thyroid nodules Flashcards
what is a thyroid nodule ?
a discrete lesion within the thyroid gland that is palpable and/or ultrasonographically distinct from the surrounding parenchyma
are thyroid nodules cancers?
most of them are not, but can be pre cancerous
what are some benign nodular thyroid diseases?
multi nodular goitre, hashimotos thyroiditis, follicular adenomas, subacute thyroiditis
what are some malignant nodular thyrooid disease
papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, medullary carcinome and anaplastic carcinoma
what are the symptoms of nodular thyroid disease ?
usually discovered accidentally but any pressure symptoms could be present such as dysphagia, dyspnea , dysphonia, hoarseness and a choking sensation
what other main symptoms could be present ?
sudden pain which may be due to haemorrhage or a cyst
**rapid enlargement **- could be anaplastic carcinoma or a primary lymphoma
pemberton’s sign
what is pemberton’s sign ?
growth of nodular goitre in the anterior mediastinum , so when the patient raises their arm above their head their face becomes plethoric due to jugular vein distention
what investigations would be performed with patients with a palpable nodule ?
thyroid ultrasound , it is not a screening test in addition to thyroid function tests and fine needle aspirate and radionuclide scans
what are some suspicious feature that could be present in a thyroid nodule
increased vascularity, irregular margins, micro calcifications, extra capsular growth
laboratory testing ?
test for TSH first if that is normal no more testing is required, if TSH is high teste T3 and T4 and anti thyroid antibodies to evaluate for hypothyroidism
if TSH is low test T3/4 to evaluate for hyperthyroidism
results in Radionuclide scanning in noodulles?
if its a hot nodule its almost never malignant,
if its a** cold** nodule theres a 5-8% chance of malignancy
when do we order a radionuclide scan ?
- for a thyroid nodule or multi nodular goitre
- If TSH is below the lower limit of the normal range
- In search of ectopic tissue
what are the treatment option for thyroid nodules ?
surgery (total or subtotal thyroidectomy)
radioiodine ablation
follow up
what are the indications of surgery ?
presence of malignant lesions toxic thyroid nodules compressive symptoms retrosternal extension cosmetic indications
what are the complications of surgery?
external laryngeal nerve injury (volume loss)
recurrent laryngeal nerve injury (horsness of voice)
what are the contraindications of using radioiodine ablation ?
**Radioiodine therapy is used iin hyperthyroidism **
in pregnancy or lactating or if the patient suffers from eye disease as it may worsen the ophthalmology
radioiodine therapy first line therapy?
not the first line of treatment if there are compressive symptoms or large nodules present
however when used repeat in 3-6 months if not successful
what are the indications for performing thyroid ultrasound in thyroid patients ?
only in patients with palpable thyroid lesion on examination and with patients who have a positive family history of thyroid cancer