Leadership, Administration, and Management Flashcards
What are the types of Organizational Forms?
- Horizontal or Flat: has few or no levels if management between management and staff level employees. Employees are less supervised and have increased involvement in the decision-making process.
- Vertical or hierarchical: is like a pyramid. Every employee is subordinate to someone else within the organization except the very top level.
- Matrix: encourage interdisciplinary approaches to problem solving. They are difficult to manage and can be ineffective for large organizations.
How many elements are there in a Strategic Plan?
- Analyze the community’s needs
- Identify results
- Admit uncertainties
- Involve strategic stakeholders
- Develop and evaluate alternatives
- Identify the role of the city
- Develop a funding policy
- Evaluate performance
Strategic Planning is used to assist an organization in guiding its future while also understanding the changes in operations needed to achieve the desired future.
What is “Big Data”?
Rapid collection of large amounts of data.
This is a product of information technologies that monitor all kinds of urban activists: traffic, noise, lighting levels, air quality, bus headways (distance between buses) and pedestrian activity.
What is ICT?
Information and Communication Technologies
What are Smart City technologies?
They are implemented with the goal of achieving cost efficiencies, making infrastructure more resilient, and generally improving urban conditions.
Sensors are a critical component of smart city technology.
What does Smart Cities focus on?
Information and Communication Technologies and the Internet of Things—devices that use the internet to support the delivery of public services and the livability of communities.
Smart Cities use ICT to:
- Engage citizens
- Deliver services
- Enhance urban systems
Which results in:
1. Cost efficiencies
2. Resilient infrastructure
3. Improved urban experience
What is the advantage of a flat organization?
More employees responsibility, remove excess management, easier decision-making
What is the disadvantage of having a matrix organizational structure?
Slow decision making due to info sharing; possible confusion/frustration due to dual authority
What are the three Cs of a good staff report?
Compliance, consistency, compatibility
What are the organizational models in planning?
Management, current planning, advanced/long range planning
What is an example of a functional approach to organizational structure?
Planning on one group, information systems in another and financial investments in another.
What are 3 different ways of organizing for sustainability?
Within a planning department
Within an executive office
As a stand alone department
List examples of Loss Exposure
Casualty risk
Liquidity risk
Market risk
Political/litigation risk
Technological risk
How is casualty risk different from liquidity risk?
Casualty risk is the risk of accidents involving property or personnel;
Liquidity risk is the risk of not having enough cash to cover operations
What is an example of “political risk” in planning actions?
The inability to achieve the goals of planning.
Under what circumstance are measurement and performance tools not seen as being credible?
If they are not valued by the local community, or don’t have localized relevance.
What are some Measurement and Performance Tools?
Rating Systems
EIS, Health Impact Statement
Municipal bond ratings
What is the appropriate sequence for developing a strategic plan?
Analyze needs, objectives and the organizations SWOT (strengths weaknesses opportunities threats)
Involve stakeholders
Develop a funding policy
Evaluate performance
What are likely themes for planning agency organization?
Subject area or specialization
Functional approach
Long range vs current planning
What technique would be used for more than 100 participants over two to five days to bring people together to agree on changes?
Appreciative Inquiry Summit
To help bring Commissioners together who are constantly fighting over projects in each other’s districts, what would they be invited to participate in?
City Walk
This technique is used to sensitize people to community problems and opportunities. A group of community leaders re-experience their community and then draw on their observations. These observations are then shared in a workshop.
What is critical in effective planning agency management?
- Staff training and professional development
- Team building exercises
- Annual performance evaluations
- Training on workplace polices and laws regarding sexual harassment
Participatory Technology Assessment
This is a technique to engage a representative group of lay people in the processes of science and technology decision making
What agencies have provided financial assistance for affected workers?
military town concerned about the 2015 Base Closure and Reuse Commission (BRAC)
- Office of Economic Adjustment
- Department of Labor
- Economic Development Administration
- Federal Aviation Administration
_________________ do not yet exist for planning departments.
Formalized accreditation programs
Accreditation already exists for Park and Recreation agencies, Police Departments, Public Health Departments and Public Schools
What organizational tactic can be effective in breaking down silos?
A matrix organization has staff working across departments on functional teams.
What is described as the “holy grail” of effective planning agency management?
Having the best possible team
The key to success is hiring the right people and then:
Protecting those people