The Foot Flashcards
What is the keystone in the longitudinal arch?
cuboid bone
distally to proximally, what are the bones of the foot?
phalanges, metatarsal, lateral cuneiform, navicular, talus, calcaneus
what are the keystones in the medial arch?
medial cuneiform, navicular bone
The medial arch is made up by the calcaneus, the talus, the navicular, the three cuneiforms, and the first, second, and third metatarsals.
It is further supported by the plantar aponeurosis, by the small muscles in the foot, by the tendons of the Tibialis and Peroneus longus, and ligaments.
Name the three strong plantar ligaments
calcaneonavicular ligament (aka spring ligament) short navicular ligament long navicular ligament
Name the only dorsal intrinsic foot muscle and the innervation, and origins and insertions
Extensor digitorum brevis, innervated by the deep perineal nerve.
Origin; dorsum of calcaneus
Inserts; to digits II-IV
What makes up the talocrural joint?
This is responsible for flexion and extension of the ankle joint and is located between the trochlea of the talus and the fibula and tibial bones.
What makes up the Subtalar joint?
This is responsible for inversion and eversion of the foot and is located between the talus, calcaneus, and and navicular bones.
In the ankle, what does the lateral collateral ligament consist of? (5)
talofibular ligaments - post and ant
calcaneofibular ligaments
tibiofibular ligaments - ant and post
In the ankle, what does the medial collateral ligament consist of?
Anterior and posterior tibio-talar,
and tibio-navicular parts = Deltoid Lig.
Plantar ligaments
Calcaneonavicular ligament
Long and short plantar ligaments
Tarso-tarsal, dorsal tarsal, tarso-metatarsal and metatarsal ligaments
what is the ligament most commonly sprained?
anterior talofibular ligament
what are the two tendons that lie behind the medial malleous?
Tibialis posterior
Flexor digitorum longus
what is the name of the tendon that lies in front of the medial malleolus?
Tibialis Anterior
what is the name of the big vein that lies anterior to the fibula bone?
great saphenous vein
what small vein does the great saphenous vein become?
dorsalis pedis
two tendons lie behind the medial malleous, and another one lies more posteriorly.. which one is it?
flexor hallucis longus
What single intrinsic muscle is in the dorsal of the foot?
extensor digitorum brevis muscle
inn. deep peroneal nerve
What three muscles make up the superficial layer of the plantar aspect of the foot?
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Abductor Hallucis
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Tell me everything about the Flexor Digitorum Brevis muscle
found in the central plantar area. Originates on the Calcaneus and inserts on the II-V digiti (middle phalanges). Similar to the flexor digitorum superficialis in the hand, the tendons split at the end to allow the deeper muscle, the flexor digitorum longus muscle to pass through and attach to the distal phalanges. (similar to the flexor digitorum profundus in the hand).
Intrinsic foot muscle innervation
ALL innervation via the TIBIAL nerve, except the Extensor Digitorum Brevis (Deep Peroneal Nerve) + 1st, 2nd dorsal interossei muscles.
tibial nerve branches into….
TIBIAL nerve – medial and lateral plantar nerves.
Superficial plantar muscles (medial to lateral) - 3
Abductor hallucis
- Calcaneous to base of proximal phalanx
Flexor digitorum brevis
- Calcaneous to middle phalanx (2-5). Split tendon
Abductor digiti minimi
- Calcaneous to base of proximal phalanx
Second layer (plantar foot muscles)
Posterior to tendon of flexor digitorum longus.
Tendon of flexor digitorum longus. Passes through the flexor digitorum brevis
Muscles in this layer (2) are in relation to this tendon.
- Quadratus plantae
- Two heads attached to calcaneus. Attached to lateral aspect of flexor digitorum longus tendon. - Lumbricals
Third layer (plantar foot muscles)
Associated with little toe and big toe.
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Adductor hallucis
This has a transverse and an oblique head
Flexor Hallucis brevis (underneath tendon of flexor hallucis longus muscle)
Fourth layer (plantar foot muscles)
Plantar and dorsal interossei muscles