Thorax Flashcards
mediastinum contains four groups
Heart and large b. vessels
Trachea, oesophagus, thoracic duct, lymph nodes
Vagus, phrenic nerves, sympathetic nervous trunk
superior mediastinum - location
top - sternal notch to T1
bottom - sternal angle to T4
inferior mediastinum - location
top - sternal angle to T4
bottom - xiphoid process to L1
Pleura membranes
Parietal Pleura - inn. intercostal nerves, phrenic nerve. Sensitive to pain, temperature, touch & pressure
Visceral Pleura - inn. ANS. only sensitive to stretching
Thoracic outlet syndrome
impingement of brachial plexus in the scalenes, ribs, and clavicles. Plexus emerges from the anterior and middle scalene muscles.
Vagus Nerve
CNX . The 10th Cranial nerve
cricoid cartilage
level with C6, only complete cartilageous ring of the trachea.
ridge between left and right bronchi
alveoli cells (2)
Pneumocytes (Structure)
Type II peumocytes ; secrete pulmonary surfactant. These are lipoproteins and reduce surface tension by a factor of at least 10.
functions of the peritoneum and peritoneal space (4)
- Peritoneal fluid contains leukocytes > immune function (inflammations and invasions)
- Motion of organs (peristalsis) is facilitated
- Suspending and supporting organs in place
within the abdominal cavity - Fat storage (especially mesenteries and greater momentum
boundaries of abdominal cavity
- Superiorboundary: Diaphragm
- Inferiorboundary: Pelvic
diaphragm and pelvic inlet - Posteriorboundary: Vertebral colum and posterior abdominal wall muscles
- Anteriorandlateralboundaries: Anterior and lateral abdominal wall muscles, ribs, sternum and iliac crests
The peritoneal spaces (2) and their locations
- greater sac. Reaches from diaphragm to pelvic inlet
- lesser sac.
structure that communicates between the two peritoneal spaces
epiploic foramen. Lies behind the
Greater Omentum
Location: connects the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon. In doing so, it covers the small intestines (hanging down like an apron)
Lesser Omentum
Location: suspends the lesser curvature of the stomach from liver structures on the underside of the liver (venous ligament, porta hepatic)
- In front of it lie the porta hepatis, the hepatic artery and the bile duct
how many true paired ribs?
7 (attach to the sternum or manubrium)
how many false ribs? (vertebrochondral ribs)
what kind of joints are costovertebral joints (2-5)?
synovial joints
what innervates the intercostal muscles?
intercostal nerves T1-T11
what innervates the diaphragm?
the phrenic nerve
which valve exits the right atrium?
tricuspid valve