Theories and Models 1 Flashcards
- 3 approaches to understand behaviour:
- Cognitive – thoughts or cognitive habits as determinants
- Behavioural – conditioning or learning from the environment
- Cognitive-behavioural – our thoughts influence our emotions and behaviour;
and our behaviour can affect our thoughts and emotions.
* Bi-directional
Difference between theory and model
* Explanation of why a phenomenon or behavior occurs.
* Allows us to better understand and predict PA behaviour
* Theory blueprint for effective behavioural intervention
* Visual representation of a phenomenon or behavior
* Do not always indicate … why a behaviour occurs
* Visual representation of the relationship between one or more variables and an
social ecological model
what affects the reason one isn;t exercising
where is it occuring
Self-Efficacy Theory (SET):
Focuses on an individual’s belief in their ability to perform a specific task or behavior.
higher self efficacy leads to…
Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB):
Explains behavior as being influenced by intention, which is shaped by:…
Transtheoretical Model (TTM):
Describes behavior change as a process through 5 stages:
Social Ecological Model (SEM):
Recognizes that behavior is influenced by multiple levels:
Self-Efficacy Theory (SET):
Higher self-efficacy means greater confidence to overcome obstacles and persist in achieving goals.
Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB):
Explains behavior as being influenced by intention, which is shaped by:
- Attitude (how positive or negative you feel about the behavior).
- Subjective Norms (social pressure or expectations).
- Perceived Behavioral Control (belief in your ability to perform the behavior).
Transtheoretical Model (TTM):
Precontemplation (not thinking about change).
Contemplation (considering change).
Preparation (planning to act).
Action (actively making the change).
Maintenance (sustaining the change long-term).
Social Ecological Model (SEM):
Individual (personal factors).
Interpersonal (relationships, social support).
Community (settings like schools or workplaces).
Societal (policies, cultural norms).
3 reasons theories are practical
Identify key factors or processes for change
Measure constructs and assess change
Provide a reason for success or failure in a change
using theories, explain while 50% of newly exercising adults relapse
identify that they feel scared and unsure where to start
the gym is very far away
not enough time and discipline