditions.
What is the symptomatic method used for?
Estimating current population (not forecasting)
Carrying capacity
Ian McHarg’s wrote extensively about the design of cities with the intention of examining issues such as the carrying capacity of parks to support a community
What is a measure of the organic material that can be readily oxidized through microbial decomposition, consuming oxygen dissolved in water ?
BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand)
What are the major steps of mitigation planning? locations most at rick to which pop. is exposed & potential effects mitigation strategies to reduce negative impacts of likely hazards
What natural resource does an underground injection well most threaten?
Drinking water supplies/groundwater
The industry classification system that replaced the SIC system is the __________________.
North American Industry Classification System
Donald Shoup, in his 2005 book The High Cost of Free Parking, estimates that what percentage of parking in the U.S. is free?
What was the significance of 1980, Agins v. Tiburon?
U.S. Supreme Court: Governmental action was not a regulatory taking if it substantially advanced a legitimate government interest; downzoning to preserve open space did not result in a taking of property
Urban Growth Boundary is the most effective method for preventing development in specified geographic areas.
The Indian Reorganization Act provide for?
Organization of Native Americans and adoption of constitutions. The 1934 Act allowed Native Americans to adopt a constitution and organize for their common welfare
Business Incubators
Dedicated facilities to support start-ups; professional advice, technology, admin staff, promotion
The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century was enacted June 9, 1998
John Wesley Powell (1834-1902) 2nd USGS director
Champion of conservation and preservation, believing American’s needed to maximize and make the best use of resources. He led the first exploration of the Upper Colorado River and the Grand Canyon
What type of land accounts for about 2/3 of the privately held lands in the US?
When was the first issue of City Planning published
In 1925, the American City Planning Institute and the National Conference on City Planning published the first issue of City Planning, the predecessor to the current Journal of the American Planning Association.
1935 Soil Conservation Act
Administered by USDA. Created Soil Conservation Service (now NRCS). made prevention of soil erosion a national responsibility.
Denver’s Parks and Railways System 1906
Charles Mulford Robinson and George Kessler designed Denver’s parks and parkway’s system.
Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA)
Defined by the US Office and Budget to provide data description for areas where there is a core area with at least 10,000 people that when combined with other adjacent communities is socially and economically integrated.
What land use maps are included in a comprehensive plan?
Current land use map an future land use map (basis for zoning map)
Chi Square
non-parametric test statistic that provides a measure of the amount of difference between two frequency distributions. Chi Square is commonly used for probability distributions in inferential statistics.
Enterprise fund
Established to manage the revenues and expenditures of a golf course
What household type makes the most number of trips? The fewest?
Most–single fam home; Least–retirement homes
Regional transportation planning is common today, but first got its start with …
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
linear method
Pop Estimate. Uses the rate of growth (or decline) in population over a period of time to estimate the current or future population.
Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe
Developed the Cincinnati Plan 1925. First comp plan ever
How many acres of national forest in the U.S.?
191 million acres
Electronic surveys
Growing in popularity. Administered on web or via e-mail. Inexpensive method that can generate quick responses. This method has a higher response rate than written or interview surveys. Downside will not reach people w/o Internet access.
is a popular type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule
Rational Planning Model
Set Goals, Determine Alternatives, Evaluate Alternative, Choose Alternative, Implement, Evaluate
What is a marsh?
Type of wetland that does not accumulate appreciable peat deposits and is dominated by herbaceous vegetation
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000
that no government may implement land use regulation in a manner that imposes substantial burden on the religious assembly or institution, unless the government demonstrates that imposition of burden both is in furtherance of compelling government interst
Standard Error
standard deviation of a sampling distribution. Standard errors indicate the degree of sampling fluctuation. The larger the sample size the smaller the standard error.
Land Ordinance of 1785
Provided for the rectangular land survey of the NW Territory
Housing and Home Finance Agency 1947
All federal housing programs were consolidated under this agency, the predecessor to HUD.
Who is Sal Alinsky?
Authored Rules for Radicals, known for his advocacy planning.
What year was the National Environmental Policy Act adopted?
Plural Planning
Multiple plans prepared by different groups in order to achieve the best result for all. Paul Davidoff. Associated with Advocacy Planning
Effluent Standards
set restrictions on the discharge of pollutants into the environment. Effluent guidelines reduce the discharge of pollutants that have serious environmental impacts. The EPA has effluent guidelines for more than 50 categories.
4 Steps of Hazard Mitigation Planning
1) Mitigation planning, to minimize damage; 2) Preparation planning; 3) Response planning; 4) Recovery planning
Who drafted the first zoning ordinance?
Edward Bassett
National Env Policy Act 1970 - Section 101
Basic substantive policy - use all practicable means to avoid env degradation, preserve resrouces and promote beneficial use to FULLEST EXTENT POSSIBLE (Regional)
What is ordinal measurement of central tendency
has values that are ordered so that inferences can be made regarding magnitude but which have no fixed interval between values. Educational attainment or a letter grade on a test would be examples. Other example: AICP exam
What is the purpose of UGB?
contains growth within certain areas & to maintain rural lands outsidee of boundary
The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) fulfills the goals and objectives of what federal program?
NEPA (1969)
Consensus Planning
Consensus decision-making is a group decision making process that not only seeks the agreement of most participants, but also to resolve or mitigate the objections of the minority to achieve the most agreeable decision.
How much energy can be saved by lowering thermostat by 1 degree?
1 to 3 percent
Civic entrepreneurialism
Emphasizes role of local govt, community organizations, and private secotr in aconomid development process. Local govt plays cetnral hands-on role in stimulating economic activity
Designers of Radburn
Henry Wright and Clarence Stein
How many cell towers were in the US in 2005?
What theory is John Friedmann associated with?
Transactive planning. It focuses on interpersonal dialogue that develops ideas, which will be turned into action. One of the central goals is mutual learning where planner gets more information on the community and citizens become more educated.
Tax Increment Financing TIF
Used to finance certain types of redevelopment projects. Capture higher assessment from improved properties to finance public improvements in that district for more redevelopment.
Kelo v. City of New London 2005
The Supreme Court ruled that a economic development is a valid use of eminent domain. The court found that it is not in a position to determine the amount or character of land needed for a particular public project.
Refers to a lake or lake-type environment, such as a wetland
Housing and Urban Development Act (1965)
Created HUD; Robert Weaver first HUD secretary
Where was first zoning ord. and when?
NYC 1916
What are two water quality considerations of primary recharge areas?
They provide little or no attenuation of contaminants, and travel time from surface to aquifer is rapid
Indian Reorganization Act (1934)
Allowed Native Americans to adopt a constitution and organize for their common welfare
3 basic elements of subdivision requirements
1) Plat (shows the location and boundaries of streets, lots/parcels, and other site info); 2) Design/construction stds to establish specifics of how improvements will be built; 3) Exactions specify subdividers responsibility for financing public improveme
What are the three basic types of map projections?
Conic, cylindrical and planar
TIGER file
Digital database of geographic features, such as roads, railroads, rivers, lakes, legal boundaries, census statistical boundaries, etc. covering the entire United States
What is interval measeurement of central tendency.
is data that has an ordered relationship with a magnitude. Temperature is an example. 30 degrees is not twice as cold as 60 degrees.
What was Ian McHarg known for?
Design with Nature
What was Innes known for?
Consensus building
What important principle was established in Dolan v. City of Tigard (1994)?
“The extraction must be ““roughly proportional”” in both size and scope relative to the harm the condition or extraction seeks to miminize.”
In his term as Planning Director of the City of Cleveland Krumholz’s utilized which planning theory?
Advocacy planning
What kind of easement affects property abutting the holder?
Appurtenant easement
Zoning Text Amendment
Changes the rules regarding the use and development of every property in a specified zoning district
Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB)
all expenditures must be justified as if it were a new program. Steps include: Analyzing, priority ranking and isolating decision packages
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
Requires a permit be obtained from the Army Corp for the discharge of material.
Garden City Movement 1898
A Garden City is self-contained, with a population of 32,000 and a land area of 6,000 acres. A Garden City would house 30,000 people on 1,000 acres, with remaining land and population in farming areas.
Rachel Carson
the author of Silent Spring, which was published in 1962. In the book, Carson examined the dangers of chemical pesticides, such as DDT, on plants, animals, and humans. This book greatly influenced the way people think about the environment.
Agins v. City of Tiburon; U.S. Supreme Court (1980)
The Court upheld a city’s right to zone property at low-density and determined this zoning was not a taking. Government action not a regulatory taking if it substantially advanced a legitimate government interest.
Planner’s responsibility to the public?
Consider: how public interest is defined through continuous and open debate (opps for participation); Rights of others, long-range consequences, interrelatedness of decisions, preservation of natural/built environment; Accurate info; Expand choice and be
Councils of governments
Regional bodies, serve an area of several counties. Addressing planning, economic, cartography and GIS, hazard mitigation and emergency planning, aging services, water use, pollution control, transit administration, and transportation planning.
A city with rapid growth had a difficult time keeping up with the demand for infrastructure. The City Council has asked you, as Planning Director, to come up with a plan to reduce the number of lots that become buildable each year. What procedures is appr
A public facilities ordinance allows the City to determine when infrastructure will be extended and maintain an adequate level of service. New building permits would not be issued unless infrastructure is adequate.
What is the Cohort Survival Method of population projection and estimation?
It uses the current population plus natural increase and net migration to calculate a future population. The pop is calc in specific age groups. The cohort survival method provides the most accurate pop proj, but requires a lrg amt of data.
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act (1926)
Hoover, Dept of Commerce
What percentage of underground fuel tanks does EPA estimate are leaking?
The General Land Law Revision Act of 1891?
This Act provided the President of the United States with the power to create forest preserves by proclamation.
An age group in the 75% percentile has what percentage of the population above it?
In what city was the first Historic Preservation Commission?
New Orleans, 1924
Herbert Simon
Organizational Behavior - Decision Making
Scale of 1:24,000
that 1 inch represents 2,000 feet.
Who wrote Urban Land Use Planning? when?
Urban Land Use Planning by F. Stuart Chapin, published in 1957. This book became a common textbook on land use planning.
Clarence Perry
defined the neighborhood unit (1 mile square with arterial roads on all sides and retail on all four corners. Houses and parks surrounded schools located in the center).
Approximately how many wireless sites are in the United States as of 2005?
According to the wireless industry there are approximately 150,000 cell tower sites.
Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mount Laurel 1975
Mt Laurel had a zoning ord setting the min lot size to .5 acres for remaining undeveloped land and had exclusionary zoning that prohibited multifamily,mobile home,or low/moderate income housing. court req inclusionary zoning to produce affordable housing.
What book written in 1961 critiques the practice of planning?
The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs
Conservation zoning
requires the clustering of homes while preserving open space
Rapanos v. United States 2006
The Court found that the Army Corp of Engineers must determine whether there is a significant nexus between a wetland and a navigable waterway.
Are a set of management cultural and structural practices that are intended to decrease pollution and can be applied in barious types of planning and development.
Best Management Practices
A concentration of population either legally bounded as an incorporated place, or identified as a Census Designated Place
How the Other Half Lives
In 1890, Jacob Riis published which highlighted the plight of the poor in New York
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Formed in 1965. put into place rent subsidies for the poor, home loans at reduced interest rates, and subsidies for public housing projects.
Communicative Planning
The current theory of choice: Planner listens and assist in developing consensus.
What is density in land use?
number of dwelling units per unit area, ex. 30 houses per acre
In 1928 the U.S. Department of Commerce passed the _________ Act.
Standard City Planning Enabling Act (SCPEA), covering: planning commission master plan provision for adoption provision for approval control of private subdivision of land regional planning commission and a regional plan
Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)
Considers request for variances; Hears appeals; Approves special use permits; Makes recommendations to city governing body.
What is the difference between a Dillion’s Rule state and a Home Rule State
Dillion’s rule state provides for local government to do only that which the state has set in policy. Home Rule states allow for local government to develope policy without state authority.
What is a normal distribution with regards to data distribution?
A normal distribution is one that is symmetrical around the mean. This is a bell curve.
Forest Hills Gardens
Olmsted Jr, 1911; Influenced Clarence Perry’s neighborhood unit concept
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act (SZEA) 1924
Confirmed New York State’s authority to delegate police power to municipalities to enact local zoning ordinances. Drafted and approved under Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover.
What was the central finding of Rutgers U. v. Piluso?
NJ Supreme Court ruled that Rutgers (state university) was not to be thwarted or restricted by local land use regulations.
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)
Highly mobile organic compound such as petroleum, hydrocarbons, and solvents that readily evaporate
Who is associated with Transactive Planning?
Step-Down Ratio Method
Pop Estimate. Relatively simple way to estimate or project population. This method uses the ratio of the population in a city and a county (or a larger geographical unit) at a known point in time, such as the decennial Census
an area where fresh water meets salt water
Generation X
US Population born between 1965 and 1976
What is fiscal impact analysis?
Fiscal Impact Analysis, also known as cost-revenue analysis, is used to estimate the costs and revenues of a proposed development on a local government.
Homer Hoyt
Proposed in 1939 the idea that urban areas developed by sectors; sectors form along communication & transportation routes (Sector Theory)
What is a dedication requirement?
Requirement that developers set aside, or dedicate, open space, land for roads and infrastructure, etc. within a subdivision
1973 Farm Bill
1st Omnibus Farm Bill. adopted target prices and deficiency payments as a tool that would support farm income but reduce forfeitures. authorized disaster payments, Rural Environmental Conservation Program; amended the Food Stamp Act of 1964 (Natl, State)
Environmental Systems Research Institute
Lucas v South Carolina Coastal Council (1992)
Takings; Coastal zone protection prohibited building a house on shorefront; U.S. Supreme Court found that regulations that deny all economic use of property constitute a taking (unless existing state prop and nuisance law prohibit such use
Shift-share analysis
analyzes a local economy in comparison with a larger economy. This analysis looks at the differential shift, proportional shift, and economic growth. uses employment information by sector for two points in time.
This author provided seminal contributions to the field of city planning through empirical research on how individuals perceive and navigate the urban landscape.
Kevin Lynch
Indian Reorganization Act
What data was eliminated from the 2000 census
Source of water
How did the Survey of New York and Its Environs view land use?
func of accessibility
What is the most likely to be used as an alternative travel mode to the automobile to get to and from work?
Public Transportation
What is the Federal Antiquities Act of 1906?
This act was the first to provide federal protection for archaeological sites. The Act allowed for the designation of National Monuments.
What is an environmental assessment?
An environmental assessment is a document that a Federal agency prepares under the (NEPA) to provide sufficient evidence and analysis to determine whether a proposed agency action would require preparation of an EIS) or a finding of no significant impact.
City of Rancho Palos Verde v Abrams
Telecommunications Act
The Federal Water Pollutant Control Act of 1972
amended the Water Pollutant Act of 1948. The amendments broadened the government’s authority over water pollution and restructured the authority for water pollution under the Environmental Protection Agency. The Act changed the enforcement from water qual
Unemployment Rate Calculation
d. Individuals unemployed divided by individuals 16 years of age and older in the labor force
Lingle v. Chevron USA, Inc. 2005
Court overturned portion of the Agins precedent declaring regulation of property effects a taking if it does not substantially advance legitimate state interests.Court found this prong of formula imprecise and not appropriate for determining a taking
Amitai Etzioni
Introduced concept of Mixed Scanning.
Glacial deposit of rock and soil
on a per household basis, it takes ________ acres of land to feed the US population
2 acres
In calculating FAR, do all the floor count in a multi story building?
For the purposes of this test, unless otherwise specified, yes
Design Charrette
PI. Intensive collaborative effort that brings together citizens, stakeholders, and staff to develop a detailed design plan for a specific area.
What is typically included in subdivision regulations?
standards for design & layout of lots, streets, utilities, roads
What is a metropolitan statistical area?
A census designated place that includes a central city plus adjacent communities to which it is linked economically
What theory did Hoyt posit?
Sector Theory: Transportation routes resulted in cities growth radiating from those areas.
Incremental Planning (humanistic movement), associated w who?
Charles Lindblom
What is the stated, or face, value of a bond?
Par value
What % of rural employment is in manufacturing?
Housing Act of 1949
Focus on slum clearance, urban renewal and new housing construction (initialed Urban Renewal)
Who wrote Image of the City?
Image of the City by Kevin Lynch published in 1960. It defined basic concepts within the city, such as edges and nodes.
Qualitative Variables
can be nominal or ordinal
What are 4 steps of a travel demand model?
1) Trip generation; 2) Trip distribution; 3) modal split; 4) trip assignment in network
When was ASPO founded and what does it stand for?
In 1934, the American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO) was founded.
1909 Chicago Plan
The plan, co-authored by Daniel Burnham and Edward Bennett, featured waterfront parks and prominent civic buildings, applying the principles of the City Beautiful Movement.
1964 Urban Mass Transportation Act
Fed govt provides grant money to local govt for public transit. Includes capital investments and operating costs.
How do you calculate FAR?
Dive the total floor area of a building by the area of the lot
Food Security Act - 1985
a 5-year omnibus farm bill, allowed lower commodity price and income supports and established a dairy herd buyout program. Several enduring conservation program were created, including sodbuster, swampbuster, and the Conservation Reserve Program.
Alfred Betman
Lawyer who drafted the bill to enable the first planning commission in Ohio in 1915. Lawyer who represented the government interest in the case Euclid vs. Ambler in 1926.1st president of the American society of Planning officials (ASPO) in 1934.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (1976)
Cradle-to-grace legislation for hazardous waste materials (EPA controled)
City of Renton v Playtime Theaters (1986)
US Supreme Court upheld zoning ordinance that prohibited adult theaters with 1K ft of residence etc bc it did not violate free speech bc it didn’t altogether prohibit use in city
Charleston, SC 1931
First city to enact a Historic Preservation Ordinance, which can protect landmarks, entire historic districts or both and typically regulate the design of new construction as well as changes to existing structures.
Grand Coulee Dam 1941
built under the auspices of the US Bureau of Reclamation on the Columbian River in WA. It is the largest concrete structure in the US and the largest electric power producing facility in the US.
What is a t-test?
The t-test allows the comparisons of the means of two groups to determine how likely the difference between the two means occurred by chance.
Thomas Adams
was an important planner during the Garden City movement. secretary of the Garden City Association and became the first manager of Letchworth. He developed a number of garden suburbs in England and later went on to teach planning at MIT and Harvard.
Which city had the first regional plan?
Plan of Chicago, 1909
1974, Section 8 Housing
Help low-income renters get housing. 30% income goes to housing, govt makes up rest. Main source of federal assistance.
What is required under the disaster mitigation act?
state & local gov’t must prepare plans that identify potential natural hazards, analyze likely consequences & assess the risk, compare various risks, & id mitigation strategies; plans may address human-induced hazards
What factor would be considered relevant in determining whether a state government unit is immune from local land use regs?
The nature and scope of the instrumentality
2000, Manufactured Housing Improvement Act
Installation and building standards for manufactured homes. States have to have dispute resolution program.
(Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users) 2005 – Increased focus on safety.
The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) was adopted in what year
The Federal Property Administration Act of 1949 was developed to allow the government to do what?
The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 is a United States federal law that established the General Services Administration which is responsible for managing, acquiring, and disposing of federal property.
How does Oregon determine UGB?
should be enough land w/i boundary to support development over the next 20 years
A more specific and attainable statement.
Census Tract
A small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county with a population of 1,500 to 8,000 persons.
USGS: Year, purpose?
1879; survey and classify all public domain lands
Includes internet, telephone, fax, PDA, SMS text messaging, MMS, and 3G, GPRS, WiFi, WiMAX, Bluetooth, etc..
Seeks to make land use planning more responsive to the concerns of low-income families and minorities. Planners work on behalf of disadvantaged socioeconomic groups and minorities. Public participation is key in this type of planning.
Advocacy Planning
Flood Plain Map
A map that shows the vulnerability of a flood according to the 100 year flood
Joel Garreau
“wrote ““Edge City”” (1991)”
The Supreme Court dealt with which of the following issues in Nectow v. City of Cambridge?
In this case the plaintiff was placed in the R-3 zoning district in error. The plaintiff sued under the 14th amendment claiming a violation of due process.
What is leapfrog development?
type of sprawl where newer development is not contiguous with pre-existing development but occurs some distance from it
EPA 1970
The Environmental Protection Agency was formed to enforce environmental laws, such as the Clean Air Act.
Inclusionary Zoning
community zoning ordinance require inclusion of variety of housing types, used to provide housing opportunities for low-income and moderate income residents.
What theory did Burgess posit?
Concentric Circle- After studying the growth of Chicago, he believed that cities grew in outward rings around the cities core industries.
This approach is problematic because the single person or group usually lacks all the required knowledge and public support is difficult to garner without participatory processes.
Rational Planning
1991, American with Disabilities Act
requires businesses and governments to provide people with disabilities equal access to jobs, transportation, and public facilities.
Civil Rights Act 1968
This act was also known as the Fair Housing Act and was the first federal law prohibiting discrimination between sex, race, national origin, religion and familial status.
“What is regulated ““from the cradle to the grave”” under the RCRA–Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976?”
Hazardous wastes: material that can pose a substantial threat to public health or the environment if improperly managed.
Clarence Stein
Codesigned Radburn. Founding member Regional Planning Association.
Fiscal Impact Analysis
Analysis calculates total cost of a project to the City. Fiscal impact analysis may also be defined as cost-revenue analysis.
a measure of the distance, in standard deviation units, from the mean. This allows one to determine the likelihood, or probability that something would happen.
Transect zoning
continuum of 6 zones from rural to urban
A cumulative nitrogen loading analysis could be required of a developer to protect what resource?
Groundwater (and also coastal resources)
Purchase of Development Rights (PDR)
A method for protecting land, where a landowner voluntarily sells his development rights to a governmental agency or a land trust. The land owner is paid the difference between the current value of the land and the land’s potential development value.
Special districts (i.e. water, sewer)
Special-purpose governments that generally serve a single purpose and are geographically defined; May levy taxes and issue debt and employ user charges as financial mechanism
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act - 1991
What is the Distributed Housing Unit Method of population projection and estimation?
This method uses the Census Bureau data for the number of housing units, which is then multiplied by the occupancy rate and persons per household. This method is reliable for slow growth or stable communities.
What is ratio measurement of central tendancy
has an ordered relationship and equal intervals. Distance is an example, 3.2 miles is twice as long as 1.6 miles. Any form of central tendency can be used for this type of data.
What are soil maps used for?
useful for lcating high quality farmland & areas where septic systems may function prooperly
What is ordinal data?
Ordinal data has values that are ranked so that inferences can be made regarding the magnitude. However, ordinal data has no fixed interval between values. a letter grade on a test is an example of ordinal data.
Hadacheck v Sebastian (1915)
US Supreme county ruled that restricting certain nuisances land uses was a legitimate exercise of police power; Upheld ordinance in LA prohibiting operation of brickyard
Who wrote The Intelligence of Democracy?
Charles Lindblom. Discusses Citizen Participation
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
- created under the Housing and Community Development Act. This grant program provides great flexibility for communities to use these federal funds for the improvement of blighted areas. The CDBG program consolidated six categorical urban programs int
Applies to a group of procedures designed to indentify any drop in air qaulity. It tests for traces of nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, sulfor, carbon and particulate matter.
Prevention of significant deteriation
New Towns
Post-WWII; Reston, VA; Columbia, MD
Fiscal impact analysis
Best used for a single development project to determine the revenues and expenses of the project.
City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (1986)
The Court found that placing restrictions on the time, place, and manner of adult entertainment is acceptable. The ordinance was treating the secondary effects (such as traffic and crime) not the content.
What are the 3 sections of the AICP Code of Ethics?
1) Aspirational principles (cannot be enforced), 2) Rules of conduct (must be followed), 3) Procedures (for handling charges of misconduct)
US Forest Service 1905
Formed in 1905 under what is now the Department of Agriculture to administer the nations forests and grasslands. Gifford Pinchot was the first chief forester.
Who was Herbert Simon?
He studied decision making, org theory, problem-solving, and complex systems.
What portion of the U.S. is federally-owned?
1/3 of the 2.2 billion acres in the US
What does minor civil division apply to?
Minor Civil Division (MCD) is a unit only used in 29 states and usually corresponds to a municipality. Census County Divisions are used in the 21 states that do not have MCD’s.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 1984
Required EPA to develop a regulatory program for the storage of hazardous substances and requires owners of tanks to prevent, detect and clean up an releases.
What are traditional colors for land use?
purple-industry;yellow-low density housing;brown-high density housing;red-retail,comm;blue-inst.,public;green-rec., natural res.;gray-utilities
Sector Model
allows for an outward progression of growth along railroads, highways, and other transportation arteries
What is Philadelphia’s most famous public park?
Fairmount Park
What are some cases where freeedom of speech has been questioned due to a regulation?
cases about signage & adult uses
The Regional Plan for New York and Environs
Between 1922 and 1929, the Regional Plan for New York and Environs was created. The plan focused on suburban development, highway construction, and suburban recreational facilities. Stein and Mumford were involved in the creation of the plan.
An area with multiple-cities with a combined population of more than 10 million inhabitants
Housing Act of 1949
was the first comprehensive housing legislation passed. The Act called for the construction of 800,000 new housing units and emphasized slum clearance.
Green Belt
A policy or land use designation used in land use planning to retain areas of largely undeveloped, wild, or agricultural land surrounding or neighbouring urban areas.
Vested Right
Refers to when a developer/property owner has the right to develop a property - if they have a building permit, have relied on a public official, have made a substaintial investment etc.
What medium is recommended for graphic presentation to a meeting of 150 people?
35 mm slides
What is a bargain sale?
Used to secure full title to land below appraised value, a bargain sale is a combination of a donation and sale of land that may result in tax deductions when given to a govt. or land trust
What year was the Antiquities Act passed?
What county formed the first regional planning commission? When?
In 1922, Los Angeles County formed the first regional planning commission.
Where/when was first limited access highway?
Bronx River Parkway, 1926
Telecommunications Act 1996
purpose was to increase competition in the communications business and to streamline the installation of cell phone towers. The act gave telecom companies pre-emption powers over local regulations as well as eminent domain powers over private property.
Housing Distribution
38% rural areas, 31% suburbs, 31% central cities
Transportation Systmes Management
What is mode?
Mode is the most frequent number in a distribution. The modes of [1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 7] are 3 and 7. There can be more than one mode for a data set.
Lingle v Chevron (2005)
Takings; Removed the “substantially advances” test (basis of Agins v Tiburon) to identify regulatory taking; Relevant test if whether due process clause has been violated; Affirms that regulatory taking occurs when regs destroy all economic value
Cheney v. Village 2 at New Hope, Inc.,
Legitimized the planned unit development (PUD) process.
This is compact development that integrates mixed uses, redevelopment and revitilization of existing neighborhoods rather than new construction, preservation of open space in countryside and urban areas.
Smart Growth
1987 Stewart McKinney Act
1st legislative response to homelessness. Emphasized assistance to elderly, disabled, children.
When should you use written surveys? What are the challenges associated with written surveys?
Written surveys are popular when trying to obtain info from a broad audience and it is low cost and convenient for respondents. Challenges: Low response rates (avg 20%), requires ability to read and write.
What land use maps are included in a comprehensive plan?
Current land use map and future land use map (basis for zoning map); Future trends forecast to i.e. 20 years out
What city was the first to apply the City beautiful principles? What year was the plan finished and who wrote it?
In 1906, San Francisco was the first major American city to apply the City Beautiful principles, using a plan developed by Daniel Burnham.
Farmland Protection Policy Act, 1981
All federal agencies supposed to minimize conversion of farmland to other uses.
Tenement House Act of 1867
his ordinance required new tenement buildings to provide a narrow air shaft between adjacent structures, windows that open into the shaft, two toilets on each floor, and a one square yard window in each room. This represented the first major housing code
What is the Step-Down Ratio Method of population projection and estimation?
This method uses the ratio of the population (of a lrger geo unit) at a known point in time, such as the Census. For ex, the pop of A is 20% of the county pop in 2K. If we know that the county pop is 20K in 2005, we can estimate the pop of A as 4K (20%).
Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP)
Multimodal listing of highway, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian improvements and transportation emission reduction measures for which fed funds have been earmarked in particular region (in effict 3-5yrs)
What is a standard that deals with both air and water quality?
A lifestyle of self-sufficiency. It is characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of foodstuffs, and it may or may not also involve the small scale production of textiles, clothing, and craftwork for household use or sale
Costs levied on developers as a condition for receiving permission to develop in a community (i.e. contribution of land, facilities or funding); Extractions reflect the costs that a dev is projected to impose on a community
“What percentage of U.S. waterways do not meet Clean Water Act ““drinkable/swimmable”” standards?”
Antiquities Act (1906)
First law to provide fed protection for archaeological and historic sites; allowed designation of National Monuments
Jacob Riis is the author of which of the books?
How the Other Half Lives and The Children of the Poor. Riis wrote at the turn of the 20th century about the lives of the poor in blighted urban areas.
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act
What is an alternative hypothesis?
An Alternate Hypothesis, designated as H1, proposes the relationship - Traffic Calming reduces traffic speed.
Federal Home Loan Bank, 1932
Est 12 regional banks, created HOLC Home Owners Loan Corporation to refinance mortgages for stressed homewoners, used redlining to prohibit some mortgages (illegal, discriminatory), expired 1954
Most effective way to generate adequate citizen participation
Developing a multi-faceted public information program
Census Block
Part of a census tract; Smalled geographic unit for which the Census tabulates 100% data; designations covering entire nation for first time in 1990
Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) 1981
LESA is a rating system developed by NRCS and USDA to assess the suitability of parcels for continued agricultural use. It includes environmental, economic, social and geographic features.
What is Ladder of Participation
Ciizen participation is defined in terms of the amount of actual control citizens have over policy decisions.
Letchworth, England 1903
First English Garden City.
What is the cash method of tax accounting?
Income is included only as it is actually received. Deductions are only authorized when expenses are actually paid.
1977, Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG)
Used to buy and clear sites to facilitate econ dev with stress on intergovt cooperation and public-private partnerships. Competitive process.
buildings and land that have been abandoned because they are contaminated and the cost of cleaning up the site is high
Electronic town meeting
Electronic tool used to gather public feedback on the WTC proposals
“Who wrote ““Regional Survey of New York and its Environs”” (1929)”
Clarence Perry
Homestead Act 1892
Permitted settlers to claim 160-acre parcels of public land on the condition that they reside on the land for five consecutive years.
A Metropolitan Statistical Area can be described as?
A geographic entity based on the concept of at least one urbanized an area of 50,000 or more population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured by communities ties.
Clarence Perry’s Neighborhood Unit Concept (1929) was published in what plan?
The idea was to create complete neighborhoods that provided convenient access for residents to school and businesses. The correct answer is: Regional Survey of New York and Its Environs
Carrying Out the City Plan - Who wrote it, why is it important, and when was it written
In 1914, Flavel Shurtleff wrote Carrying Out the City Plan, the first major textbook on city planning.
Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA) 1990
Established the Home Ownership Made Easy program-provided matching federal funds to local government expenditures for low-income housing needs. Jurisdictions must prepare a Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) to qualify to receive funds.
Housing Act of 1954
called for slum prevention and urban renewal. Additionally, the Act provided funding for planning for cities under 25,000 population. The 701 funds were later expanded to allow for statewide, interstate, and regional planning.
Input-output analysis
Quantitative method to assist in economic policy decision-making. The analysis links suppliers and purchasers to determine the economic output of a region. Identifies primary suppliers, intermediate suppliers, intermediate purchasers, & final purchasers.
- provided funds for the redevelopment of severely distressed public housing. It also allowed for the demolition of public housing as well as the construction of new public housing. The result has been a deconcentration of public housing.
What does the Planning Commission review?
Rezoning, plats, sometimes CIP
City of Cleburne v Cleburne Living Center; 1985 USSC
City did not have right to deny permit for group home because there was no basis for the prohibition
Pierre L’Enfant
Radial design of Washington, DC
Members of City Council v. Taxpayers for Vincent; U.S. Supreme Court (1984)
The Court found that the regulation of signs was valid for aesthetic reasons as long as the ordinance does not regulate the content of the sign. If the regulation is based on sign content, it must be justified by a compelling governmental interest.
Wagner-Steagall Housing Act 1937
Housing Act 1937, provided for subsidies to be paid from the U.S. gov to local public housing agencies to improve living conditions for low-income families.Created the Housing Authority-became the Public Housing Admin and funded Local Housing Authorities
Was the first city to use land use zoning to guide development.
Los Angeles
This increases safety efficiency, capacity and coordination of traffic systems by implementing computer sensing and information gathering technologies such as auto toll collection, coordianted signals and changeable freeway signs.
Intelligent Transportation System
What City adopted the first comprehensive zoning code? Who wrote it and when was it adopted?
In 1916, New York City adopted the first comprehensive zoning code, written by Edward Bassett.
William Whyte: Year, book, contribution?
1959, The Last Landscape; coined the term greenway; wrote pioneering study about conservation easements
Detention vs. Retention?
Detention systems Temporarily hold the water for gradual release to a stream or storm sewer; Retention maintains a permanent pool of water
What is a random sample?
Participants selected randomly, can lead to probability testing.
Community Reinvestment Act (1977)
To stop redlining; required banks to loan to areas it serves customers in
Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon 1922
The Court found that if a regulation goes too far it will be recognized as a taking. This was the first takings ruling and defined a taking under the 5th Amendment.
How many USGS topographic maps total?
How do you calculate the median of an even amount of numbers?
Average the two midpoint values
Base Map
Type of map used as a starting point for many planning projects, shows the essential natural or man determined features of an area.
What is a priate sewage treatment facility (PSTF)?
Small-scale sewage treatment owned by a private entity and processing 10-25 thousand gallons of sanitary waste
What is a progressive tax?
The tax rate increases as income rises.
Ethics: Aspirational principles:
1) Serve public interest, 2) Seek social justice, work to expand choice and opportunity, 3) responsibility to clients and employers, 4) responsibility to the profession
What is ANOVA?
An ANOVA is an analysis of variance. It studies the relationship between two variables, the first variable must be nominal and the second is interval.
Concentric Zone Theory
The use of “invasion-succession” in describing dynamics, finds that growth happens by land uses expanding outward from one area to another.
What is also known as the Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill?
The 1949 Housing Act
Antiquities Act 1906
first law to provide federal protection for archeological and historical sites. The aim is to protect all historic and prehistoric sites on US federal lands and to prohibit excavation or destruction of these antiquities.
Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation 1977
Court reviewed zoning case that denied a rezoning of a property from single-family to multi-family.SC found there was insufficient evidence to prove the Village acted in a racially discriminatory manner and overturned the findings of previous two courts.
Number of endangered species?
What is the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California?
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California was created in 1927 in order to create the Colorado River Aqueduct. It was built between 1933 and 1941 and is owned and operated by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. It ran a wat
nature centers
teaching institutions that provide a variety of methods for people to learn about and appreciate the natural world
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)
“A method for protecting land by transferring the ““rights to develop”” from one area and giving them to another.”
Tahoe Sierra Preservation Council v Tahoe Regional Planning Association (2002)
US Supreme Court upheld the use of development moratoria and said that a moratorium is not necessarily a taking of property requiring compensation
1954 Housing Act
Expanded urban renewal program. Consolidated studies, provided comp planning. Section 701 - funding for communities of < 25,000 helped est planning depts
What issue did olden v. Planning Board of the Town of Ramapo deal with?
The Golden case marked the first time in the U.S. that a town was legally approved to control its own growth The correct answer is: Made development conditional based on the provision of services
First Model Tenement 1855
In 1855, the first model tenement was built in New York City.
Ginnie Mae 1934
The Government National Mortgage Association guarantees investors timely payment of principal and interest loans, does not buy or sell loans. The Government owned corporation is within HUD.
A planner decides to use the known population of the township according to the 2000 Census and compares this to the population in the county; then uses population ratio for 2000 and applies this to the known population to the county for the current year.
Step down Ratio
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 1996
Provided federal control of pesticide distribution, sale and use. The Act required all users of pesticides to pass a certification exam in order to apply pesticide.
Charleston, SC 1931
First city to enact a Historic Preservation Ordinance, which can protect landmarks, entire historic districts or both and typically regulate the design of new construction as well as changes to existing structures.
Pruitt-Igoe Project
- was demolished in Saint Louis. The demolition of this public housing project marked a shift away from high-rise concentrated public housing.
This is the standard unit of measurement on travel deman models and travel forecasts. It covers a geographic area where land use is similar throughout and is normally the size of a census tract.
Traffic Analysis Zone
Coastal Barrier Resources Act 1982
Designates various undeveloped coastal barrier islands for inclusion in the Coastal Barrier Resources System, which are ineligible for direct or indirect federal assistance that might support development except for emergency life-saving activities.
What is included in planning for social and health services?
estimating the need for libraries, schools, medical facilities, grocery stores, playgrounds, senior living facilities, etc.
Planners implement an overarching land use strategy by undertaking numerous small projects or enacting a series of policy changes over time.
Incremental Planning
Census Block Group
Subset of the blocks within a Census Tract; The smallest geographic unit for which the Census tabulates sample data
What is a plebiscite?
A direct vote on an issue.
What is central tendency?
Central tendency is the typical or representative value of a dataset. There are several ways to report central tendency, including mean, median, and mode.
The first major textbook on City Planning - Author and date?
Carrying Out the City Plan by Flavel Shurtleff, published in 1914. This book was the first major textbook on city planning.
What were the key aspects of the Agins v Tiburon case?
Deprivation of economically viable use, and failing to advance the public interest
Aveage annual per capita consumption of gasoline in 2000?
430 gallons
What planning issue did Berman v. Parker address?
Eminent domain for aesthetic purposes.
1998 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st C (TEA 21)
Successor to ISTEA. Emphasized transit, contd planning process, grants for scenic resources, bikways, etc
The Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook
The Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook and its accompanying User Manual are the culmination of APA’s seven-year Growing Smart project, an effort to draft the next generation of model planning and zoning legislation for the U.S
What is the average per capita per day water usage?
50 gallons (but could be calculated as 120 - 180 gallons/person/day, depending on how is calculated and if lawns are being watered)
What are the 2 meanings of downzoning?
1.rezoning that decrease the intensity 2. moving down the old fashioned cumulative zoning heirarchy, such as moving from single family to multifamilywhich inc intensity of dev.
Economic forecasting
is the process of making predictions about the economy as a whole or in part. Relevant models include: Economic base analysis, Shift-share analysis, Input-output model
When was the first code of ethics for professional planners adopted?
In 1971, AIP adopted a Code of Ethics for professional planners.
What APA document was developed to encourage states to revise standard state zoning?
Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook
Agency responsible for floodplain maps
Poverty guidelines
Simplified version used for administrative purposes e.g. determining financial eligibility for certain federal programs.
Who is the trustee of federally-owned reservations?
Secretary of the Interior
Mitigation for Earthquakes
good bldg construction to minimize earthquake risks by min. opportunities for callapse, falling obj., & debris
Grand Central Station New York 1913
Constructed between 1903 and 1913.
Written surveys
Mailed, printed in a newspaper, administered in a group setting, or other method. Used when trying to obtain information from a broad audience. Low cost but typically low response rate.
National Housing Act 1934
established the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation and created the Federal Housing Administration to insure private mortgages. It was designed to stop the tide of bank foreclosures on family homes.
Public Works Administration (PWA),
created in 1934. The PWA provided 85 percent of the cost of public housing projects. This represented the first federally supported public housing program.
Pennsylvania Coal v. Mahon dealt with which of the following issues?
Delphi Method
is a systematic interactive forecasting method for obtaining forecasts from a panel of independent experts
Public Hearing
PI. Typically associated with Planning Commission, City Council, etc. Allow formal citizen input at the end of a planning process. Typically mandated by law. Hearings are typically ineffective at building public participation and consensus.
Park standards
National Recreation & Parks Assoc: Regional (5 acres/1,000 people), Community (3 acres/1,000), Neighborhood (5 acres/1,000 people)
Established a trade bloc (free trade agreement) implemented January 1, 1994, between Canada, the United States and Mexico
Penn Central Transportation Co. v City of New Yok (1978)
US Supreme Court found historic preservation to be a valid public purpose; Upheld LPC’s denial of request to develop over Grand Central (a designated historic landmark); Penn Central could have TDR’d
preparation planning
know how the community will prepare for an imminent hazard event
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
mitigation planning
know what a community will do to minimize damage should a hazard event occur sometime in the future
Gradual sinking of land, sometimes due to excessive groundwater pumping in surface drainage patters due to urbanization
Where was Clarence Perry’s Neighborhood Unit published?
The Regional Survey of New York and Its Environs, 1929 (Volume VII)
National Affordable Housing Act of 1990
created the HOME program, which provides funds for housing rehabilitation.
What are use variances?
used to permit uses not authorized by zoning ordinance
What is typically encouraged by minimum density standards?
promote more compact urban development
What are the economic factors that must be considered as part of a TDR?
ensure thsat there will be market for the more intense development in a receiving area
Dillion’s Rule vs. Home Rule
Dillon’s rule: local jurisdictions have only powers that are explicitly assigned to them by state gov’ts; Home rule: the state transfers power to the local government to adopt regulations
Program Evaluation Review Technique is a line chart that shows how tasks are dependent on each other. In PERT it is very easy to see how tasks are dependent upon each other.
Employment estimation by allocating projected employment expansion to smaller geographic areas
Shift-share: a portion of the projected expansion to sub-regions or population centers based on the center’s present share of the employment
What planning issue is Agins v. City of Tiburon related to?
5th Amendment: Takings
Penn Central Transportation Co. v. The City of New York 1978
The Court found that a taking is based on the extent of the diminution of value, interference with investment backed expectations, and the character of the government action. Court found the NYC Landmark Preservation Law did not constitute a taking.
What is the goal of the Healthy Cities movement?
improving health and quality of life
It studies the relationship between two variables, the first variable must be nominal and the second is interval.
TIGER Files Include
Roads, Census Blocks, and Census Tracts
What is a threshold population?
Threshold Population is a term that is under a number of government programs to determine program eligibility.
Standard City Planning Enabling Act
1928 outlined powers of municipal planning commissions & required the adoption of a master plan by local governing bodies; provided for establishment of regional planning commission & regional plans
Airport planning
Ground access as new “hot” issue in airport planning. Regional planning concern due to ISTEA and CAA. Funding from sources such as passenger facility charge, federal ticket tax, and revenue bonds.
What is the water that saturates the pore spaces between sand, gravel, or in bedrock fractures called?
What is the critical path method?
“it is 1 of sev related techniques for doing proj plan. CPM is for projects that are made up of a number of ind ““activities.”” If some of the activities require other activities to finish before they can start, then the proj becomes a complex web of act.”
Best way to solicit citzen input in plan making
Neighborhood group leaders and citizen committees
Statutes requiring competitive bids are meant to benefit whom?
The taxpayer
What is ETJ?
Extraterritorial Jurisdication, Authority granted by some states to municipalties to impose zoning and subdivision regulatioins beyond its boundaries
The amount of goods and serviced produced in the United States during a year
Gross Domestic Product
What year were generation z born?
after 2000
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act (1966)
Created Model Cities, focusing on community participation; emphasized social and economic rebuilding of communities rather than physical development
AIP - what does it stand for, when was it founded, and who was the first president?
In 1917, the American Institute of Planners (AIP) was founded, with Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. as the first president. The AIP was the forerunner of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP)*.
State transportation plans
State systems, improvements.
Average Daily Traffic
(Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century) 1998 – Additional planning considerations required: support MPO economy, increase safety, increase accessibility, environmental enhancement, increase connectivity, efficient management, and preservation of
What is the City of Cincinnati?
This city was the first major U.S. city to adopt a comprehensive plan in 1925, produced by Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe.
Metromedia, Inc. v. City of San Diego 1981
The Court found that commercial and non-commercial speech cannot be treated differently. The court overruled an ordinance that banned all off-premises signs because it effectively banned non-commercial signs.
Lowering a thermostat by 1 degree Fahrenheit can reduce a heating bill by what percent?
What are the main elements of a Comprehensive plan?
Demographics, Land Use, Transportation, Community facility and infrastruction
Housing Opportunity Extension Act 1996
The act was designated public housing units for elderly or disabled and families, provided funding for Habitat for Humanity and evicted individuals with drug or alcohol abuse or criminal records.
Delphi method
Public participation (RAND), Uses successive rounds of questions to work towards greater clarification 1) Identify needs/goals/jectives or alternatives; 2) establish priorities, group preferences, differences among diverse reference groups; 3) educating a
What is an overlay zone?
to lay a special zone on top of existing zoning to apply additional requirements to that area
What was the significance of 1972, Just v. Marinette County?
Wisconsin: Environmental protection regs are a reasonable exercise of the police power; do not amount to a taking without just compensation; natural state of the shore land is a public interest superseding individual property rights
Gross National Product - An estimated value of the total worth of production and services, by citizens of a country, on its land or on foreign land, calculated over the course on one year.
Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development Corp.,
Established that discriminatory intent is required to invalidate zoning actions with racially disproportionate impacts.
What is Central Place Theory?
This theory explains the size and spacing of cities. The theory states that there is a minimum market threshold to bring a firm to a city and there is a maximum range people are willing to travel to receive goods and services.
What is a TOD?
Transit Oriented Development, typically high density, pedestrian friendly development near transit stops centered around transit stops
Potable Water
water that is safe to drink
Who is responsible for review of development proposals & approval of permit applications for projects?
community planner
Section 8
This housing program provides funds to pay a portion of the rent for low-income households. The amount paid depends on the household income
What is the Homestead Settlement act, of 1862?
This act provided 160 acres of land to settlers for a fee of $18 and a guarantee of five years of residence. The result was the settlement of 270 million acres, or 10 percent of the land area of the United States.
Agricultural land
900 million acres owned by farmers and ranchers. 240 million of prime ag land. 25% in metropolitan areas.
Urban Development Action Grant Program (UDAG)
authorized under the 1977 amendments to the 1974 Housing and Community Development Act. The UDAG program promoted public-private partnerships for redevelopment of urban areas. It also required intergovernmental cooperation in the placement of projects. Fi
1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA)
Reauthorized CERCLA, increased state involvement, encouraged more public participation in decision making process
Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.
“In 1901, he was appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt with a charge to ““restore and develop the century-old plans of Major L’Enfant for Washington and to fit them to the conditions of today.”””
Identifies and implements strategies for reducing traffic congestion. Such as flex time, parking cost increase, and car pools.
Travel Demand Management
John Friedmann
Associate with Transactive Planning and Radical Planning
Metromedia Inc v City of San Diego (1981)
US Supreme Court struck down ordinance that banned com and non-com off-site billboards yet permitted on-site signage as violation of free speech
Lawrence Veiller (1872-1959)
Helped draft 1901 Tenement House Law. Wrote Housing Reform in 1919.
Cities in Evolution 1915
Written by Patrick Geddes-was an essay on the growth of cities emphasizing preservation of historical traditions, involvement of people in their own betterment and rediscovery of past traditions of city building.
Ratio data
Data has an ordered relationship and equal intervals. Distance is an example–2 miles is twice as long as 1 mile. Any form of central tendency can be used for this type of data.
Soil Profile
A cross section of the earth’s showing the makeup of the soil layers
This provided better coordination between transportation planning and land use planning. This act also established the transportation enhancements program which earmarked federal funds for public transit, alternate trasportation modes, pedestrian walkways
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
Regional tax sharing
Think of Lehi/Orem stealing our retail base to pay for their growth. RTS would disincentify edge cities from seeking out commercial. Therefore RTS is a regional growth stragegy method.
Ladder of Citizen Participation: Sherry R. Arnstein
“Defines citizen participation in terms of amount of control citizens have over policy decision. without distribution of power citizen participation is ““empty ritual””.”
Name three arguments used to defend the deed restrictions as advancing legitimate state interests in Nollan v. Calif. Coastal Commission?
Nollan’s house would: interfere with visual access; create a psychological barrier; and increase the use of public beaches
The construction of buildings requires ___ percent of the energy used each year in the United States.
This act imposed two requirements on transportation. Mass transit system must be accessible and paratransit service must be provided to people who are incapable of driving or using public transit.
American with Disabilities Act 1990
Flood mitigation measures
elevating structures, construction techniques that allow floddwatera to pass through structures rather than push them over & relocating structures to higher ground
AIP Code of Ethics
In 1971, AIP adopted a Code of Ethics for professional planners.
What is a regressive tax?
The tax rate decreases as income rises.
USGS 1879
“Charged with ““classification of the public lands, and examination of the geological structure, mineral resources, and products of the national domain.”” Driven by need to inventory lands added to the US by Louisiana Purchase in 1803. King 1st director”
Cost Effectiveness Analysis
compares two choices, so to annex or to not annex.
Planner’s responsibility to Clients and Employers?
Use professional judgment; Accept decision of client/employer (unless illegal or contrary to public interest); Avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest
What is often required of a nonconforming septic system upon transfer of title?
Septic system upgrade conforming to current standards
Gifford Pinchot: Year, position, contribution?
First professionally trained forester; in 1905, became first director of U.S. Forest Service; leader of the conservation movement; advocated conservation and scientific management of natural resources
CERCLA (1980)
What is a Conditional Use Permit?
states that the use must comply with specific conditions or standards
Who is Walter Moody
published Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago, adopted as an eighth-grade textbook by the Chicago Board of Education. This is the first known formal instruction in city planning below the college level.
When was Medicare put into place and by whom?
In 1965 as part of the Great Society program of Lyndon Johnson
Intensive interactive problem-solving process convened around development of specific plans. Experts within & outside community.
First Historic Preservation Commission?
New Orlens, 1921 (French Quarter)
Advocacy planning (radical), associated w who?
Sherry Arnstein (Ladder of Participation, 1969), Paul Davidoff (planners as advocates, not neutral technocrats)
“What landmark Supreme Court case states that ““if regulation goes too far it will be recognized as a taking?”””
Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon, 1922–Justice Holmes’ famous quote
Descriptive Statistics
Describe the characteristics of a population.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Responsible for reviewing and coordinating programs affecting the region, certifying that a project to be federally funded will be consistent with regional plans or regional development goals and working w/ municipalities to coordinate roadway plans
Ernest Burgess
Concentric Zone Model
Shift-Share Analysis
Analyzes a local economy in comparison with a larger economy. This analysis looks at the differential shift, proportional shift, and economic growth.
What is participatory rural appraisal?
Participatory Rural Appraisal is a group of techniques that allow for the provision and analysis of information by the public. These are typically highly visual including creation of maps or picture cards.
What is Multi-Nuceli Planning Theory?
This planning theory argued that cities develop a series of specific land use nuclei. A land use nucleus is formed because of accessibility to natural resources, clustering of similar uses, land prices, and the repelling power of land uses.
What is nominal data?
Nominal data is classified into mutually exclusive groups that lack intrinsic order. Race, social security number, and sex are examples of nominal data. Mode is the only measure of central tendency that can be used for nominal data.
Author Joel Garreau describes an area that contains five million or more square feet of leasible office space as which of the following?
“Edge city. Garreau’s 1991 book Edge City describes the change from downtown to suburban ““new frontiers”
What scale does the US Geological Survey Use?
1:24,000 or 1 inch = 2,000 feet
What is Incremental Planning
Planning techique that makes minor changes over time. Makes light of the fact that money does run out and is not replenishable.
First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Glendale v. Los Angeles County,
Allowed damages (as opposed to invalidation) as a remedy for regulatory takings. Just compensation clause of Fifth Amendment requires compensation for temporary takings which occur as a result of regulations ultimately invalidated in court.
What is Radical Planning
Takes power away fromthe people and gives planning back to the people. Allows neighbors to be responsible for planning in their own communities.
Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mount Laurel; New Jersey Supreme Court (1975)
The Court found that Mount Laurel had exclusionary zoning that prohibited multifamily, mobile home, or low- to moderate-income housing. The court required the Town to open its doors to those of all income levels.
New York Zoning Resolution
Key concept granted appeal rights.
What is a proportional tax?
The tax rate is the same regardless of income.
How are active vs. passive recreational activities determined?
Infrastructure required; impact to the environment; cost
Framework that looks at urbanized regions as the waste product of defunct economic and industrial processes. Concept by Alan Berger, that could be useful for the redesign and adaptive re-use of ‘waste landscapes’ within urbanized regions.
Basic Economic Activites
Those that can be exported, while non-basic activities are those that are locally oriented. The exporting industries make up the economic base of a region.
“What case removed the ““substantially advances”” test of Agins v. Tiburon?”
“2005, Lingle v. Chevron; the ““substantially advances”” principle is not appropriate for evaluating a regulatory taking claim”
Works Progress Administration (WPA) 1935
The program continued and extended relief programs, offering work to the unemployed by spending money on a wide variety of programs including highway and building construction, slum clearance and rural rehabilitation.
1990 Cranston-Gonzalez Ntl Affordable Housing Act (NAHA)
HOME - Home Ownership Made Easy program. Federal matching funds to local govts for low income housing needs. Needed Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS).
What is rezoning?
change from one zoning classification to another
What are the two basic types of statistical groupings?
Quantitative groups variables into ordered class intervals; qualitative groups variables into disparate categories.
Nominal data
Data that is classified into mutually exclusive groups that lack intrinsic order. Race and sex are examples of nominal data. Mode is the only measure of central tendency that can be used for this data type.
1977 Community Revitalization Act
Anti-discrimination law for bank regulators. Stopped redlining in urban, low-income minority neighborhoods.
longitudinal survey
Over a period of time. Some cities conduct a citizen survey of service satisfaction every couple of years. This data can be combined to compare the differences in satisfaction between 1995 and 2005.
What is the definition of a Comprehensive Plan?
The offial statement of a legislative body that sets forth its major polcies concerning desirable future physical growth
Regional Plan for New York and Its Environs 1929
The plan included explanation by Clarence Perry of the neighborhood unit concept. The plan designed neighborhoods based on a distance that people can comfortably walk, about 160 acres.
Sherry Arnstein
wrote “A Ladder of Citizen Participation” for the Journal of the American Planning Association in 1969. This article describes the levels of involvement by citizens depending on the form of participation utilized.
Bormann v Board of Supervisors, Iowa SC 1998
Right to Farm legislation unconstitutional. Granted farmers immunities not given to other landowners. Created de facto taking allowing farm to set odors, noise, etc.
Neotraditional Development
Calls for nodes of activity that provide Mixed Use, Multimodal Use and Contains Public Spaces
What is a perc test?
Use to determine if soil at a site has adequate absorptive capacity for a septic system to function properly
Goals Achievement Matrix is a chart that shows the anticipated attainment of a project’s goals and the assignment of accomplishing a goal to a group.
John Logan & Harvey Molotch
Proposed in 1987 that urban development is actually directed by those elite members of the community who control the resources and have business & political interests that benefit from the development
Members of City Council v. Taxpayers for Vincent 1984
Court found that the regulation of signs was valid for aesthetic reasons as long as the ordinance does not regulate the content of the sign. If the regulation is based on sign content, it must be justified by a compelling governmental interest.
What is ETJ?
Grants the authority by some states to municipalities to impose zoning and subdivision regulations beyond their jurisdictions.
What type of development does this promote?
sprawling patterns