AICP Deck 1 Flashcards
1975 Energy Policy Conservation Act
Est CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards in response to Arab oil embargo of 70s. (National
Where was the first urban growth boundary? when?
Lexington & Fayette County, KY 1958
What is the CCA?
Community Character Act
What is Chicago’s most famous public park?
Grant Park
What is noncumulative zoning?
allows only stated use & not more restrictive (less intensive) uses
What are the 4 key elements of New Urbanism?
Walkability, mix use, transportation and urban design.
Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mt. Laurel (II), 456 A.2d 390 (N.J. 1983)
Created the model fair housing remedy for exclusionary zoning.
Business Improvement District BID
special assessment district where property owners pay additional tax for extra service to benefit their district
Forest lands
191 million acres of national forest.
Top ten fastest growing metropolitan areas between 2000 and 2010
- Palm Coast, FL 2. St. George, UT 3. Las Vegas-Paradise, NV 4. Raleigh-Cary, NC 5. Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL 6. Provo-Orem, UT 7. Greeley, CO 8. Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, TX 9. Myrtle Beach-North Myrtle Beach-Conway, SC 10. Bend, OR
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Is the ratio of the gross floor area of the building to its ground area. It is used primarily to determine building density on a site or, more specifically, the size of a building in relation to the size of the lot on which it sits.
In what year did the U.S. Department of Commerce issue the Standard City Planning Enabling Act?
1976 housing voucher program for public housing residents to move to suburbs for better economic and educational opportunities
Concentric Circle Theory
Ernest Burgess (1925). Cities grow in a series of outward rings. Centered by a business district surrounded by a transition zone filled with low-income, high-crime area, then a working-class residential zone, then a middle-class residential zone, and fina
What is Dillon’s Rule?
local governments are not provided with authority absent an express delegation of power from the state. In 1872, Judge Dillon found that local governments are subordinate to the state and are only authorized to perform actions permitted by the state.
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act
1924,1926 confirmed states authority to delegate police power to municipalities to enact local zoning ordinances
“Stating that ““phased growth is well within the gambit of enabling legislation,”” what case confirmed the principle that communities can regulate growth based upon their ability to provide services demanded by the growth?”
Golden v. Ramapo, 1972
What are descriptive statistics?
Descriptive Statistics describe the characteristics of a population.
Antiquities Act
1906-first law to provide federal protection for archaeological sites.allowed for the designation of National Monuments.created to protect prehistoric Indian ruins and artifacts.president can designate national monuments without congress approval.
National Housing Act (1934)
Established federal insurance of savings deposits; Created the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to underwrite mortgage insurance (with strict requirements for type and location home, and owner)
Coastal Zone Management Act 1972
Created a voluntary Coastal Management Program to meet established federal standards.
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
relates to air quality and requires that a project will not increase emissions above a specified PSD increment
Development agreement
can be used to clarify what infrastructure will be provided as part of a development. Impact fees can also be instituted to pay for off-site improvements, however since this improvement is on-site the better answer is a development agreement.
Revenue bonds
Sold for projects that produce revenues; Are not backed by the full faith and credit of the local jurisdiction, but are financed in the long-term through service charges or fees
Metro Water District of So.Cal.
est. 1927 to create the Colorado River Aqueduct
Concensus building
Clarence Perry
Developed Neighborhood Unit Concept debued in his Regional Survey of New York and its Environs (1929)
Letchworth, England
1903, First English Garden City and a stimulus to the New Town movement in the US Greenbelt towns
What are the six transects in transect theory?
The six transects include natural, rural, sub-urban, general urban, urban center and urban core.
Delphi method
is a structured process of public participation with the intent of coming to a consensus decision. Panel completes hypotheses questionaires. Answers presented anonymously. Panel to revise answers based on what was heard. Eventually the answers converge.
Average household size according to 2000 Census?
2.59 persons (owner-occupied = 2.69, renter-occupied - 2.4)
Name three components that should be analyized to determine whether a real estate investment will make financial sense?
The investment’s tax effect, cash flow, and future benefits
John Friedmann
Friedmann’s transactive planning emphasized that citizens and civic leaders, notplanners, had to be at the core of planning if plans were to be implemented.
Who developed the equity planning theory?
President George H. Bush did which of the following in 1994?
Signed NAFTA legislation
“What does ““non-IRA tribe”” mean?”
Tribe that did not choose to organize under the 1934 Indian Reorganizatoin Act
Micropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
Has a population of more than 10,000 people and less than 50,000 people. This includes a central county and adjacent counties that have a high degree of social and economic integration as measured by commuting.
Urban Area
For Census 2000, two types of urban areas: Urban Clusters (2.5 - 50K people) and Urbanized Areas (at least 50K people)
Riverside, IL
Olmsted and Vaux, Garden suburb w parks and greenways; First planned suburban community stressing rural as opposed to urban amenities
What level of threat do septage lagoons pose to groundwater for drinking?
high threat, due to concentrated storage of accumulated septage
Section 701
from 1954 Housing Act. Sectino 701 included funding for comprehensive planning for communities of less than 25,000, which established many planning departments.
Charles Limblom wrote
”"”The Science of Muddling Through””, which established the incremental planning theory”
What is the signifigance of the Vieux Carre Commission
It was the first Historic Preservation Commission
Central Park New York 1851
Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. and Calvert Vaux designed Central Park in New York City.
Fredrick Law Olmstead Sr.
Co-designer of Central Park in NYSite Planner for the 1893 Columbia Exposition.
How many federally recognized Native American tribes are there in the United States?
Mariemont, Ohio
Mariemont is a planned community in Hamilton County, Ohio, United States. Founded in the 1920’s by Mary Emery it foreshadowed the New Urbanism movement.
average squared difference of scores from the mean score of a distribution.Variance is a descriptor of a probability distribution, how far the numbers lie from the mean.
Savannah, GA 1733
James Oglethorpe designed the city featuring a central public square.
Linear programming
is a project management method that attempts to find the optimum design solution for a project. This system takes a set of decision variables within constraints and comes up with an optimum design solution.
Biggest/smallest states in population in 2000 Census?
Biggest: California; Smallest: Wyoming
Housing Act of 1949
Established the basis for Urban Renewal
What is the primary purpose of a fiscal impact analysis?
To assist city or county officials determine if a project will generate sufficient revenue to defray necessary public service costs
Judtih Innes
Writes about Consensus Planning. Professor at Berkeley
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
classifies business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data about the U.S. economy. developed by the Office of Management and Budget and in 1997, replaced the Standard Industrial Classification system.
1986 Low Income Housing Tax Credit
LIHTC is alternative to fund housing for moderate incomes. Tax credits sold to investors and corporations to build affordable housing. Generally some portion of project for low-mod income (Ex: National).
Who created a model town for his company and employees in Illinois?
George Pullman
Columbia, MD 1963
Columbia was a New Town built by James Rouse, featuring some class integration and the neighborhood unit principle.
Income-output analysis
Measure the relationship among industries in a region showing what is used locally and what is exported.
Slope of 0.5-1%
No problems, ideal for all types of development
Property Administration 41 Act of 1949
Used for the disposal of Federal Property by the US government
What is a general resource for identifying wetlands?
The National Wetlands Inventory
First indoor shopping center
Southlake Center, Minnesota 1956
National Historic Preservation Act (1966)
Est. National Register of Historic Places; Provide (sect. 106) for protection of preservation-worthy sites and properties threatened by federal activities
First department store
Salt Lake Cit, 1868; founded by Brigham Young as way to decrease dependence on outside goods
What is cumulative zoning?
older approach to regulating land use
Smart Growth
seeks to address the prob. caused by low-density residential dev. such as threatened farmland & open space, inc public service costs, disinvestments in central cities, serious traffic congestion, & degradation of the environement
Sierra Club v. Morton
Opened up environmental citizen suits to discipline the resource agencies.
Primary purpose of a fiscal impact analysis
To assist city or county officials determine if a project will generate sufficient revenue to defray necessary public service costs
First Subway 1897
The Boston Common was the first subway line in the United States, in 1897. The subway was built to eliminate trolley congestion on downtown streets.
Henry Wright
codesigner of Sunnyside Gardens, NY and Radburn, NJ
pond, lake, tank, or basin that can be used for the storage and control of water, and can be either natural or man-made
What theory did Harris and Ullman posit?
Multi Nuceli Planning Theory- Cities growth depended on land use nucleus formed around industry and similar uses; ie Natural resources; land prices etc.
What is a land classification map?
divides a planning jurisdiction into diff classes of land & is more gen. than land use plan
Symptomatic Method to Estamate Current Population
ex. building permit method
Euclidean zoning
Specifies exactly what uses will be allowed in each district and at what level of intensity; Does not allow for mix of uses
What is Communicative Planning
Focuses on identifying stakeholders and building a concensus on how to sole a problem. Concensus building is major focus.
Who founded the Sierra Club (1892)?
John Muir, to promote the protection and preservation of the natural environment
Washington DC, 1710
Designed by Pierre L Enfant, DC featured radial streets, applying principles of monumental design.
The Ordinance of 1785
Established a system of rectangular survey coordinates for virtually all of the country west of the Appalachians. Established the basis for the Public Land Survey System.
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
Required for a federal action only when it’s major and has significant environmental impact.
Simplest measure of dispersion, it is the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution.
Alfred Bettman
-1st President of ASPO. -Argued in favor of zoning before Supreme Court (Euclid v Ambler - 1926) - Introduced concept of Comprehensive Plan. Co-author: Cincinnati Plan. - part in creating Capital Improvements Budget.
What is regulated in form-based zoning?
size, form, appearance, & placement of bldg & parking rather than the use of land & density of development
Gravity model
A traffic deal to quantify trip generation relationships
The Radiant City of 1935
Le Corbusier- city was composed mainly of skyscrapers for very high density development, surrounded by commonly owned parks. He promoted large scale grids of arterial street, supper blocks with high rise towers and individual zones for different uses.
What is a homogenous neighborhood?
area zoned for a single use & single type of building
What year was the standard city planning enabling act?
Ebenezer Howard
Garden Cities - community development concept
First Year USGS topographic map produced
Tribal Designated Statistical Area
Unit drawn by tribes that do not have a recognized land area. These are defined independently of the standard county based census
What is a legal right or claim upon property which attaches to the property called?
A lien, which remains on the property until a debt is satisfied.
Empowerment Zone
An economically depresed area designated for governmental subsidies and tax incentives.
Ebenezer Howard
“Author of ““Garden Cities of Tomorrow”” and ““Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform”” Associated with Garden Cities and famously with Radburn, New Jersey”
Top Ten Growing Places
Las Vegas, NV - Naples - FL, Yuma, AZ - South Texas - yettevill, AR - Boise, Id - Pheonix Mesa, AZ - Loredo, TX- Provo Orem, UT
Zion Cooperative Mercantile Institution 1868
The Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institution was founded by Bringham Young as a way to decrease dependence on outside goods.
allows the comparisons of the means of two groups to determine how likely the difference between the two means occurred by chance. needs the number of subjects in each group, difference btwn means of each group, and the standard deviation for each group.
what was the fist zoning map based on?
premise that incompatible land uses should be separated
William Whyte
1980, Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. environmental psychology and sociology in urban design.
Disaggregated Per Capita Method
Estimates the costs and revenues based on major land uses. Type of Fiscal Impact Analysis
Fannie & Freddie
Hold 80-90% of mortgages in the US. Publicly traded corporation and primary purpose os to provide credit to homebuyers, middle income and first-time.
Why is property owner compensated for land?
5th Amendment mandates it, must be compensated fairly
Ian McHarg
Design with Nature (1969); environmentally conscious approach to land use; map overlay technique predecessor to GIS
“What does ““dual sovereignty”” refer to?”
Federal and state government reign supreme in their separate spheres; local governments are creatures of the states, lacking inherent powers.
Gautreaux Program 1976
The program, in Chicago, allowed public housing residents and people on public housing waiting lists to use Section 8 vouchers to rent places in the suburbs, not only in the central city.
What is Euclidean zoning?
typical approach to regulating land use; specifies exactly what uses will be allowed in each district and at what level of intensity
What federal law requires the registration and labeling of pesticides that may affect the environment? Who enforces it?
FIFRA: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. States implement the FIFRA rules.
Housing Act
1949 Established the basis for urban renewal
What are location quotients used for?
To determine the ratio of total local employment of a specific industry to that of the industry on a national basis
Planner’s responsibility to the Profession and Colleagues?
Education others about the profession; Show respect for colleagues; Contribute to the development of the profession
What book did Ladislas Segoe write? When was it published and why is it relevant?
Local Planning Administration by Ladislas Segoe, published in 1941. This book was the first in the Green Book Series produced by the International City/County Management Association.
What kind of local government decisions are limited by the rational nexus and rough proportionality tests?
Adjudicative, or discretionary, decisions
Village of Arlington Heights v Metro Housing Dev Corp;
1977 USSC. Court upheld village decision to deny rezoning application necessary to construct low-income housing on basis that it did not violate 14th Amendment because there was no evidence of intentional racial discrimination
Distributed Housing Unit Method
Pop Estimate. Census data for the number of housing units, which is then multiplied by the occupancy rate and persons per household. Reliable for slow growth or stable communities, but is less reliable in communities that are changing more quickly.
first subway
boston 1897
1 Hectare = X sq meteres or x acres
10,000 sq metersa or 2.471 acres
this treats waste water after it has been collected.
Secondary Treatment system
Coupon rate
The annual rate of interest paid on a bond that a borrower pays to the bond holder.
What book did Christopher Stone write in 1972?
Should Trees Have Standing
Soil Map
A map showing the distribution of soil types or other soil mapping units in a relation to the prominent and cultural features of the earth’s surface
George Perkins Marsh: Book, year, contribution?
Man and Nature, 1864. Explored human impacts on natural environment; inspired conservationist movement
What occurs under a PDR program?
an agency buys a private landowners right to develop property
What is the 5th Amendment
Deals with just compensations of property; emenient domain issues.
What is shift-share analysis?
Shift share analysis looks at the change in the share of employment in an industry over time.
Saul Alinsky
Rules for Radicals, Community Organizing, “Organization of organizations”
First urban growth boundary?
Lexington and Fayette County, KY (1958)
What is a location quotient?
The ratio of total local employment of an industry to that industry nationally
What is a drop-off survey? What are the advantages? Disadvantages?
A Drop-off survey allows the survey to be dropped off at someone’s residence or business. Advantages include higher response rates than mailing. Disadvantages include high time and expense requirements. Smaller sample size.
What movement/organization is associated with boycotts and marches?
Alinsky’s Organizations
land-use planning
the process of evaluating the needs and wants of the population, the characteristics and values of the land, and various alternative solutions before changes in land use are made
Threshold Population
Use by many programs to determine eligibility. For example the Threshold Population to qualify to receive Community Development Block Grant Funds.
Cross tabulation models
used to estimate trip generation
What percentage of fertilizer applied in urban and agricultural areas ultimately leaches into groundwater?
Robert Stafford Disaster RElief and Emergency Assistance Act
1988 required 25% state & local match for federal funds for disaster relief; requires each state to appoint a State Hazard Mitigation Officer (SHMO)
Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. et al. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency et al. 2002
Court found moratoria did not constitute a taking requiring compensation.
Agricultural Preservation & Growth Management
Critical link. Need to consider ag zoning, urban growth boundaries, transfer of development rights, conservation subdivisions, and agricultural easements.
Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) 1977
Use for site acquisition and clearance to facilitate economic development; Competitive funds (vs entitlement CDBG funds)
Agglomeration economics
Phenomenom whereby businesses locate close to one another rather than spread out to economically benefit from close proximity (reduced transportation and communication costs)
Nollan v California Coastal Commission (1987)
Takings clause was violated when public agency would grant the Nollans a permit to build a house only if they provided a public easement on their beachfront property; Land-use regulation amounted to a taking
Fiscal Impact Analysis
Used to estimate the costs and revenues of a proposed development on a local government.
What is transect zoning?
describes development as a continuum of 6 zones from rural to urban districts
What technique can be used to find the optimum design solution on a project?
Linear Programming
Seaside, FL
New Urbanist planned community; Duany; traditional neighborhood design; construction began 1982
Who wrote The Intelligence of Democracy?
Charles Lindblom
What is required before approval of conditional uses?
subject to review & often require public hearing before approval
Advocacy Planning in Cleveland
What is the purpose of ETJ?
to ensure development beyond the boundaries is compatible with development permitted by the municipality
Nollan v. California Coastal Commission,
“Created the ““essential nexus”” takings test for conditioning development approvals on dedications a nd exactions”
Census Tract
Designed to be a relatively homogeneous unit with respect to population characteristics, economic status and living conditions; Averages ~4,000 people
What federal legislation was passed in 1972?
Water Pollution Act, Coastal Zone Management Act
Alinsky’s Organization
The organization uses boycotts to initiate change. A paid organizer is used to organize people. An invitation is given to members of a community to participate in the organization.
What is Boston’s most famous public park?
Public Gardens
What is the Delphi Method?
a structured communication technique, originally developed as a systematic, interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of experts. The experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds.
What is a permit?
document issued by proper governmental authority authorizing the applicant to undertake specified activities
Cheney v. Village 2 at New Hope
The State of Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the use of planned unit developments
“What is ““adaptive reuse””?”
adopting old structures for new purposes while retaining some of the original architecture details
Daniel Burnham
Columbian World Exposition (1893), Chicago Plan (1909); City beautiful; “Make no small plans”
Sir Raymond Unwin
was an English town planner and designer of Letchworth. He later lectured at the University of Birmingham in England and Columbia University.
Hypothesis Test
allows for a determination of possible outcomes and the interrelationship between variables.
What growth management technique would likely be used to control growth to coincide with a capital improvements plan?
Building permit caps, which time the issuance of building permits to coincide with the community’s ability to support development and its demands
Hull House, Chicago 1889
Founded by Jane Addams-was one of first settlement houses in U.S. and grew into one of the largest, with facilities in 13 buildings. Attracted educated middle-class people to live in poor urban neighborhoods to provide social and educational services.
Estimates the volume of trip origins and trip destinations
Trip Generation
What is the elevation shown in parentheses: V6(el.15’)?
The elevation at the top of the hypothetical wave of at least 3 feet in height, occurring during the 100-year storm.
How big is the a township square?
36 square miles (government survey method)
What is an analysis of the relationship between one or more variables to determine if the factors impact the dependent variable?
Regression analysis. it is a statistical process for estimating the relationships among variables. For example, score on the AICP exam is dependent on education, years experience, and number of hours studying.
What is Range
Highest number (-) the smallest numbereg: 10-2 is 8
What is range?
The range is the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution. The age range of the respondents in a neighborhood survey goes from 18-year-old to 62-year-old. This results in a range of 44.
What does an income statement project?
Net or gross income over a period of time
What is the most important element of a contract for consulting work?
List of Milestones
Location Quotient
ratio of an industry’s share of local employment divided by its share of the nation. A location quotient of less than one indicates an importing economy. If the quotient is greater than one then the area is an exporting economy.
When was PPBS developed and what is its major focus?
Developed in the 1960s; focused on planning, not budgeting
How far does public infrastructure go?
not beyond UGB
What does the EPRCA regulate?
extremely hazardous substances: 366 toxic, reactive, volatile, dispersible and flammable chemicals that can cause serious irreversible health effects from accidental release.
Correlation Coefficient
indicates the type and strength of the relationship between variables, ranging from -1 to 1. The closer to 1 the stronger the relationship between the variables. Squaring the correlation coefficient results in an r2
What is a moratorium?
temporary halt or placing of severe restrictions on specified development activites
Fred French Investing Co v City of NY (1976)
Transfer of Development Rights
What is Sector Planning Theory?
this Planning theory argued that land uses vary based on transportation routes. The city, as a result, was a series of sectors radiating out from the center of the city.
Cities in Evolution (1915)
Patrick Gedes, considered by some as the father of regional planning
What book did Wiliam Whyte write? when? what does the book promote?
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces by Wiliam Whyte, published in 1980. This book promotes the use of environmental psychology and sociology in urban design.
Tactical urbanism
represents an activist approach to engaging the community in the possibilities of transforming a space. Tactical urbanism focuses on making an immediate impact in a community.
What is a correlation?
A Correlation tests the strength of the relationship between variables.
The New York State Court of Appeals upheld the Town of Ramapo’s right to require _________ to obtain a special building permit.
Performance standards
What is economic base analysis?
Economic base analysis looks at basic and non-basic economic activities. Basic activities are those that can be exported, while non-basic activities are those that are locally oriented. The exporting industries make up the economic base of a region.
What is program evaluation and review technique?
PERT is a scheduling method that graphically illustrates the interrelationships of project tasks.
Mass wasting
the downslope movement of earth materials due to the force of gravity.
Against what should groundwater models be calibrated?
Observed conditions and field data; test the model against more than one set of known conditions
NEPA Procedural Requirements
Requires detailed statement of (1) env impacts, (2) env costs which might be avoided and (3) alternative measures (Env. Assessment)
Ex ante evaluation
refers to forward-looking assessment of the likely future effects of new policies of proposals
701 Plans
Housing Act of 1954 provided matching funds for developing comprehensive plans through Sec 701 of the act
What is generally assumed as part of growth management?
1.households & businesses prefer more central locations when transportation costs are high 2.decentralization takes place when transporation costs decrease 3.location decisions involve trade-offs among amentities, site costs, & transportation costs
Economic base analysis
Briefly, activities in an area divide into two categories – basic and non-basic. Basic industries are those exporting from the region; non-basic (or service) industries support basic industries
What does a cash flow statement project?
The timing of incoming payments
Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency,
Sanctioned the use of moratoria and reaffirmed the parcel-as-a-whole rule for takings review
Mary Simkhovitch (1867-1951)
Social worker and housing reformer active in settlement movement in NYC. Founded Greenwich House in Greenwich Village in 1902.
“What was the event ““Listening to the City?”””
5,000 New Yorkers gathered in Manhattan to participate in a modern town meeting (July 2, 2002)
1996 Telecommunications Act
Increase competition in communications business. Streamline installation of cell phone towers, gave telecom companies pre-emption powers over local regs and eminent domain powers over private property.
Edgeless Citiesi (2002)
Dominant urban form with large, isolated, suburban office complexes that are not accessible by pedestrians or transit
What is a sand filter system?
A wastewater treatment system consisting of beds of sand built over drainpipes that collect wastewater after it has been filtered
Wildfire mitigation measures
requiring structural modifications such as fire-resistant materials, removing vegetation near structures to create a buffer, planting fire-resistant plants
Associated Home Builders of Greater East Bay v. City of Livermore dealt with what issues?
Timing of Development: The Associated Home Builders case was related to when building permits could be developed based on the availability of infrastructure.
Community development planning social goals
Mix of incomes. Improved access to unemployment. Feasibility of alternative trans. Increased supply of affordable housing. Improved safety.
Kelo v. City of New London (2005)
Affirmed the use of eminent domain for economic development
Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Zones (1994)
Fed funds to make distressed urban areas economically competitive with suburban neighbors; Incentives such as property tax reductions, sales tax reductions, wage tax credits, low-interest financing
Adverse Abandonment
A petition for adverse abandonment is filed by a party other than the owner of a railroad asking a court or a state board to declare the land abandoned by the railroad
Who published the first isue of the Journal of Planning Education. When was it published?
In 1981, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning published the first issue of The Journal of Planning Education and Research.
urban service boundary.
Urban Park and Recreation Program Recovery Act 1978
The act authorized matching grants to renovate and improve parks and other recreational facilities in low-income communities.
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council,
Compensation to be paid to landowners when regulations deprive them of all economically beneficial land use unless uses are disallowed by title or by state law background principles of private and public nuisances.
Housing and Community Development Act 1974
Instituted CDBG program.Larger cities and urban counties-“entitlement communities,” required to prepare and submit “Consolidated Plan” that establishes goals for use of funds.Grantees required to hold public meetings to solicit input from community.
What is the significance of the 100th meridian
Seperates east and west by rainfall. The longitudinal line runs through N and S Dakota and Oklahoma.
Required that all federal highways abide by certain uniform design standards. Enacted during the Eisenhower administration This act was one of the primary cause or urban sprawl becuase it encouraged auto usage and less dense development patterns.
National Interstate and Highway Defense Act 1956
When was the CZMA adopted?
1972–same year as the Clean Water Act.
Norman Krumholz
Cleveland Planning Director, 1969-1979. Equity planning - working to serve those with few choices; poor and minority residents.
Christopher Stone’s 1972 book Should Trees Have Standing discussed which planning issue?
The authority to file suit
What is cost-revenue analysis?
Cost Revenue analysis takes into account anticipated revenues and expected expenditures both in capital and recurring sources
Any change in any street layout, other public improvement; lot line; amount of land reserved for public use or the common use of lot owners; & easements shown on the approved plat.
What is contract zoning?
Zoning authority rezones a parcel or district to accommodate a private interest, while setting unique limitations or restrictions that the owner must accept.
Right of way
Right granted by owner to other to building, maintain and use a road, pathway or utility line across the owner’s property
Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon, 260 U.S. 393 (1922)
The U.S. Supreme Court indicated, for the first time, that regulation of land use might be a taking.
Jane Jacobs
“Authored ““The death and life of American Cities”” The book provided a critical look at planners and planning, with a special focus on the mistakes of urban renewal.”
Disappearing City 1932
Frank Lloyd Wright, in his book Disappearing City, presented his vision of the landscape in which each home was situation on at least an acre of land and someone in each household owned a car.
Important elements of a Historic Preservation Program
Educational materials for historic building owners, design guidelines for historic building renovations and Tax incentives to encourage renovation
What is now the main threat to U.S. water supplies?
Non-point source pollution
What is regression?
Regression is a test of the effect of independent variables on a dependent variable. A regression analysis explores the relationship between variables.
What is the population project technique that allocates a projected population expansion to subregional areas called?
Shift-share approach
1 sq ml = xxx acres
640 acres
1965, Economic Development Administration
Used regional poverty and unemployment statistics to determine which counties were elegible for EDA funding. Support for local econ dev by grants for site acquisition, grading, utilities. Community industrial parks and business incubators.
What is the name for a roof with a double pitch on opposing sides of a vertical gable wall?
Gambrel roof–an adaptation and expansion of the gable roof that is double pitched on both sides (front and back) to provide for maximum use of the space under the roof
Homer Hoyt’s
Sector Model
freshwater wetland that has spongy, muddy land and a lot of water
Federal Home Loan Bank Act 1932
Established twelve regional banks under the system. Created the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) to refinance mortgages of economically distressed homeowners, which legally expired after discriminatory practice.
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
Administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides grants to States, and States to eligible applicants, to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures after a major disaster.
“A budget may be characterized as a series of goals with price tags attached”
Aaron Wildansky
Public Land Survey System
Land was to be systematically surveyed into square townships, six miles on a side. Each of these townships was sub-divided into thirty-six sections of one square mile or 640 acres (259 hectares).
General obligation bonds
Taxing power of the jurisdiction is pledged to pay interest upon, and retire the debt; Can be sold to finance permanent types of improvement such as schools, municipal buildings, parks, and rec facilities; Voter approval may be required
What does APFO synchronize?
development with availiblity of public facilities needed to support that development
One kilometer
1,000 meters or 3,281 ft
Freddie Mac 1970
established to keep money flowing to mortgage lenders in support of home ownership and rental housing. Freddie Mac buys mortgages on the secondary market, pools them, and sells them as mortgage-backed securities to investors on the open market.
US Resettlement Administration 1935
Rexford Tugwell-new deal program relocated struggling urban and rural families to communities planned by federal gov. responsible for New Towns program,developed three cities based on ideas (greenbelt towns):Greendale, WI;Greenhills, OH;and Greenbelt, MD
First safety elevator
NYC, 1857, Elisha Otis; made highrise buildings feasible
1968 Housing & Urban Development Act
New Communities Act - funding for private development of new towns. 6 millions subsidized housing units. Local govts develop housing plans and coordinate affirmative action programs
Housing and Community Development Act (1974)
Instituted CDBG program
In an unconfined aquifer, what is the potentiometric surface?
The water table
Pennsylvania Coal v Mahon (1922)
U.S. Supreme Court, Acknowledges principle of regulatory taking (land use restriction constituted a taking)
“What is the ““push analysis””?”
It determines sales capacity of a market area. A push analysis determines if the introduction of a new business will generate additional customers.
What is growth management?
linking land use and transportation
What case allowed the use of performance criteria as a means of slowing community growth?
1979, Golden v. Planning Board of Ramapo, NY
Metro Water Dist. Of So. CA 1927
Formed in 1927, the water district was created to build and operate the Colorado River Aquaduct.
What is floor area ratio (FAR)?
Floor area ratio (FAR) is the ratio of the gross floor area of a building to its ground area.
When and where was the first town planning board created?
In 1907, the first town planning board was created in Hartford, Connecticut.
When was NEPA passed?
In 1969 during Nixon’s first term.
Exponential Method
Pop Estimate. Uses the rate of growth (or decline) in population over a period of time to estimate the current or future population.
Slope of 3 - 5%
Major problems for commercial/industrial/large scale residential
What is a common maximum noise standard for communities?
65 decibels
Growth Machine Theory
John Logan and Harvey Molotch, 1987, Proposed that urban development is actually directed by those elite members of the community who control the resources and have business and political interests that benefit from development
What % of US mortgages do Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac together hold?
What is a null hypothesis?
The Null Hypothesis, shown as H0 is a statement that there are no differences. For example, a Null Hypothesis could be that Traffic Calming has no impact on traffic speed.
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
provided for the construction of six million subsidized housing units. The Act also authorized monthly subsidies for private houses for low income families.
Rational Planning Model (synoptic), associated w who?
Myerson and Banfield
The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972
later amended in 1990, focused efforts to reduce polluted runoff in 29 coastal states
Scale of a USGS orthophoto
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
Required both the private and public sectors to conform to certain environmental standards
What is a cross-sectional survey?
A cross-sectional survey gathers information about a population at a single point in time.
When and where was the first full-time employee hired for a City Planning Commission? What was the commissioners name?
In 1914, Newark, New Jersey hired the first full-time employee for a city planning commission, Harland Bartholomew. Bartholomew went on to become one of the most famous planning consultants.
What is TIF?
Tax increment financing, is a public financing method that is used as a subsidy for redevelopment, infrastructure, and other community-improvement projects
What is San Francisco’s most famous public park?
Golden Gate Park
Village of Belle Terre v Borass; 1974 US Supreme Court
upheld right of the community of Belle Terre, near SUNY at Stony Brook, to prohibit more than 2 unrelated persons from living together to protect quiet single family neighborhood.
lowland area on either side of a river that is periodically covered by water
Disaster Mitigation Act
2000 reinforces importance of planning to mitigate the potential effects of a natural disaster
What does the CZMA fund?
Coastal state programs designed to coordinate and regulate specific activities within defined coastal zones.
TIP, Transportation Improvement Program
Multi-modal listing of highway, transit, bicycle, pedestrian improvements. Consistent with metro transp plan, prioritizes projects, provides timeline for implementation.
Allan Jacobs
Great Streets (1995) - analyzed quality and quantity of features that characterize great streets around the world
Slope of 1 - 3%
Slight problems for large commercial areas; acceptable for residential
What is the Forest Management Act of 1897?
This act allowed the Secretary of the Interior to manage forest preserves.
Which Act was created in 1944?
The G.I. Bill provided for college or vocational education for returning WW II vets (commonly referred to as GIs or G.I.s) as well as one year of unemployment compensation. It also provided loans for returning veterans to buy homes and start businesses.
What is required under NEPA?
requires an environmental impact statement (EIS) for every federal or federally funded state or local action that has potential to significantly harm the environment
Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (2002)
Whether a moratorium fell under the Takings Clause (5th, 14th Amendments). Difference between acquisition for public use and regulation from private use. The moratorium was a regulation of property from private use and no compensation was required.
Purchase of Development Rights is an incentive based, voluntary program with the intent of permanently protecting productive, sensitive, or aesthetic landscapes, yet retaining private ownership and management.
What map would be most helpful in determining development patterns of a city?
City assessor plats
What % of all homes in US are manufactured homes?
> 10%
Step-Down Ratio Method
Uses the ratio between the population of a city and a county (or larger geographical unit) at a known point in time, such as the decennial census. This ratio is used to project the current or future population.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of online surveys?
Adv: Inexpensive, quick response, higher response rate than written or interview surveys. Disadv: Will not reach people without internet access.
Garden Cities of Tomorrow 1898
Written by Ebenezer Howard, promotes the concept of garden cities in part to overcome the social inequalities and economic inefficiencies of urban areas.
What two agencies manage most publicly owned lands?
Dept. of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management and USDA’s Forest Service
What is performance zoning?
Regulates the character of the use instead of simply regulating the use itself
Agins v. City of Tiburon 1980
Court upheld city’s right to zone property at low-density and zoning was not a taking. Agins acquired 5 acres of land for residential development. City adopted zoning ord that placed property in a one-family dwellings zone with density restrictions.
Who wrote Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the U.S.? (1878)
John Wesley Powell, proposal to foster settlement and conserve water in the arid west
Who permits a TDR program?
municipality’s zoning ordinance
The McMillan Plan
1901 - City Beautiful design is the McMillan Plan of 1901 for Washington D.C.
Alternate hypothesis
States the hypothesis the research expects to support; the possibility that an observed effect is genuine
New York City Zoning Resolution 1916
first zoning ordinance in the US was enacted in New York primarily to stop massive buildings such as the Equitable Building from preventing light and air from reaching the streets below. Drafted by attorney Edward Bassett.
In what year was the Civil Rights Act passed?
What does a Staff Function deal with?
Staff functions deal with general services such as providing information or services to the Line units.
In groundwater modeling to delineate wellhead areas, what dimension is most important?
The horizontal position of the well within the model. (If the well is too close to the boundaries of the model, results will be skewed).
Fannie Mae, 1938
Federal National Mortgage Association. Created to purchase FHA loans. Today also purchases conventional mortgages.
What are the 4 components to types of planning realted to natural disasters?
1.mitigation planning 2.preparation planing 3.response planning 4.recovery planning
First Council of Governments
- Detroit area. Purpose to confront areawide problems.
What is an enterprise fund?
Fund or account established to manage the revenues and expenditures of a self-sufficient activity: parking garage, zoo, etc.
1992, HOPE VI Program
Replace large housing projects with smaller low rise, high quality mixed use projects. Housing vouchers. Decrease [ ] of low-income families and de facto segregation.
Capital Improvement Budgets are prepared for what length of time?
One year.
What percent of costs might be saved by closing air conditioning vents in an unoccupied room?
5 to 10 percent
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act
- was the launch of the model cities program. The Act provided financial incentives for coordinated metro area planning for open spaces, water supply, sewage disposal, and mass transit. It also established a loan guarantee program to encourage the dev
What is an effective way to validate community opinion?
Work with neighborhood organizations.
What is NPDES?
As authorized by the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States
ribbon sprawl
development along transportation routes that usually consists of commercial and industrial building
What level of threat do vehicular services pose to groundwater used for drinking water?
“High threat. Gasoline service stations, auto body repair shops and ““parts yards””, similar to junkyards, represent a serious threat to groundwater quality.”
Sheri Arnstein wrote
A Ladder of Citizen Participation, 1969.
1996 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
FIFRA Federal control of pesticide distribution, sale, and use. Pesticide users are certified. (National)
What is the best technique to use in resolving conflict in a community?
Consensus building
Herbert Simon
Introduced the concept of Satisficing a decision-making strategy entails searching through the available alternatives until an acceptability threshold is met.
Prevention of Significant Deterioration - projects shall not increase emissions above a PSD increment.
Coefficient of Variation
measures the relative dispersion from the mean and is measured by taking the standard deviation and dividing by the mean.
As defined in the US census what is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)?
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) includes at least one city with 50,000 or more inhabitants, or an urbanized area (of at least 50,000 inhabitants), and a total metropolitan population of at least 100,000.
When/how/who Washington DC planned?
Pierre L’Enfant, 1701, radial streets over a gridiron pattern; Applied principles on monumental design
Mixed Scanning
A Compromise between Rational and Incremental Planning
Symptomatic method (statistics Q)
Uses readily available data, such as building permits, school enrollment, or voter registration, to estimate the current population
“Name seven ““protections”” typically included in wetlands protection programs?”
Protection of: wildlife habitat, fisheries, land containing shellfish, public and private water supplies, groundwater supply, flood control, and prevention of pollution
Edward Ullman
Multiple Nuclei Model.
What are three possible financial incentives of a conservation easement?
Local property tax reduction; federal income tax deduction; federal estate tax reduction. Requires an appraisal.
What year did the Panama Canal open?
1938 Agricultural Adjustment Act
Mandatory price support for corn, cotton, and wheat. The 1949 Bill formed basis of ag law in the US.
Average household size
average household size went down from 3.1 in 1970 to 2.59 in 2010.
What is the annual rate of interest paid on a bond that a borrower pays to the bond holder?
Coupon rate
Brief in support of an eminent domain arguing that one way to reduce the advantage developers experience in greenfield development is to use eminent domain to assemble tracts of land in high-density urban areas.
Kelo v. City of New London
1965 Food and Agricultural Act
milk subsidy program
Strategic Planning
Used to assist an organization in guiding its future. Strategic planning sets goals, objectives, and policies for reaching the set objective
On average, approximately what percentage of renter households in the United States have an income below the poverty level?
More than 25 percent
Henry Wright
Codesigned Radburn, NJ
Charles Lindblom
Incremental Planning
What are important survey design points?
1 Clear questions, 2 Each question about 1 issue, 3 short questions, 4 Avoid neg terms, 5 Avoid biased terms, 6 Use consistent response method, 7 Sequence questions from general to specific, 8 Make questions easy to answer, 9 Define unusual terms.
Health and Safety Regulations give the power to regulate?
Building codes. The purpose of building codes is to protect public health and safety.
What are the fastest growing states between 2000 - 2010?
Nevada (35%), Arizona (25%), and Utah (24%).
US v Gettysburg Electric Railway (1896)
First sig. legal case about historic pres; Supreme Court ruled that acquisition of the national battlefield at Gettysburg served a valid public purpose
APA Created
In 1978, the American Planning Association was created through a merger of AIP and ASPO.
What is the name of the generation of children born to baby boomers between 1980 and 1995?
Generation Y
What is typically encouraged by maximum density standards?
sprawling development
Concentric Zone Model
The center was the CBD. transition zone of mixed residential and commercial uses. Low-class residential homes. Better Homes. Comuters Zone.
What is an example of a moratorium?
If a community suspends development until a new comp plan is prepared or water or sewer facilities are expanded
Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co. 1926
Court found that the exclusion of business, trade, apartment buildings from residential districts was legitimate as a police power. First supreme court case to deal with zoning and validate police power as a way to initiate it.
What is cost-benefit analysis?
Cost-benefit analysis estimates the total monetary value of the benefits and costs to the community of a project(s) to determine whether they should be undertaken.
New Towns Act
1946- UK led to the development of dozen communities based on Howard’s ideas
1905 Forest Service
Gifford Pinchot, 1st director. Encouraged wise use of forest resources (conservation).
Civil Rights Act of 1968
made racial discrimination in the sale or rental of housing illegal
What is an audience response system?
ARS is instant polling software used in conjunction with a slide presentation.
Major population estimation and projection methods
Linear, Symptomatic, Ratio (Step-Down) Method, & Cohort Survival.
Role of Planning Commission
Appointed by governing body or chief elected official. Does short- and long-term planning, plan review, budgeting. Makes recommendations to city governing body; however, often has direct or final authority in the adoption of master plans and review of sub
What is a tribal designated statistical area?
Tribal Designated Statistical Area is a unit drawn by tribes that do not have a recognized land area. These are defined independently of the standard county based census deliniations.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 1990
The ADA is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits, under certain circumstances, discrimination based on disability. The act required that mass transit systems be accessible to those with physical disabilities
What is Concurrency?
Some states (i.e. FL) require that planning and commitments for transportation and infrastructure be linked with planning and commitments for other functions such as growth, water supply, or education
Urbanized Area
An urban nucleus of 50,000 or more people. In general, they must have a core with a population density of 1,000 persons per square mile and may contain adjoining territory with at least 500 persons per square mile.
City of Renton v. Playtime Theaters, Inc. 1986
Court found that placing restrictions on the time,place,and manner of adult entertainment is acceptable. The Court found that the city does not have to guarantee that there is land available, at a reasonable price, for this use.
What percent of costs might a programmable thermostat save?
20 percent
Washington D.C. is an example of which movements?
City Beautiful. The City Beautiful Movement includes civic design as a primary principle. Cities such as DC and Chicago had large parks, statues, and well-designed public meetings.
Topographically Integrated Geographical Encoding and Referencing map, used for Census data. Includes streets, railroads, zip codes, and landmarks.
What is cluster zoning?
allows bldg to be built at higher density in one area of a parcel to protect open space elsewhere on the parcel, but does not increase the overall number of residential units permitted on teh parcel
1988 Fair Housing Amendments
Expanded scope of fair housing provisions to include community residences, group homes, 1/2way houses. HUD can pursue discrimination complaints.
Generation Y
US Population born between 1977 and 2000, also known as the Echo Boom.
Capital Improvemet Plan (CIP)
a long-range plan, usually four to six years, which identifies capital projects and equipment purchases, provides a planning schedule and identifies options for financing the plan.
What is the Cohort Survival Population estimation method?
his population estimation method uses the population at the time of the last census divided into five-year age groups and gender. A death rate is applied to each age group. New groups are created based on birth rates and net migration rates.
What is TDR?
Transfer of Development Rights
What does the Indian Reorganization Act do?
Decrease federal control of tribes; increase tribal self government; encourage written constitutions; provide power to manage own affairs; establish revolving credit fund
Riverside, IL 1868
First planned suburban community stressing rural as opposed to urban amenities. Designed by Frederich Law Olmsted, Sr. and Calvert Vaux as a garden suburb, giving primacy to parks and greenways. Residents could commute by rail to Chicago.
65% of the population is within __________ mile(s) of a neighborhood park and that this is the ideal service area for a neighborhood park.
½ mile
Sector Theory
Homer Hoyt, 1939, Proposed that urban areas develop by sectors, formed along communication and transportation routes
In which tax does the tax rate increase as the tax base increases? Select one: A. Proportional tax B. Progressive tax C. Regressive tax D. Tax increment
B. Progressive tax
1949-1973,Urban Renewal
Largest urban program in US History, from Housing Act of 1949. Cleared slums with goal of elimination, revitalization of urban economies, and providing low-cost housing. Often displaced entire communities without compensation or housing replacement.
What is Rational Planning
Utilizes scientific methods to determine all the alternatives for a given action. Assumes that one can determine all the alternatives and can choose the best one. There are no $ constraints. Ignores all political influences.
What is input-output analysis?
Input-output analysis is a quantitative method that links suppliers and purchasers to determine the economic output of a region.
Right to Farm Act
Typically state initiated legislation to protect commercial farms from nuisance action.
New Urbanism
Andres Duany, 1982 (also known as neotraditional design)
Research method that allows one to collect data on a topic that cannot be directly observed. Surveys are used extensively in planning to assess attitudes and characteristics of the public on a wide range of topics.
1974 Safe Drinking Water Act
Set standards for drinking water - covers all potential above and below ground sources. Public water supply systems must comply with SDWA standards.
What is assimilative capacity criteria based on?
Attenuation of contaminants before they reach a well. (This has been used in New England to regulate nitrogen loading within delineated recharge areas.)
Adjusted Per Capita Method
Varries fiscal impact based on expectations about the new development. Type of Fiscal Impact Analysis
One hectare
10,000 square meters or 2.471 acres
Freddie Mac, 1970
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. Keep money flowing to mortgage lenders in support of homeownership and rental housing.
What are otehr names for conditional use?
exception or special use
Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Zones
1994 Federal funds were made available to a limited number of distressed urban areas in order to make those areas more competitive with more prosperous usually suburban areas
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA 1980)
Superfund, Gave EPA power to seek out those parties responsible for any hazardous releases and assure their cooperation in the cleanup
Minor Civil Division (MCD)
Unit only used in 29 states and usually corresponds to a municipality. Census County Divisions are used in the 21 states that do not have MCD’s.
First city to enact Historic Preservation Ordinance?
Charleston, SC (1931)
What is a negative easement?
A deed restriction on the uses of property, prohibiting certain types of land development or uses; example: restrictions against constructing buildings, signs or billboards along roadways.
Zero-Base Budgeting
Not based on previous year’s budget; Each year’s budget starts at a base of zero, and each program and expenditure in the budget must be justified annually; Define “decision packages” tied to long-range plan objectives; Developed by Texas Instruments
What is the minimum R-value recommended for home insulation?
Contour Interval
Show distance between contour lines. The closer together the contour lines are, the steeper the terrain.
What is a stratified sample?
Participants are divided into groups, or classes, from which a sample is drawn. Can lead to probability testing.
San Remo Hotel L.P. v City and County of San Fransisco (2005)
State courts can adjudicate challenges to land use decisions
Philadelphia, 1701
Designed by William Penn, the plan was that Philadelphia would be like an English rural town instead of a city. City’s roads were designed with a grid plan
Surface Water
includes rivers, lakes, oceans, ocean-like water bodies, and coastal tidal waters.
Capital Facilities Plan
Plan for infrastructure; Estimates future needs and sources of funding; Usually includes detailed 5-6 year schedule
Housing Act of 1959
made federal matching funds available for comprehensive planning at the metropolitan, regional, state, and interstate levels.
Jane Jacobs is the author of what book(s)?
Death and Life of American Cities. In Death and Life of Great American Cities is about the failures of urban renewal in New York and Boston.
What are PUDs used for?
to improve site design, provide amenities such as open space by allowing for cluster zoning, & in some cases used to increase density
Historic Sites, Buildings and Antiquities Act 1935
Predecessor of the National Historic Preservation Act and it declared for the first time “…that it is a national policy to preserve for public use historic sites, buildings, and objects of national significance”
Urban Growth Boundary (UGB)
A regional boundary, set in an attempt to control urbanization by designating the area inside the boundary for higher density urban development and the area outside the boundary for lower density rural development.
Location of wireless towers is a decision by what level of government?
Local government
What are revenue bonds?
Bonds that are often sold for projects that will produce revenue
What is a Survey?
A survey is a research method that allows one to collect data on a topic that cannot be directly observed, such as opinions on downtown retailing opportunities.
Chi-squared test
Statistic used to suggest whether there might be a relationship between two nominal or categorical variables
Gross Domestic Product - An estimated value of the total worth of a country’s production and services, within its boundary, by its nationals and foreigners, calculated over the course on one year.
Pennsylvania Coal v Mahon (1922)
U.S. Supreme Court, Established that land use regulation might be a taking
1902 US Reclamation Act (Newlands Act)
Created fund from sale of public land in arid west to supply water through construction of water storage and irrigation (State, Regional)
Hadacheck v. Sebastian 1915
Court first approved the regulation of land uses. The brickyard was prohibited because it was causing adverse health effects in LA. “There must be progress, and if in its march private interests are in the way they must yield to the good of the community.
How many reservations are entirely tribal-owned land?
When was the first exam for AIP membership administered?
In 1977, the first exam for AIP membership was administered.
What is per capita daily waste water production?
150 gallons
Serviceman’s Readjustment Act
1944 commonly known as the GI Bill, guaranteed home loans to veterans. The result was the rapid development of suburbs.
What book was the first known formal instruction in city planning below the college level? When was it published and who was the author?
1912 - Wackers Manual of the Plan of Chicago - Walter Moody
What leads to algae bloom?
“In which two cases has the US Supreme Court placed limiting factors on ““adjudicative”” or ““discretionary”” decisions?”
Nollan v. Calif. Coastal Commission, 1987 (rational nexus test); Dolan v. City of Tigard, 1994 (rough proportionality)
What is a volunteer sample?
Recruits individuals for the sample.
What is cost effectiveness analysis?
a method for selecting among competing projects when resources are limited, was developed by the military.
Kevin Lynch
Image of the City (1960); Showed which elements of the built environment are important to how people understand the layout of a place; Network of paths, edges, dstricts, nodes and landmarks contribute to the image of a city
What is the Exponential and Modified Exponential Method of population projection and estimation?
The exponential method uses the rate of growth (or decline) in population over a period of time to estimate the current or future population. For example, growing 2% per year for 20 years. Two percent of 2,000 people is larger than 2% of 1,000 people.
Census Tract
Typically has a population between 2,000 and 8,000 people. It is the smallest area where all information is released.
Section 8 Housing 1974
The Housing Choice Voucher Program requires recipients of Section 8 to pay only 30 percent of their income towards housing, the Federal Government pays the rest.
Does the US Dept of Commerce use only one indicator to measure the direction of the economy?
No: The US Dept of Commerce uses an index of 12 leading indicators to measure the direction of the econ. These include interest rates, stock prices, oil prices, unemployment, housing starts and consumer expectations are all part of the leading indicators.
First Historic Preservation Commission?
New Orleans, 1921 (French Quarter)
Noncumulative zoning
Allows only stated use and not less intensive uses
Park size stds according to the National Recreation and Parks Association
Regional park - at least 250 acres (or 5 acres for every 1,000 people); Community park - at least 20 acres (or 3 acres for every 1,000 people); Neighborhood park - at least 5 acres (or ? acres per 1,000 people)
Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) program
Established 1977 to help distressed communities develop economically. facilitates public-private partnerships,attempts to encourage redevelopment in urban areas and encouraged intergovernmental cooperation for redevelopment projects
The first Council of Government was created in what year?
What is the variance?
Measure of dispersion around the mean
Community Development History
First Department Store - Salt Lake City, UT. Pullman IL - model industrial town. Durham CA - coop ag colony established in 1917 Norris TN - TVA, Norris Dam, town for workers.
What was the central finding of 1971, Calvert Cliffs Coordinating Committee vs. US Atomic Energy Commission?
Agency did not comply with NEPA (1969) because it failed to make environmental considerations to the fullest extent possible
Citizen referendum
Citizens vote their approval or disapproval of a public measure by official ballot.
This program seeks to improve air quality by implementing various techniques and actions. They have planning horizon of between 6 and 7 years but are normally updated by the state every 3 to 5 years.
Transportation Improvement Program
Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corporation 1982
Court found that where there is a physical occupation, there is a taking. The cable TV company installed cables on a building to serve the tenants of the building and to serve other buildings.
Continuum of Care
Federal policy model for addressing homelessness - try to move homeless people in to housing by providing services to help them.
How do hydrocarbon products behave when released to ground?
They degrade by naturally-occurring bacteria as they move through the aquifer; movement is retarded by reactions between the contaminant and organic material in the soil and sediments, slowing the rate of travel and allowing time to attenuate.
Area Median Income (AMI)
“Refers to the middle or midpoint income for a particular area. The term is used to estimate the ““average”” income for a particular area.”
Who is Norm Krumholtz
Known for his advocacy planning in Ohio
Point Source Pollution
discharged directly from a specific site, such as a sewage treatment plant or an industrial pipe
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act 2000
prohibits the imposition of burdens on the ability of prisoners to worship as they please, as well as making it easier for churches and other religious institutions to avoid state restrictions on their property use through zoning laws.
Smart growth
Promotes a variety of housing choices to allow people of all income and household types to have a place to live.
Endangered Species Act 1973
Established a federal list of endangered and threatened species-required planning projects in areas with these species to consult with the FWS. Designed to protect critically imperiled species from extinction
ISTEA (Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act) 1991 – Presented overall intermodal approach. Gave MPO’s more power.
What important principle was established in 1930 Jones v. Los Angeles?
Zoning is prospective, meaning forward-looking, not retroactive; protects legal nonconforming uses
Agins v. City of Tiburon.
“The ““Takings Clause”” of the U.S. Constitution states simply ““nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”””
Keystone Bituminous Coal Association v. DeBenedictis 1987
The Court found that the enactment of regulations did not constitute a taking. The Act requires that 50 percent of the coal beneath four protected structures be kept in place to provide surface support. Coal Assoc alleged this constituted a taking.
Citizens to Preserve Overton Park, Inc. v. Volpe,
“Established the ““hard look”” doctrine for environmental impact review. Must include alternatives in EIS”
5th Amendment
Prohibits the government from taking private property for public use without paying just compensation to the property owner (14th Amendment deals with due process in taking)
Workforce Housing
“Can refer to almost any housing, but always refers to ““affordable housing - Defined by four principal factors: Affordability, Home ownership, Critical workforce & proximity to employment centers”
Urban Clusters
At least 2,500 but less than 50,000 persons and a population density of 1,000 persons per square mile. New for the 2000 Census. In 2000, 11% of the U.S. population lived in 3,158 urban clusters.
A term used by New Urbanist town planners to refer to the varieties of land use from an urban core to a rural boundary.
What is the EPRCA?
Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1968; also referred to as SARA Title III.
Homestead Act
1862-Lincoln-provided 160 acres land to settlers for $18 and guaranteed five years of residence.resulted in settlement of 270 million acres,10 percent of the land area of the USA.Mass farming led to creation of the dust bowl.Ended in 1976(1986 Alaska)
Tennessee Valley Authority v. Hill
Justified modern Endangered Species Act law (protecting the snail darter).
William Whyte (1917-1999)
“Whyte wrote several books relating to social life and urban space. His book The Last Landscape in 1959 coined the term ““greenway””. “
an administrative exception to land use regulations, generally in order to compensate for a deficiency in a real property which would prevent the property from complying with the zoning regulation.
Miami 21.
Miami 21 is a form based code, guided by the tenants of Smart Growth and New Urbanism.
What is the total per capita daily usage of water?
120-180 gallons (this includes watering lawns, industrial use, etc.)
Communicative planning theory calls for:
Consensus building
Frank Lloyd Wright
Wrote “Disappearing City” (1932) with utopian vision of Broadacre City (sprawling, decongested type of auto-oriented development; each house on one acre and with a car)
How many advisory rulings has been issued by AICP?
Six: Sexual harassment; conflict of interest; moonlighting; honesty in use of information; duties to enforce code of ethics; disclosure of information gained in a professional relationship
Steps of a plan-making process?
1) Gather factual info; 2) Gather info using participatory process; 3) Analyze information; 4) Report information; 5) Present the plan for review; 6) Revise plan accordingly; 7) Submit plan for adoption
Nominal Group Technique
is a decision-making method for use among groups of many sizes, who want to make their decision quickly, as by a vote, but want everyone’s opinions taken into account
A many-centered, multi-city, urban area of more than 10 million inhabitants, generally dominated by low-density settlement and complex networks of economic specialization.
Detroit ,MI 1807
Judge Woodward developed a plan for Detroit to become a series of interlocking hexagons. The plan was never fully realized.
Morrill Act (1862)
Gave public land to each state to be sold for the establishment of “engineering, agriculture and military science colleges (land grant colleges)
What is a taking in the 14th Amendment?
taking of private property w/o due process of law
Vieux Carre Commission
Was the first Historic Preservation Commission for the French Quarter in New Orleans, formed in the 1930’s.
Standard deviation
The square root of the variance; Use to describe the degree to which a distribution is spread out (how far from the mean data points tend to be); About 68 percent of measurements in a normal distribution are within 1 std deviation of the mean; about 95% a
Regional/metropolitan transportation plans
Looks at improvements, congestion management, highway/transit/aviation, major investment study, corridor study, sub-area study.
What is Multiattribute Utility Analysis?
Multiattribute Utility Analysis allows for weighting of a series of values dimensions. For example, participants are given a number of points that can be allocated between the value dimensions.
1944 Empowerment Zones (Enterprise Zones)
Federal funds to limited number of distressed urban areas to make them more competitive. Property tax reductions, sales tax reductions, wage tax credits, low-interest financing part of tools.
What is peak parking space factor for a restaurant?
5 - 25 spaces per 1,000 SF of GLA
Who is Daniel Burnham?
Was a leader the City Beautiful movement. Created the first model civic center, known as the White City, in Chicago for the World’s Columbian Exposition in 1893.
What did the USSC decide in Gettysburg Elec. Railway vs. the US?
First time historical preservation is used in the US. The USSC found that aquisition of the Gettysburg battlefields was a valid public purpose- use of eminent domain.
What is a technique for identifying recharge areas to public wells that uses computer simulations to approximate groundwater flow; can be used to simulate flow and transport of contaminants?
Numerical flow models
How is the official unemployment rate calculated?
Individuals unemployed divided by individuals 16 years of age and older in the labor force
NEPA 1970
The act requires an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) for federally funded actions that have the potential to significantly impact the environment. It acknowledged the importance of an open and public decision-making process.
What should an exaction reflect?
costs that a development is projected to impose on a community; must further a legitimate public interest
Herbert Simon
is responsible for the concept of organizational decision-making as it is known today
Preservation v. conservation
Preservation of wilderness (Muir), vs. Conservation (wise use of natural resources, Pinchot)
When was HUD created?
“1965 as part of Johnson’s ““Great Society”” program”
When was Regional Survey of New York and Its Environs published?
What is variance?
Variance is the average squared difference of scores from the mean score of a distribution.Variance is a descriptor of a probability distribution, how far the numbers lie from the mean.
City Beautiful Movement
Includes civic design as a primary principle. Cities such as DC and Chicago had large parks, statues, and well-designed public meetings.
Endangered Species
1,200 listed T&E species. Endangered includes 36% fish, 35% amphibians, 17% mammals, 11% birds. Hawaii has largest
Who was the first president of the American Society of Planning Officials?
Alfred Bettman
Calvert Cliffs’ Coordinating Committee v. Atomic Energy Commission
Made National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) requirements judicially enforceable.
What are area and bulk variances?
deal with departures from yard and height requirements in zoning ordinance
What does the 1st Amendment address?
Freedom of speech, religion, association; signage, adult uses, group homes
First satellite to capture high-res images of earth’s surface?
Landsat, 1972
When was the first National Conference on City Planning?
Changes to American household since 1970?
New homes are 50% larger, HH size has shrunk by 1 person
Reuse of existing bldg
planners seek new uses for existing bldg such as dev of old ind bldg into an apt bldg
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR )
Uses a laser, instead of radio waves, that is mounted in an airplane to provide detailed topographic information.
Ian McHarg
“Authored ““Design with Nature””. This book focuses on conservation design. Renowned for his layering technique that created the foundation for GIS. “
What are key features of conflict resolution?
Feedback and compromise