AICP Deck 3 Flashcards
What is effluent?
The treated wastewater discharged by sewage treatment plants
What are the 4 basic steps of the cohort survival method?
Age the population; estimate the number of births and deaths; consider in and out migration; project a future population.
John Wesley Powell: Book, year, contribution?
Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the US, 1878. Proposed regional plan to foster settlement of arid west and conserve scarce water resources
Traditional budget process
Analyzes current econ and demo trends and conditions to estimate future budgetary need; Forecasts needs for next 4 - 6 years; Traditionally uses Line Item Budget
HOPE VI 1992
HUD plan meant to revitalize public housing projects into mixed-income developments. established to replace the many large-scale, low quality public housing projects with smaller, higher quality mixed income projects.
What analysis would generate results indicating income levels in the study area?
Housing demand analysis uncovers income levels of homeowners and renters within a study area.
Role of the Planning Department
Dept within executive branch; Planning director reports to municipality’s chief executive; Staff supports governing body, planning commission and zoning board in their zoning functions
Where are quota systems typically enacted?
communities experiencing rapid growth
Levittown, NY 1947
Developed by Alfred and William Levitt (Levitt and Son’s) Levittown was the first truly mass-produced suburb and is widely regarded as the archetype for postwar suburbs throughout the country.
The American Planning Association created which of the following documents to encourage states to revise their standard state zoning enabling acts?
The Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook and its accompanying User Manual are the culmination of APA’s seven-year Growing Smart project, an effort to draft the next generation of model planning and zoning legislation for the U.S.
What are conditional uses?
land uses no permitted as of right but permitted due to unusual issues of scale, setback requirements, or potential safety concerns
Planned Unit Development (PUD)
May include single family residences, apartments, multi-family, commericial, institutional, and industrial uses.
Patrick Geddes
considered by some to be the father of regional planning.
1934 National Housing Act
est FHA for underwriting loans. FHA reqd land use guidelines which resulted in seperating land uses (Euclidian Zoning) and lower density single family residential. After WWII helped lead suburban growth (Levittown). Made home ownership the norm in US.
What is standard error?
Standard Error is the standard deviation of a sampling distribution. Standard errors indicate the degree of sampling fluctuation. The larger the sample size the smaller the standard error.
Joel Garreau
1991, Edge Cities. distinct place that was not a city 30 years ago, but now has 5M sf of office space, retail and more jobs than bedrooms.
What is allowed under a PUD?
flexibility in the siting of buildings & the implementation of development standards
When did current AICP Ethics Code take effect?
Southern Burlington NAACP v Township of Mount Laurel (1975, 1983)
Housing, Fair Share
Why do planners use economic forecasting?
Economic forecasting helps to determine the growth in jobs in the community which translates to demand for commercial business land uses.
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act 1966
Centerpiece of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program (elimination of poverty and of racial injustice) and created the Model Cities Program which addressed urban blight and poverty by focusing on community participation rather than top down planning.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA 1990)
Required mass transit systems to be accessible and paratransit for those who cannot drive or use public transit
What is an example of an easement?
conservation easement may mean ownership remians w/ a private owner but the owner no longer has the right to develop the parcel
What term refers to tides that are higher than normal?
Spring tides are higher than normal high tides and can be observed every two weeks when the earth and moon align.
What is a zero-coupon bond?
A zero-coupon bond accrues interest and is paid upon maturity; no interest is paid while the loan is outstanding.
City beautiful
Daniel Burnham, 1893
The Clean Water Act
- federal government sets ambient standards and the states must devise methods that enables these standards to be met.
Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
interpretations of the Takings Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. The case dealt with the question of moratorium
What is a short-term note sold in anticipate of a bond issue?
Bond anticipation notes (BANs) are retired by proceeds from the sale of the bonds.
Inland Waterway Commission: Year, purpose?
Est. 1907 by Teddy Roosevelt; encourage multipurpose planning in waterway development, including navigation, power, irrigation, flood control, and water supply
1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Cradle-grave legislation for hazardous waste materials. Gave EPA authority to control generation, treatment, storage, transport, disposal. Household haz waste exempt.
How many people per square mile in US in 2000?
What is the oldest type of legal description?
Metes and bounds
National Interstate and Defense Highway Act 1956
The bill appropriated $25b for the construction of 41k miles of interstate hwys over 20 yrs. Funding came through the creation of the Highway Trust Fund-gathers money from excise taxes on new vehicles and sales tax on gasoline.
Stewart B. McKinney Act 1987
The act established a federal definition of homelessness and provided assistance to homeless people. It was the first legislative response to homelessness and established the continuum of care.
What are typical classes on a land classification map?
residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, forested, water, & wetland
Clean Water Act 1972
Regulated water quality of lakes and rivers with a permit process. It set wastewater standards for industry and water quality standards for surface water contamination. It introduced a permit system for regulating point sources of pollution.
Who wrote Man vs. Nature (1864)?
George Perkins Marsh, inspired the conservationist movement
What have studies shown about TODs?
studies show that transit ridership increase when both residential & commercial uses are within walking distance of transit stops
Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mount Laurel
The doctrine requires that municipalities use their zoning powers in an affirmative manner to provide a realistic opportunity for the production of housing affordable to low and moderate income households.
US Reclamation Act 1902
Set aside money from sales of semi-arid public lands for the construction of irrigation projects. Led to the eventual damming of nearly every major western river.
When was the USGS formed, and why?
1897, to survey and classify all public domain lands
Multiple Nuclei Theory 1945
Developed by Chauncey Harris and Edward Ullman, proposed that urban areas grow by progressive integration of a number of separate nuclei, which become specialized and differentiated. a city contains more than one center around which activities revolve.
Who wrote How the other Half lives? When was it published and what did it influence?
How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis, published in 1890. This book resulted in housing reform in New York City.
What is an oral survey?
Survey usually administered on the phone or in person.
Discretionary approvals
process where a gov’t agency can use its judgement in deciding whether & how to carry out or approve a project
Soil loss on US farmland per yr
4 to 5 tons per acre per year
Empowerment Zones 1994
Federal funds were made available to distressed urban areas, providing incentives such as property tax reductions, sales tax reductions wage tax credits and low interest financing to jumpstart investment. End in 12/31/2009
In what year was the SZEA issued?
Eubank v. City of Richmond; U.S. Supreme Court (1912)
The Court first approved the use of setback regulations, although it overturned the setbacks in this case.
Erosion Mitigation measures
min. amt. of land disturbed, preserving vegetation or re-planting as soon as possible, mulching, using swales
A gravity feed water supply system must have storage tanks how far above the distribution area?
At least 70 ft
What is an impact fee?
- type of exaction that is directly related to impact of new development 2.typically used to fund capital facilities 3.typically collected from developers when bldg permits are issued
Town planing considerations
what is feasible given small planning department, slowing increasing tax base; could work with regional or state orgs to plan and get data
TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) 1933
The TVA is a political entity, created to provide for unified and multipurpose rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Tennessee Valley, America’s most famous experiment in river-basin planning.
New Urbanism
Peter Calthorpe
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) required states to prepare what program or plan as a prerequisite for federal dollars?
Outdoor recreation plans, or SCORPS, used to guide local plans
What is the critical path method for project management?
“a tool to analyze a project. The analysis results in a ““critical path” through the project tasks. Each project task has a known amount of time to complete and cannot be completed before the previous one is completed.”
Examines trips across traffic analysis zones.
Trip Distribution
Kentucky Urban Growth Boundary 1958
Lexington and Fayette County enacted the first urban growth boundary in 1958.
Growth Machine Theory
Harvey Molotch, 1987
Planners primary obligation
Serve the public interest
Echo Boom (Generation Y)
People born between 1977 and 2000.
Census Designated Places (CDP)
The equivalent of an incorporated place for data purposes. This is for settled concentrations of population that are not incorporated.
National Park Service: Year, purpose?
1916; conserve and preserve natural resources, parks, and historic sites
What is a taking in 5th Amendment?
prohibits the gov’t from taking private prop. for public use w/o paying just compensation to the prop. owner
Crime Prevention thorough Environmental Design (CPTED)
proper design of built environment can reduce fear and incidence of crime (and can increase business activity)
Seaside Florida 1982
Seaside is often cited as an example of successful implementation of New Urbanism. The development has walkable neighborhoods, mixed use development, grid street patterns, rear parking for commercial structures and minimal side and front setbacks.
What is the process of TDR?
developers in urban receiving areas purchase rights to develop land in a rural area, called a sending area, & use these rights to increase the density of development in an urban area
As defined in the US census what is a Census Designated Place?
Census Designated Places (CPD) is the equivalent of an incorporated place for data purposes. This is for settled concentrations of population that are not incorporated.
What concept did Fred French Investing Co. v. City of New York introduce for the first time?
In French v. City of New York the Court found that TDR is an inappropriate method to compensate the landowner for a taking by the City of New York.
In new development, who is typically responsible for construction of streets, curbs, water, and sewer on the development project site?
The developer.
City as Growth Machine 1987
Proposed by John Logan and Harvey Molotch, the theory relates urban development to those elite members of the community who control the resources and have business and political interests that benefit from the development.
Input-output analysis
used to determine the employment effect that a particular project has on a local economy. links suppliers and purchasers to determine the economic output of a region. Input-output analysis is similar to economic base analysis.
What approach for reviewing takings claims was established in PA Coal v. Mahon?
”"”Balancing of interests”” approach”
Hierarchy of roads
1) Major or principle arterial; 2) Minor arterial; 3) (Urban) Collectors; 4) Local roads
The Morrill Act (1862)
Congress gave public land to each state to be sold for the establishment of “engineering, agriculture, and military sciences” colleges?
National Trust for Historic Preservation 1949
The trust is a private, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to saving historic places and revitalizing America’s communities.
Ginnie Mae (Government National Mortgage Association)
1934, guarantees investors timely payment of principal and interest on loans. Not a publicly traded corp and does not buy or sell loans.
Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (2002)
Takings, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. Whether a moratorium on construction of individual homes fell under the Takings Clause. It did not. Difference between the acquisition of property for public use and the regulation of property from private use.
When was the first National Planning Board created? When was it abolished?
In 1933, the first U.S. National Planning Board was created. It was later renamed the National Resources Planning Board and then abolished in 1943.
1964 Wilderness Act
Johnson Admin., established National Wilderness Preservation System of federally owned lands - prohibited development, roads, settlement.
Composite method for estimating populations
Takes various age groups and determines the estimate for each, then aggregates them together
Performance budgets
Organizes expenditures by the services they fund and a set of evaluation standards for each services; Readily used as a management tool; Examples: Planned Programming Budgetary System (PPBS), Zero-Base Budgeting, Dayton System
Bid Rent Theory 1960
Proposed by William Alonso, the theory refers to how the price and demand on real estate changes as the distance towards the Central Business District (CBD) increases.
In 1960, William Alonso proposed that the cost of land, the intensity of development of land, the concentration of the population, & the number of places of employment each decline as distance from the Central Business District (CBD) inc (Bid Rent Theory)
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act (1924, 1926)
Confirmed the states’ authority to delegate police power to municipalities to enact local zoning ordinances; Drafted under Secretary of Commerce Hoover
Dolan v. Tigard 1994
Court found there must be a rational nexus between the exaction requirement and the development. Rough proportionality test was created case.Court overturned an exaction that req dedication of a portion of floodplain for business that wanted to expand
Designed to be homogeneous units with respect to population characteristics and economic status, what average about 4,000 inhabitants?
Census Tracts
The the first modern, “comprehensive” zoning enacted. First zoning ordinance to contain land use, density, AND building bulk controls.
New York City, 1916
McMillan Plan of 1901
City beautiful plan for Washington DC in 1901. The commission was inspired by the original 1791 plan for the city by architect Pierre Charles L’Enfant which was never fully realized.
What is Concentric Circle Planning Theory
This planning theory believes that cities grow in a series of outward rings. Land use is based on the distance from the downtown. There are five rings to his theory.
What do the numbers represent in the following: A12 (el.11’) Flood Zone?
BFE=11 feet; elevation zone= A12
FCC v. Florida Power Corporation 1987
Court found a taking had not occurred. The public utilities challenged a federal statute that authorized the Federal Communications Commission to regulate rents charged by utilities to cable TV operators for the use of utility poles.
Lease-Purchase Agreements
Facility is constructed by a private company or authority, and then leased by the municipality. Rental over the years of the lease will have paid the total original cost plus interest, and at end of lease period title conveyed to the municipality without
Symptomatic indicators
Data series such as building permits that are reflective of population change and can be used in developing current population estimates
Viable Ag Land (1999 Policy Guide)
Must be kept in large blocks. Need financial incentives to counteract developed residential value. Different from open space preservation.
What is effluent?
Discharge of pollutants into the environment
Performance zoning
focuses on the intensity of development that is acceptable and its impact on the environment; does not deal with use but with how development impacts the surrounding area
In what year was the first National Conference on City Planning?
Wetlands Reserve Program 1996
The program offers financial incentives for landowners to protect, restore, and enhance wetlands on their property. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) administers the program with funding from the Commodity Credit Corporation.
Housing Act of 1954
Expanded Urban Renewal; Instituted comprehensive housing and community redevelopment planning; Section 701 grants for planning in small communities–contributed to the establishment of local planning depts
Urban development action grants. Grants to cities and urban counties which are experiencing severe economic distress to help stimulate economic development activity needed to aid in economic recovery.
When was the Orageon Land Use Act adopted?
Analysis tool used for, among other applications, urban planning, land use planning, geodesign, transportation planning and resource management applications. It also provides options for 3D visualization in the Scenario 3D and Scenario 360 plugins.
What is groupware?
Variety of electronic technologies to support distance collaboration (hardware, software, internet)
“What would a ““supply/push analysis”” determine?”
The sales capacity of the community and market area, to determine if new commercial outlets will attract more consumers and improve the local economy
What does Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act do?
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act orders federal agency planners to take into account how any proposed action or policy would impact historic preservation.
Ordinal data
Data values are ordered so that inferences can be made regarding magnitude, but have no fixed interval between values. educational attainment or a letter grade on a test. Mode and median are the only measures of central tendency that can be used.
Radical Planning 1987
Proposed by Thomas Friedmann, radical planning takes the power away from the government and gives it to the people. In this process, citizens get together and develop their own plans.
Low income households
Earn between 50-80% of Area Median Income.
Advocacy planning brought
planning into the public eye and assisted in recognizing the different needs of interest groups in the community.
Wilderness Act 1964
created the legal definition of Wilderness in the United States and established a National Wilderness Preservation System of federally owned land. Prohibits all forms of mechanized transport within the wilderness boundaries.
Who is Charles Abrams?
was the legendary urbanist and housing expert who created the New York Housing Authority.[1] He was one of the first to use, maybe the very first, to use the expression Socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor.
1959 Housing Act
Federal funds for comprehensive planning at metropolitan, regional, and state level.
What map identifies both soil types and slope indications?
Natural Resources Conservation Service soil survey maps
What is the linear method of population projection and estimation?
The linear method uses the rate of growth (or decline) in population over a period of time to estimate the current or future population.
First President of the AIP 1917
Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. was the first president of the AIP, which was the forerunner of the AICP.
What percentage of the US population lives in Urban areas?
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
Based on availability of resources and needs based on forecasts and population projections; May detail potential financing through i.e. bongs, special districts, TIFs
The 1949 Housing Act inaugurated what program?
Urban redevelopment program; aimed to construct 800,000 units
Public Works Administration 1933
Used the construction of public works projects to prove employment, stabile purchasing power and improve public welfare. The PWA provided 85% of the cost of housing projects. The PWA was abolished in 1941 during WWII.
What is a z-score?
The z-score is a measure of the distance, in standard deviation units, from the mean.This allows one to determine the likelihood, or probability that something would happen.
nonsampling error
cannot be explained by the representativeness of the sample. A nonsampling error can occur as a result of respondents misunderstanding a question or misreporting their answer and can also including missing values.
First Full Time Planner 1916
Harland Bartholomew was the first full time planner employed by an American City, St. Louis. He developed many of the early comprehensive plans.
The tolerable soil loss that, if exceeded, would adversely affect the productivity of the soil
Who is Edward Bassett
Wrote the first comprehensive zoning code for the City of New York, adopted 1916.
Rexford Tugwell
Resettlement Administration head.worked on greenbelt cities program,construction of new self-sufficient cities.closely involved in the development of Arthurdale,WV Resettlement Administration community.NY City Planning Commissioner governor of Puerto Rico
What is Riverside, Illinois
1st American Suburb, connected by Railroad cars, contained the first curviliner streets; designed by Fredrick Law Olmstead and Calvert Vaux
Rates current conditions within a particular traffic stream using a qualitative scale.
1901, Tenement House Law
Improved lighting and air ventilation, toilets and running water for each unit. Outlawed dumbbell design, 70% lot coverage.
This Act, relating to Historic Preservation is passed by Congress in 1966.
National Historic Preservation Act- est. national register of historic places and provides for protection of preservation worthy sites. Directs each state to appoint a historical preservation officer (SHPO)
Dichotomous Variables
only have two possible values, such as unemployed or employed which are symbolized as 0 and 1
Ian McHarg published which of the following books in 1969?
Design with Nature.
What is a moraine?
Rock material deposited directly by a glacier and left in piles
In what year did ASPO and AIP merge to become the APA?
Median age of US population according to 2000 Census?
35.3 years
“What law refers to wetlands as ““waters of the United States””?”
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
Just v. Marinette County
Integrated public trust theories into a modern regulatory scheme. Shoreland zoning provided for creation of conservancy, rec, and other purposes along waterbodies is constitutional.
First regional planning agency?
Atlanta, 1949
What is the cohort survival method used for?
Forecasting future populations (as opposed to estimating current population)
What in high concentrations, such as greater than .10 mg/liter, may cause algal blooms in lakes and ponds?
City Beautiful Movement 1893
Leaders believed creating a beautiful city would inspire residents to lead virtuous lives. result was the creation of Beaux-Arts style civic centers. first model civic center was White City created by Daniel Burnham in Chicago in 1893.
U.S. Housing Act of 1954
required cities to develop comprehensive plans and provided funding for planning under Section 701. problem - it led to the creation of plans for the purpose of acquiring federal funds rather than to truly plan for communities.
Phosphates contaminate what kind of natural resources?
Surface water systems (not wetlands)
A process whereby citizens attend a series of meetings that provide the opportunity to offer input on how the community could be in the future.
Who is the father of zoning?
Bassett wrote the New York City Zoning Ordinance in 1916.
What does a Line Function deal with?
Line Functions deal primarily with direct services such as police and fire services.
What is emphasized by the Disaster and Emergency Assistance Act?
importance of mitigating the potential effects of a natural hazard
Ernest Burgess
Proposed in 1925 that urban areas grew outward as a series of concentric rings (Concentric Ring Theory)
Remote sensing technology that measures distance by illuminating a target with a laser and analyzing the reflected light. Popularly used as a technology to make high-resolution maps, with applications in geomatics, archaeology, geography, geology etc.
What year was Burnham’s Plan for Chicago presented?
CERCLA (Superfund) 1980
Created to protect people, families, communities and others from heavily contaminated toxic waste sites that have been abandoned. Created liability for persons discharging hazardous waste, taxed polluting industries to establish trust fund for the cleanup
Only state between 2000 and 2010 that lost population.
Radiant City
LeCorbusier, 1920s, Large scale grid of arterial streets, superblocks composed of high-rise towers and individual zones for each use type
What is the quota system?
slows growth to allow time for impacts of new growth; ex: communities limit number or types of building permits that can be issued in a year
How many acres does it take to feed a U.S. resident vs. globally?
25 acres vs. 7 acres per person
Who is Jacob Riis?
Authored How the Other Half Lives. This book resulted in housing reform in New York City.
What theory did Christiller posit
Central Place Theory- While there is a minimum market threshold to bring a firm to a city and there is a maximum range people are willing to travel to receive goods and services.
First AICP Exam In 1977
the first exam for AIP membership was administered.
1974 Housing & Community Development Act
CDBG - Community Development Block Grant, replaced categorical grants with flexible block grants. Physical neighborhood improvements, social services, econ dev projects. Local discretion in spending. Housing Assistance Plan. Congressional appropriations.
US Reclamation Act
1902- allowed the funds raised from the sale of public land in arid states to be used to construct water storage and irrigation systems.led to the eventual damming of nearly every major western river.
”"”Certain land uses cannot be reasonably allocated on the inflexible basis of legislated zoning districts”” justifies what tool?”
Special exceptions or special permits, which allow for flexibility in the otherwise rigid application of Euclidean zoning.
Name the year and location for George Pullman’s model industrial town?
1880 in Pullman, Illinois
What is a floating zone?
defines a use that a community intends to encourage but does not assign it to any particular parcel of land
What is a Megalopolis as defined by the Oxford Dictionary?
”"”any many-centered, multi-city, urban area of more than 10 million inhabitants, generally dominated by low-density settlement and complex networks of economic specialization.”” “
What is a brownfield?
site that is not used or is underused due to real or perceived environmental contamination
What was the first metropolitan plan in the U.S.?
Daniel Burnham’s 1909 Plan of Chicago
Chauncy Harris
Multiple Nuclie Model
What years were generation x born?
What is the name of a fund established to manage the revenues and expenditures of a minor league baseball park?
An enterprise fund is an account that manages the revenues and expenditures of a self-sufficient activity such as a minor league baseball park, parking garage, zoo.
is a method in which a neutral third party facilitates discussion in a structured multi-stage process to help parties reach a satisfactory agreement. Effective with individuals
First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Glendale v County of Los Angeles (1987)
Flood damaged campgrounds, and LA prohibited construction in flood area; U.S. Supreme Court found that just compensation required for “temporary damages” for time btwn law adoption and determination of unconstitutional taking
1968 Civil Rights Act
Fair Housing Act - prohibits housing discrimination through Title VIII - underfunded and rarely pursued.
What is the largest Indian reservation?
Navajo; 16 million acres across three states
How has average size of single family detached homes changed over last 50 years?
~1,100SF ? 2,340 SF
Ethics: Who makes the final determination in a charge of ethics misconduct?
The AICP Ethics Committee
Special Districts (Water & Sewer)
Geographically defined area may levy taxes or user charge as financing mechanism for public service
What are exactions?
cost levied on developers as a condition for receiving permission to develop in a community; ex: developer requried to contribute land, facilities, or funding
The Housing Act of which year called for slum clearance?
Uses compatible with airport noise-affected areas
Those that lack areas of constant human occupation. I.e. manufacturing, warehousing, distribution.
Steward B. McKinney Act (1987)
First major legislative response to homelessness; Emphasis on elderly, disabled and families with children
“What case established the ““hard look”” doctrine for environmental impact review?”
1971, Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe
“Kevin Lynch’s ““Making Sense of a Region”” focuses on the theme that regions have what?”
“A ““sensory quality””. Communities and regions are best understood and protected by understanding the sensory quality of places; how they look, feel, smell, and sound.”
Nationally the rate of jobs growth in the fringe counties of metropolitan areas is more than _____ that of the central counties of metropolitan areas.
“How is ““time of travel”” determined?”
Consider the physical processes and flow velocities of groundwater and contaminants
Structural unemployment
mismatch between supply of labor and demand for labor where supply of labor skills don’t meet demands for skills b/c of changing technology
When sending mail survey’s should you expect a high, medium or low response rate?
Low. Mail surveys have the lowest response rate. Including the survey in a utility bill means that only a small portion of residents will even read the survey.
Munn v. Illinois 1876
The Court found that a state law regulating pricing did not constitute a taking. The Court established the principle of public regulation of private businesses in the public interest.
What is peak parking space factor for shopping center?
1.0 - 5.0 spaces per 1,000 SF of GLA
Critical Path Method
Each project task has a known amount of time to complete and cannot be completed before the previous one is completed. The longest pathway is the critical pathway.
Urban Development Action Grant: HUD program to help really poor cities for economic recovery. Facilitated public-private partnerships. Encouraged intergovernmental cooperation.
What is the median age for 2010 census?
Poverty Rate
12.6 percent (increased for 4 years from 2000 - 2004)
When and where was the first City Planning Conference?
1909 - Washington DC
What is acknowledged as being important under NEPA?
an open & public decision-making process in environmental decisions
Comprehensive plan
Usually for an entire municipality or county; Addresses short-term and long-term planning concerns, current and future trends; Documents what ideas the community is seeking through a series of goals and implementation strategies
Clean Air Act Year
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (1956)
Eisenhower; Construction funding through Highway Trust Fund (from taxes on new vehicles and gas); Largest public works project in the nation’s history
What is a chi square test?
Chi Square is a non-parametric test statistic that provides a measure of the amount of difference between two frequency distributions. Chi Square is commonly used for probability distributions in inferential statistics.
Shift/share analysis
is a technique sometimes used for retrospectively decomposing changes, usually in employment, in a set of urban areas or regions.
Ag Zoning - Exclusive Regs v Non-exlusive regulations
non-farm buildings are not permitted v non-farm buildings are permitted, but large lot minimums or density limits. Exclusive regs are most common.
Slope of 0-0.5%
No drainage, not suited for development.
What is infill?
development of parcels of land in otherwise built up area
1937 Wagner-Seagall Housing Act
Created USHA, US Housing Authority which become PHA Public Housing Administration in 1947. Funded Local Housing Authorities to determine local needs, provide public housing, clear slums.
Young v. American Mini Theaters (1976)
US Supreme Court upheld Detroit “adult zoning” ordinance that prohibited location of adult movie theaters in proximity to each other and residential area; Court argued that it did not restrain speech but only maintain neighborhood character
Housing Unit Method (HUM)
A process of using housing data for population projections
What is a confidence interval?
Confidence Interval gives an estimated range of values which is likely to include an unknown population parameter. The width of the confidence interval gives us an idea of how uncertain we are about the unknown parameter.
The Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) of 1978
promoted alternative energy sources, energy efficiency, and reduced dependence on foreign oil. It also created a market for non-utility power producers and requires competition in the utility industry.
What type of rate is the annual rate of interest payable on a bond, usually expressed as a percentage of the principal amount, which the borrower promises to pay to the bondholder?
The coupon rate (or bond interest rate)
How is slope calculated?
The change in elevation divided by the horizontal distance.
National Housing Act, 1934
FSLIC, Federal Savings Loan Insurance Corp to insure savings deposits. FHA Federal Housing Admin to insure private mortgages. Policies led to sprawl (single family, low density).
Who is Harland Bartholomew
Was hired by Newark, New Jersey in 1914 as the first planning commission. Went on to become one of the most famous planning consultants.
What is a null hypothesis?
A null hypothesis is a neutral statement that does not suggest the direction of the result.
Indian Reorganization Act 1934
Enacted to conserve and develop Indian lands and resources, granted certain rights of home rule and provided for vocational education.
Urbanized Area
urban nucleus of 50k or more. May or may not contain any individual cities of 50,000 or more. must have a core with a population density of 1,000 persons per square mile and may contain adjoining territory with at least 500 persons per square mile.
What is Groupware?
Groupware includes a variety of electronic technologies that support virtual collaboration. These techniques use hardware, software, and or internet technology to allow for sophisticated collaboration activities.
As defined in the US census what is an Urbanized area?
The Census Bureau defines an urbanized area wherever it finds an urban nucleus of 50,000 or more people.
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council 1992
Court found there is a taking if there is a total reduction in value after the regulation is in place. The court found that Lucas purchased the land prior to the development regulations being put in place and so constituted a taking.
Typically, it consists of a series of meetings focused on long-range issues. Visioning results in a long-range plan. Priorities are set to distinguish essential goals. Performance standards allow an evaluation of progress toward goals over time.
Are mixed uses allowed in Euclidean zoning?
What is a general fund?
The collection of monies from various sources, mixed or commingled for the purposes of providing general government services and functions.
Taylor Grazing Act 1934
established the US Grazing Service to manage the public rangelands, which was later merged with the General Land Office in 1946 to form the Bureau of Land Management.
Who is Wiliam Whyte?
Authored The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, published in 1980. This book promotes the use of environmental psychology and sociology in urban design.
Proportional tax
Tax rate is fixed no matter the amount taxed.
A measure of the distance east or west from a referenced principal meridian, in units of six miles. Section: An approximately one-square-mile block of land. There are 36 sections in a survey township.
What is R-factor?
The ability of insulation above ceilings and in walls to keep heat inside during the winter and keep heat our during the summer; The higher the R-factor, the better the insulation and the less energy required to keep building hot or cold
What are elements of Ebenezer Howard’s Garden Cities
I. Surrounded by open space II. Include housing, retail, and industry III. Connected by railways
The street right of way that is traveled; this does not include the curb
Biophilic Design
Biophilic Design brings humans and nature together through sustainable strategies, which can include lighting, ventilation, access to water and natural elements.
Economic base theory
Basic activities bring money in to an area while non-basic activities circulates money within an area. Related to LQ.
2002 Bioterrorism Act
Established national preparedness plan for bioterrorism and other public health emergencies. More controls on toxins and bad bio agents. Protect safety of food, drugs, water supply. (National, States)
What are continuous variables?
Continuous Variables can have an infinite number of values, such as 1.1111.
Economic Development Administration (EDA) 1965
Provides grants to economically-distressed communities to generate new employment, help retain existing jobs and stimulate industrial and commercial growth.
What does the 5th Amendment address?
Just compensation for takings, eminent domain
Housing Act of 1949
This was the first comprehensive housing bill. It initiated urban renewal, focusing on slum clearance, urban renewal and new housing construction.
Variance (statistics Q)
A measure of how spread out a distribution is
What is CERCLA and what year was it passed?
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), commonly known as Superfund, was enacted by Congress on December 11, 1980.
USGS topographic map
Scales = uses 1:24,000, 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000, 1:250,000
What is a good measure of central tendency (statistics Q)
Median is better measure of central tendency because it is less influence by outliers than the mean
1990 National Affordable Housing Act
Provided matching fed funds to local govt expenditures for low income housing (HOME). reqd a Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) (plan)
Fiscal Impact Analysis (Cost Revenue Analysis)
Used to determine if a particular project will generate adequate revenue through taxes to pay for the additional public services that will be required.
National Transportation Planning
since early 20th c focused on highway network development for cars, often to detriment of other surface transportation modes.
For an efficient home heating system, what level of insulation should be used for exterior walls (on average)?
R-11 to R-28
Tenement House Law of 1901
outlawed dumbbell tenements
Reducing the intensity of zoning on a site.
What is the U.S. Housing Act of 1954? What problems did it create?
This Act required cities to develop comprehensive plans and provided funding for planning under Section 701. One of the problems with the 701 plan led to the creation of plans for the purpose of acquiring $ rather than to encourage planning efforts.
What did Calthorpe propose?
In 1989, Calthorpe proposed the concept of the Pedestrian Pocket a mixed use development of up to 110 acres with a park at the center.
What book did Ebenezer Howard write?
Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform.1898
Household Income
Defined in terms of the amount of income they earn relative to 100% of the Area Median Income
Do artificial dunes or seawalls lead to increased erosion?
Yes for shorelines studies foudn this to be true
Central Tendancy
The typical or representative value of a dataset. Can be reported by a variety ways including mean, median, and mode.
The Resettlement Administration
formed in 1935 to carry out experiments in population resettlement and land reform. The result was the development of Greenbelt towns. folded in January of 1937. brainchild of Rexford G. Tugwell in Franklin Roosevelt’s administration.
Rachel Carson
“Authored ““Silent Springs”” which focused on the negative effects of the use of herbicides and pesticides. “
Sizes of different types of shopping centers
Community (100-450K SF; mid-size dept store or discount store as anchor); Neighborhood (30-100K SF; convenience goods and personal services; Regional (300-1,000K SF; variety of general merchandise, apparel, furniture etc.)
Adverse possession
method of acquiring title to real property by possession for a statutory period under certain conditions
Federal Emergency Management Agency
A shift-share analysis, used in regional science, political economy, and urban studies, determines what portions of regional economic growth or decline can be attributed to national, economic industry, and regional factors.
Alfred Bettman
1925, developed comprehensive plan for Cincinnati, the first American city to adopt a comprehensive plan; Defending zoning in Amber v Eucid
United States v. Gettysburg Electric Railway Company 1896
The Court ruled that the acquisition of the national battlefield at Gettysburg served a valid public purpose. This was the first significant legal case dealing with historic preservation.
What part of hazard mitigation is like comp planning?
gathering & analyzing data, & setting goals & selecting actions that will help community achieve its goals
First Issue of City Planning 1925
In 1925, the American City Planning Institute and the National Conference on City Planning published the first issue of City Planning, the predecessor to the current Journal of the American Planning Association.
This is the right of way along a street.
”"”Environmental Indicators Initiative”””
“EPA’s ““Environmental Indicators Initiative”” started in 2003 to improve the Agency’s ability to report on the status of and trends in environmental conditions and their impacts on human health and the nation’s natural resources.”
Williamson County Regional Planning Commission v. Hamilton Bank
Defined the ripeness doctrine for judicial review of takings claims. Taking claim premature where owner fails relief of variance and condmenation procedures.
Edge Cities (1991)
Joel Garreau, defined as a distinct place that was not anything like a city 30 years ago, that has at least 5M SF of leasable office space, 600K SF of retail, and more jobs than bedrooms
Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000
The act reinforces the importance of planning to lessen the potential effects of a natural hazard. States and local governments are required to prepare plans that identify likely risks.
Refers to government’s use of information and communication technology (ICT) to exchange information and services with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government.
1996, Telecommunications Act
Reduce regulatory barriers to market entry and competition. Outlawed artificial barriers to entry in local exchange markets for maximum competition.
What does performance zoning evaluate?
does no deal with the use of a parcel but with how development impacts the surrounding area
Mixed Use Development
“May be ““vertical”” with a mix of uses in one building or ““horizontal”” with a mix of single use buildings within walking distance of one another.”
High Occupancy Vehicle
What city passed the first land use zoning restriction on the location of obnxoxius uses? What year was it passed?
In 1867, San Francisco passed the first land use zoning restriction on the location of obnoxious uses.
What is shift share analysis?
Shift-share analysis analyzes a local economy in comparison with a larger economy. This analysis looks at the differential shift, proportional shift, and economic growth. This method uses employment information by sector for two points in time.
Goal vs. Objective vs. Policy
Goal is value-based statement about a desired future state of affairs. Objective offers more specific, measurable statements of how to achieve the desired ends. A Policy is a general rule that outlines how the goals and objectives of a plan should be real
Linear Method
Uses the rate of growth (or decline) in population over a period of time to estimate the current or future population.
How much solid waste does the typical household create?
Approximately 4.5 lbs. per person, per day.
1978, Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act
authorized matching grants to renovate and improve facilities in low-income communities
Which city had the first metropolitan plan in the United States?
Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development Corp
Case dealing with a zoning ordinance that in a practical way barred families of various socio-economic, and ethno-racial backgrounds from residing in a neighborhood. The Court held that the ordinance was constitutional.
Variance is permissible when
Hardship inherent in the physical characteristics of the land (although often misconstrued as alleviation of financial hardship)
What is a benefit of infill development?
infrastructure already exists for that area although capacity may need to be increased
determines pathway (street, public, transit line, sidewalk, etc.) used by each trip.
Trip Assignment
City of Rancho Palos Verdes v. Abrams 2005
The Court ruled that a licensed radio operator that was denied conditional use permit for an antenna cannot seek damages because it would distort the congressional intent of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Consolidated MSA (CMSA)
Made up of several PMSA’s. An example is the Dallas-Fort Worth Consolidated Metropolitan Area. Dallas and Fort Worth are each primary metropolitan statistical areas.
What was a key aspect of the Dolan v Tigard case?
Requirement of development fees in lieu of dedication
New Oreleans, 1921 this occurred
Designation of the first every historic preservation commission in the U.S. The Vieux Carre Commission.
The employment estimation technique that allocates a projected employment expansion to smaller geographic areas is known as which of the following?
shift-share. The shift-share technique allocates a portion of the projected expansion to sub-regions or population centers based on the center’s present share of the employment.
Factors are important to determining populaiton projections
Migration, birth rate, death rate
First off-street parking regulations?
Columbus, OH 1923
Farmland Protection Policy Act 1981
Enacted to minimize federal program contribution to loss of farmlands, it developed standards for identifying the effects of such programs on the loss of farmland.
Housing Act of 1937
Foundation of future federal public housing programs for the poor. %
Consists of a map, drawn to scale, showing the divisions of a piece of land.
Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission
- in Ohio adopted a housing plan that called for low and moderate income housing to be allocated on a fair share basis.
Nominal data
classified into mutually exclusive groups that lack intrinsic order. Race, social security number, and sex are examples of nominal data. Mode is the only measure of central tendency that can be used for nominal data.
What is scoping?
Scoping is often the first contact between proponents of a proposal and the public. A scoping meeting introduces both sides of an issue and engages interested parties.
What is a PUD?
Planned Unit Development, large-scale, mixed-use developments or high density residential developments
What is a Hectare?
1 hectare = 10,000 square meters
Who led the Back of Yards movement.
Saul Alinsky
Who was Gifford Pinochet?
First director of the U.S. Forest Service (1905), leader of conservation movement, advocating for both preservation and scientific management of natural resources
The Clean Water Act of 1966
provided construction grants for wastewater treatment facilities.
Sunnyside Gardens
Stein and Wright, 1924-1928
What is the Land Ordinance of 1785?
This provided for the rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest
Just vs. Marinette County (1972)
Established that environmental protection regulations are a reasonable exercise of the police power of the state and do not amount to a taking of private property without just compensation; The natural state of the shore land is a public interest that sup
What is an esker?
A long, narrow, twisting hill of gravel and sand deposits found in an area once covered by ice.
Census Tract
Census Tract typically has a population between 2,000 and 8,000 people. It is the smallest area where all information is released.
Toxic Substances Control Act 1976
prohibits the manufacture or importation of chemicals that are not on the TSCA Inventory (or subject to one of many exemptions).
This ensures that the negative impact of transportation is not directed at any one particular group or minority.
Environmental Justice
Publicly Owned lands
2.2 billion acres. 1/3 owned and managed by BLM or Forest Service.
What is a Metropolitan Planning Organization?
Congress created MPOs in order to ensure that existing and future expenditures for transportation projects and programs are based on a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (“3-C”) planning process
Massachusetts v. EPA, Inc. 2006
The Court held that the EPA must provide a reasonable justification for why they would not regulate greenhouse gases.
Interval data
data that has an ordered relationship with a magnitude, such as temperature. 10 degrees is not twice as cold as 20 degrees.
What are the six key pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act?
“Nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, (““NOX and SOX””); carbon monoxide, lead, ozone, and particulates”
In what book does Charles Lindblom write against the basic assumption that central control is necessary in a democracy?
”"”The Intelligence of Democracy,”” 1965”
Location-Quotient (LQ)
A ratio of an industry’s share of local employment divided by its share of the nation (or other level of government). A ratio of less than 1 indicates that an area imports an industry’s products or services, a ratio of greater than 1 indicates exporting.
Slope of 5-10%
Suitable only for specially designed development.
Standard Error
The standard deviation of a sampling distribution. Standard errors indicate the degree of sampling fluctuation. The larger the sample size the smaller the standard error.
Lewis Mumford
Cofounder Regional Planning Association.
Zero Lot Line
A form of development where the the building is sited on one or more lot lines with no yard, the intent of which is to allow a more flexible site design and to increase the amount of usable open space.
What are some examples of quota systems?
subdivision phasing & permit caps
Who created the first metropolitan regional plan? What City was it completed for and what year was it completed?
In 1909, Daniel Burnham created the first metropolitan regional plan for Chicago.
1949-1973, Urban Renewal
Physical redevelopment of existing communities. Largest federal urban program in US history. Eliminate substandard housing, revitalize urban areas, construct quality low cost housing. Eminent domain, displaced low-income residents
Catherine Bauer Wurster
Public housing advocate and author of Modern Housing (1934)
Reston, VA 1962
A post WWII New Town established by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. The town was designed as a full scale, self contained New Town, located 18 miles from DC.
What was the 1915 zoning case involving the operation of a brickyard within Los Angeles?
Hadacheck v. Sebastian In Hadacheck the court upheld a Los Angeles ordinance prohibiting the operation of brickyards within defined limits of Los Angeles and the surrounding metropolitan area.
Cross-sectional survey
Gathers information about a population at a single point in time
What are two examples of data used for the symptomatic method?
Electrical hookups; building permits issued
What is lease-purchase method?
“Lease-purchase allows a government to ““rent-to-own.””
What % of trips in US are done by bicycle or foot?
What was the central finding of 1972, Sierra Club vs. Morton?
Sierra Club did not have standing to sue the US Forest Service to stop a ski resort in Sequoia National Forest because it had not suffered economic, aesthetic, or environmental injury
Kelo v City of New London (2005)
Eminent domain; Economic development is a public use for which the power of eminent domain may be exercised when part of an integrated development plan
Daniel Burnham
He was the Director of Works for the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Worked on the master plans for Chicago, Manila and downtown Washington, D.C. He also designed the Flatiron Building
Normal Distribution
Symmetrical dispersion around the mean. This is a bell curve.
The Water Quality Act of 1965
established the Water Pollution Control Administration within the Department of the Interior. This was the first time water quality was treated as an environmental concern rather than a public health concern.
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) 1977
seeks to address discrimination in loans made to individuals and businesses. It was put in place to stop widespread practice of redlining of urban, low income minority neighborhoods.
What is the 1st Amendment
Deals with freedom of speach, freedom of assocation and freedom of religion.
urban sprawl
a pattern of unplanned, low density housing and commercial development outside of cities that usually takes place on previously undeveloped land
What are solute transport models?
Models used to predict water quality impacts to groundwater at a specific location, such as downgrade from a landfil or at point of sewage discharge
What is a Variance?
mechanism whose denial would cause a hardship associated with the parcel, not with personal circumstances of owner of parcel
Hadacheck v. Sebastian (1915)
The Court held that an ordinance of Los Angeles, prohibiting the manufacturing of bricks within specified city’s limits did not unconstitutionally deprive the petitioner of his property without due process of law, or deny him equal protection of the laws.
Housing Act 1954
Established Section 701 planning grants to local gov’t
Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of New York,
Introduced a means-end balancing test for regulatory takings and validated historic preservation controls.
What law and subtitle banned new unprotected USTs?
RCRA Subtitle I – Underground Storage Tanks–1985
The Science of Muddling Through 1959
Charles Lindblom-first introduces the concept of incremental planning. argues that people make their plans and decisions in an incremental manner and that people accomplish goals through a series of successive, limited comparisons.
a community built incorporating principles of New Urbanism would most likely use what type of zoning?
form-based zoning
Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation).
Est in 1970 to keep money flowing to mortgage lenders in support of homeownership and rental housing. Publicly traded.
Was the first state to pass enabling legislation
Census Block
Smallest level at which the Census data is collected. There are typically 400 housing units per block.
Neighborhood Unit Concept
Clarence Perry in 1920. as part of the New York Regional Plan. The Neighborhood Unit Concept defines a neighborhood based on a five minute walking radius. At the center is a school. Each neighborhood is approximately 160 acres.
Hadacheck v. Sebastian (1915)
Constitutionality of zoning ordinances. Held that prohibiting the manufacturing of bricks within specified limits of the city did not unconstitutionally deprive the petitioner without due process of law, or deny him equal protection of the laws.
How is the permitting process streamlined?
having regulatory information, permit applications, & personnel to answer questions in a single location; providing clear, objective standards for assessing a permit application, & setting deadlines for local government review
Visual Preference Survey
Assists citizens in evaluating physical images of natural/built environments. View and evaluate variety of pictures depicting building styles, streetscapes, etc.
Clean Water Act - 1972
40% of US waterways do not meet the drinkable, swimmable standards - considered impaired. NPDES - permit process to control point source pollution. Section 404 - wetland protection. (State)
How the Other Half Lives 1890
Written by Jacob Riis, a photojournalist who documented the squalid living conditions in the New York City slums.
1969 National Environmental Policy Act
Broad national framework for environmental protection. The public and decision makers must be informed.
Tennessee Valley Authority: Year, purpose, significance?
1933; rehabilitate and redevelop the Tennessee Valley; most famous experiment in river-basin planning
1 km = xx meters = xxx feet
1,000 meters = 3,281 feet
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA, 1991)
Required coordination between states and metropolitan areas for air quality standards
land capability analysis
Land capability analysis allows the planner to understand the suitability of land for development.
Standard City Planning Enabling Act (1928)
Hoover, Dept of Commerce
The Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook
Created by the APA to encourage states to revise their standard state zoning enabling acts?
Homestead Act (1862)
Permitted settlers to claim 160-acre parcel of public land in the west on condition they reside on land for 5 consecutive years; Cause gov’t to take a major role in water development in the West
What unit of government typically establishes the regulation of septic systems?
State health regulations (although they may be administered by local or county govt.)
What are some advantages of a sand filter system?
High degree of treatment after initial filtering process (septic tank or primary treatment); low cost; widely used; low operator attention
When was APA/AICP founded (merging of AIP and ASPO)?
Advocacy Planner
Serves a variety of groups with different goals and interests.
What incentives were used to jump start new investments under the EMpowerment Zones/Enterprise Zones?
propery tax reductions, sales tax reductions, wage tax credits, & low-interest financing were utilized to jumpstart new investments
1996 Wetlands Reserve Program
USDA NRCS. Financial incentive to private landowners to restore, protect, and enhance wetlands.
How many Native American reservations are there in the U.S.?
Pelican Island 1903
Established by an executive order of President Theodore Roosevelt on March 14, 1903 to protect the Brown Pelican, Pelican Island was the first national wildlife refuge in the United States.
1992 Housing and Community Development Act
Section 202 - expand supply of affordable housing for elderly.
What years were baby boomers born?
Resettlement Administration
Roosevelt-1935. This agency was responsible for the New Towns program which developed 0three cities based on Howard’s (garden city) ideas: Greendale, Wisconsin; Greenhills, Ohio; and Greenbelt, Maryland. Additionally, 99 other new towns were planned.
Edge City
Relatively new concentration of business, shopping and entertainment outside a traditional urban area, in what had recently been a residential suburb or semi-rural community, coined by Joel Garreau (1991)
First national park?
Yellowstone, 1872
Delphi Method
PI. Structured process to build consensus. Stakeholders do questionnaires. Feedback on responses is presented to group anonymously. Participants encouraged to revise answers based on replies. Answer range decreases and group converges in on solution.
What book did Alfred Reins write? when? whis is it improtant?
With Heritage So Rich edited by Alfred Reins, published in 1966. This is a seminal book in historic preservation.
What is Level of Service(LOS)?
Level of Service ranges from A to F with A being the best level of service and F the lowest level of service.
1935, US Resettlement Administration
New Deal Program - intended to carry out land reform and population resettlement. Resettled urban poor to federally planned communities.
Census Designated Place (CDP)
A densely settled concentration of population that is not within an incorporated place, but is locally identified by a name; No size limits (since 2000)
Kevin Lynch
Professor of MIT, Author of Images of a City. This book defines basic concepts within the city, such as edges and nodes
What year was the first National Conference on City Planning?
Nectow v. Cambridge
The determination of public officers should not be set aside unless it is clear that their action has no foundation in reason and is a mere arbitrary or irrational exercise of power having no substantial relation to the public interest.
What map is most useful as a base map for overlay constraint mapping?
USGS topographic maps
Non-point Source Pollution
contaminated runoff from many sources
Market-share analysis
Tracks local area’s share of a larger regional market for goods and services over time to determine if growth is occuring.
Cohort survival method of population projection
The study of a group by a specific characteristic (age, grade, income) increased by the rate that group survives onto the next year
What is the Resettlement Administration of 1935?
This administration was formed to carry out experiments in population resettlement and land reform. The result was the development of Greenbelt towns.
Symptomatic Method
Pop Estimate. Uses available data to estimate the current population.
first comprehensive zoning ordinance
NYC 1916
Has the average household size gotten larger or smaller between 1970 and 2000?
he average household size went down from 3.1 in 1970 to 2.59 in 2010.
test of the effect of independent variables on a dependent variable. A regression analysis explores the relationship between variables.
An ordinance requiring the set-aside of land or dollars to construct affordable housing within a subdivision is referred to as what?
Inclusionary Zoning
1976 Toxic Substances Control Act
Gave EPA ability to track industrial chemicals that are produced or imported in the US
National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Act of 1974
regulated manufactured housing units and prohibited municipalities from regulating manufactured homes through the building code. The homes could be regulated in terms of location, size, and appearance. This act applied to all manufactured homes built in 1
Environmental Impact Statements
An EIS typically has 4 sections: . Introduction (Purpose and Need of the Proposed Action) . Affected Environment. . Range of Alternatives . environmental impacts of each of the possible alternatives.
Urban Mass Transportation Act 1964
provided grant money for public transit systems in the form of matching funds to cities and states. Typically, the federal government pays up to 80% of capital costs and up to 50% of operating costs for local transit systems.
LOS (Level-of-Service)
A: free flow. B: reasonably free flow. C: stable flow, at or near free flow. D: approaching unstable flow. E: unstable flow, operating at capacity. F: forced or breakdown flow.
Atlanta Metropolitan Council 1949
The Council was the first regional planning agency.
What did the New York Tenement House Law of 1901 do?
The passage of the 1901 Tenement Act resulted from deteriorating conditions in the increasingly overcrowded tenement districts of New York. The result was an increase in the
What are examples of cases where propert owners claim gov’t entity took property from them by enforcing regs?
moratoria, zoning, & growth management
Mariemont, OH
John Nolen, 1923-1936; foreshadows New Urbanism (short blocks, mix of housing tenures)
What is the key indicator of a variance?
What is peak parking space factor for a hotel?
0.2 - 1.5 spaces per room
Large Scale Map
Shows a limited land area in great detail.
1998, TEA-21
Successor to ISTEA. Emphasized transit as alternative to highway construction. Cont’d planning process. Gave enhancement grants for ped/bike paths, scenic quality.
Housing and Urban Development 1965
Created HUD as a cabinet level agency. Robert Weaver was the first secretary of HUD and the first African-American cabinet member. HUD established rent subsidy programs, granted low interest home loans and provided subsidy for public housing projects.
How much land does the federal government hold in trust for native reservations?
56.2 million acres (40 million in Alaska)
First comprehensive city plan officially adopted by major US city?
Cincinnati Plan, 1925
Construction Indust. Assn. of Sonoma County v City of Petaluma (1971)
Limit on the number of building permits for single-fam homes issued each year; upheld by court of appeals on ground that it sought to preserve small town character and open space and promote growth at an “orderly” rate”
Cohort Survival Method
Uses the current population plus natural increase and net migration to calculate a future population. The population is calculated for men and women in specific age groups.
1994, HUD Multifamily Housing Disposition Rule
Evicts indiv with drug or alcohol abuse or criminal records. % housing for elderly or disabled. Funding to Habitat for Humanity
Fred French Investing Co. v. City of New York
Found that Transfer of Development Rights is an inappropriate method to compensate the landowner for a taking by the City of New York.
Planning Programming Budgetary System (PPBS)
Divides govt expenditures into program components rather than objects of expenditure; Focuses on fundamental objectives of a program, future implications of current budgeting decision, all costs, and alternatives; Robert McNamara (USDOD) in 60s-70s
What theory is Paul Davidoff associated with?
Advocacy planning. It concerns itself with ensuring that all people are equally represented in the planning process by advocating for the interests of the underprivileged and seeking social change
Metromedia, Inc. v. City of San Diego,
Extended commercial speech to aesthetic regulation.
Multi-state planning is most commonly used for
Census Designated Place (CDP)
is a concentration of population identified by the United States Census Bureau for statistical purposes. CDPs are delineated for each decennial census as the statistical counterparts of incorporated places
The annual energy consumption in the United States is:
According to the US Department of Energy annual energy consumption has increase dramatically since the 1920s. The Department of Energy plans to increase by 29 percent between 2000 and 2020.
New York State Tenement House Act 1901
Reformed earlier laws regarding tenement housing a required improved lighting, ventilation and toilets and running water in each unit. It outlawed the dumbbell design. Lawrence Veiller helped draft the act.
What is the average width of a parking space in a parking lot?
9 feet
Name three ways a computerized traffic model can be used.
Test the impact on traffic different land use scenarios; test the effectiveness of various physical improvements; test the impact of future zoning amendments
Multiple Nuclei Model
similar industries with common land-use and financial requirements are established near each other. greater movment due to increased car ownership. which allows for the specialization of regional centers.
1970 HUD Act
CDCs - Community Development Corporations to emphasize economic and community development in central cities and low-income areas
1935, Works Progress Administration
New Deal Program to create link between urban planning and economic development. Fed govt offered work to unemployed by spending money on highway and bldg construction, slum clearance, rural rehab.
First Regional Planning Commission 1922
Established in LA, the 1922 regional planning commission was the first in the US.
Energy Policy Conservation Act 1975
Established Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for light trucks and passenger cars. Manufacturers can earn credits for exceeding standards.
First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Glendale v. County of Los Angeles 1987
Court found if a property is unusable for a period of time, then not only can the ordinance be set aside, but the property owner can subject the government to pay for damages.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 1976
to address the increasing problems the nation faced from its growing volume of municipal and industrial waste. Cradle to grave legislation for hazardous waste material, regulated by the EPA.
First zoning ordinance - when/where?
NYC 1916, Edward Bassett; cumulative approach to zoning
SD Warren v. Maine Board of Environmental Protection 2006
The Court found that hydroelectric dams are subject to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act.
1972, San Francisco
Dolan v. City of Tigard,
“Extended Nollan’s ““essential nexus”” test to require ““rough proportionality”” between development impact and conditions.”
Housing Act of 1961
provided interest subsidies to nonprofit organizations, limited-dividend corporations, cooperatives, and public agencies for the construction of public housing projects for low and moderate income families to rent.
Christopher Stone’s 1972 book Should Trees Have Standing discussed
Authority to file suit: the Sierra Club v. Morton, Secretary of the Interior (1972) case where the Sierra Club attempted to block the development of a ski resort in the Mineral King Valley in the Sequoia National Forest.
Water Quality Act adopted
The study of the chemical, hydrological and biological aspects of lakes and ponds
How many contaminants does EPA regulate under the 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act?
What is included in the Federal Propery Administration Act of 1949?
Disposal of federal government property
Who pioneered indoor shopping malls; developed the new town of Columbia, Maryland; Baltimore’s Harbor Place; and Boston’s Fanueil Hall.
James Rouse: Rouse was a major figure in development in Baltimore and the east coast from the 1950s through the 1980s.
Citizen Advisory Committee
Citizens groups presumed to represent the ideas and attitudes of local residents. Purpose to advise planning agency.
Management by Objective: is a process of agreeing upon objectives within an organization so that management and employees agree to the objectives and understand what they are.
Determines split of trips
Modal Split
brownfields development
the concept that abandoned contaminated sites can be cleaned up sufficiently to allow some specified uses without totally removing all of the contaminants
Quantitative Variables
can be interval or ratio
Where/when was first subway?
Boston, 1897
Census Block Group
Group of Census Blocks
What is the US Reclamation Act of 1902?
This act allowed the funds raised from the sale of public land in arid states to be used to construct water storage and irrigation systems.
Non-IRA tribes
Did not organize under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act.
1972, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
NPDES authorized by CWA, put in place to control water pollution by requiring a NPDES discharge permit for industrial and municipal polluters (point source pollution)
First National wildlife refuge?
Florida, 1903
What are inferential Statistics?
Inferential Statistics determine characteristics of a population based on observations made on a sample from that population. We infer things about the population based on what is observed in the sample.
Who wrote silent Spring and what is it about?
Silent Spring by Rachel Carlson, published in 1962. This book focuses on the negative effects of pesticides on the environment.
Arcosanti in Arizona 1970
Developed by the architect Paulo Soleri, the project is an experimental town designed using the concept of arcolology (architecture and ecology). Soleri seeks to demonstrate that architecture can be coherent with the natural environment.
What is a pedestrian pocket? Who developed the idea?
110 acres with park in the middle, mixed use, walkable, etc. Peter Calthorpe
Name 4 cities that embody the new urbanism elements
- Seaside, FL2. Kentlands, MD3. Celebration, FL4. Marimont, Ohio
When/how/who Savannah, George planned?
James Oglethorpe, 1733, central public square
James Rouse
Columbia, MD (1960s); Pioneered development of indoor shopping malls in the 1950s; Introduced festival marketplaces to dying downtowns (Faneuil Hall, Inner Harbor in Baltimore, South Street Seaport); Grandfather of Edward Norton
Line item budgets
Traditional municipal budget; Divides expenditures into categories such as equipment and personnel; Are not easily utilized as management tool
Sampling Error
occurs when one has taken a sample from a larger population. The sample is not representative of the population as a whole, creating a sampling error.
What is form-based zoning?
supports mixed-use neighborhoods with a range of housing types
What planning and budgeting system focused on evaluating and ranking outputs?
Project Management (PM), developed in the 1960s; looked at value of outputs rather than cost inputs
Regional Shopping Center
300,000 - 1,000,000 sf Provide variety of general merchandise, apparel, furniture, and home furnishings
Constant share technique
Assumes that the portion of a sample’s type (people, age, occupation, animal, etc..) in a given population/area will remain same over time
What is considered in site selection?
environmental, floodplain, or wetland constraints; accessibility to transportation & utility systems; & stnd for st., open space, lot size, & parking
The Housing Act of 1937
Sometimes called the Wagner-Steagall Act, provided for subsidies to be paid from the U.S. government to local public housing agencies to improve living conditions for low-income families. Provided FHA-backed mortgages to incentivize slum clearance
Nominal Group Technique
It allows for brainstorming allowing for all members of a group to meaningfully participate. There are silent times allowing for idea generation followed by individual sharing of ideas.
Neighborhood shopping center
30,000 to 100,000 sf Sale of convenience goods (food, drug, other sundries) to meet daily needs of residents of immediate neighborhood
The majority of Americans pay more than __ of their household income on transportation and housing.
Private Sewage Treatment Facilities (PSTFs)
Small, privately owned sewage treatment facilities used bu a s,a;;
Transportation Systems Management
an approach to congestion mitigation. Identify how you can better make use of existing infrastructure. Low-cost but effective.
Jacob Riis (1849-1914)
Photojournalist - How the Other 1/2 Lives and Children of the Poor. Provided stimulus to housing reform.
Public Lands Commission
In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt appointed the commission to propose rules for land development and management.
Business cluster
Group of geographically close businesses with some relationship to each other, i.e. supplier and consumer of specialized high tech goods
1992 Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
Within HUS to provide regulatory oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
What was the issue of Dolan v. Tigard?
What are some of the advantages of subdivision regulations?
Control the process for subdividing, ensure developers design in the correct manner, preservation of land records
Agins v. Tiburon (1980)
U.S. Supreme Court ruled that open space requirements established by the City of Tiburon did not result in a taking of property; Established the principle that a governmental action was not a regulatory taking if it substantially advanced a legitimate gov
Is school enrollment part of the local economy?
In a confined aquifer, upon what does the potentiometric surface depend?
The hydrostatic pressure
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Considers future benefits and costs of alternative projects. Use to compare alternatives.
PI. Uses a person who with no direct stake in outcome of a meeting to help groups that disagree work together to solve complex problems and come to a consensus. The facilitator is typically a volunteer from the community who is respected by all groups.
National Environmental Policy Act
1969 NEPA established broad national framework for environmental protection
“real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off
Ethics: Procedure:
Transparency, Disclosure, Documentation
What book did Kevin Lynch write? what concepts did it introduce/design?
Image of the City by Kevin Lynch, published in 1960. This book defines basic concepts within the city, such as edges and nodes.
Native Americans living on a designated reservation are required to follow ____________ governing development.
Federal Rules and Regs.
Information on Topographical map
Both natural and manmade features. Natural features include: mountains, valleys, plains, lakes, rivers, and vegetation. Man made features include roads, boundaries, , transmission lines, and major buildings.