The United States and the Early Cold War Flashcards
French view of NATO whereby…
…West Germany was bulwark against Soviets
…Integration into Western alliance tamed German power
“Double Containment”
Manuever used by Truman to increase wages as a way to avoid the threat of strikes disrupting the economy
“Fact Finding Boards”
Truman’s term during the Election of 1948 for the Congress that did not support his agenda
“Do-Nothing Congress”
Cold War was an ideological struggle for the “__________” of people throughout the world.
“hearts and minds”
Prohibited union and employer agreement that requires workers to be a member of union
States that adopted these –Texas, Florida, North Carolina – experienced population growth and inflow of capital investment
“Right to Work” Law
Police department units that gathered information on the political activities of citizens
“Red Squads”
Word used to descibe…
…fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
…aggressive ideologically driven states
…subdue all of civil society including churches, unions
…left no room for individual rights or alternative values
Word that was used to describe the opposite of freedom
The American Medical Association (AMA) raised the spector of this kind of medicine to discredit Truman’s proposed national health insurance
Intended to counter the Soviet opposition to organized religion
Congress added the words “_________” to the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950s
“under God”
Restored the pre-war status quo on the Korean penninsula
Divided Korea along the 38th parallel
Soviet-supported North Korea and U.S.-backed South Korea
Armistace in 1953
Accused by Whittaker Chambers, the editor of Time Magazine, of passing secret government documents to the Soviets
Pursued by Richard Nixon
Ultimately convicted of perjury
Alger Hiss
Led to downfall of McCarthy as it demonstrated he was a bully and browbeat
Senate ultimately censured McCarthy
Army-McCarthy Hearings
Renounced policy of war and armed aggression for Japanese people
Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution
Established with the McMahon/Atomic Energy Act
Controled peace time development of atomic science
Atomic Energy Commission
Response to the Soviet Union blocking access to West Berlin
Eleven month effort to supply fuel and food
Demonstrated American committment to containment
Stalin lifted blockade in 1949
Berlin Airlift
Divided into four zones: U.S., Britain, France, Soviet Union
Prevented persons accused of being communists from getting work in the entertainment industry
Established to gather intelligence and do intelligence operations
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Examples included…
…secret funding of overseas publications, concerts
…sent jazz musicians and black performers abroad
…promoted Jackson Pollack’s abstract expressionism
…funded the Museum of Modern Art
…supported John Cage’s musical compositions
…supported George Balanchine’s choreography
CIA and Department of Defense Support for the Arts
One of two covenants in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that included freedom of speech
Ratified by the United States in 1992
Civil and Political Rights
Middle class voters were alarmed by the labor turmoil
Many workers did not vote
Result was a surge in Republicans and control of both houses of Congress
Operation Dixie failed to unionize the South
Congressional Election of 1946
Formulated by George Kennan
U.S. would forcibly stop communist aggression, expansion of power, whenever and whereever it occurred
The dominant policy of the Cold War and led America to become involved in conflicts like Vietnam
Containment Policy
Factors included…
…British termination of financial aid
…threat of a communist-led rebellion
…Soviet demand for joint control of adjoining body of water
…trategic location near Middle East
Crisis in Greece and Turkey
Supreme Court rulling that upheld the jailing of Communist Party leaders
Charges against leaders concerned their beliefs, not any actions they had taken
ACLU refused to defend the leaders
Dennis v. United States
Name for southern delagates at the Democrat National Convention
Walked out when Hubert Humphrey called for human rights
One of two covenants in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that promoted the idea of right to housing and a fair wage
Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
Truman won 49.7% and 303 electoral votes
Dewey won 45.3% and 189 electoral votes
Thurmond won 2.4% and 39 electoral votes
Wallace won 2.4% and 0 electoral votes
Election of 1948
Formal name for the Marshall Plan
European Recovery Program
Food shortages and inflation were rampant
Communist parties in France, Italy grew stronger in 1946-47
US had withdrawn from UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, opening up opporunity for Eastern Europe to advance communism with aid
Factors Leading to Marshall Plan
Eleven states establsihed fair employment practices commissions
NAACP launced voter registration campaigns in the South with 20% of black southerners registered to vote by 1952
No lynchings in 1952
Jackie Robinson played Major League Baseball
Examples of Postwar Civil Rights Improvements
Desegrated the armed forces
Issued by Truman
Executive Order 9981
Series of domestic programs to extend the social safety net including..
…minimum wage
…public housing
…extension of Social Security
…employment of all workers
…national health insurance
Truman’s Fair Deal
Established by Truman with Executive Order 9835
Intended to control against the possible communist influence in the government
Investigated security risks espeically political afiliation and sexual orientation
Employees not allowed to confront their accusers
Resulted in 1,200 firings and 6,000 resignations
Federal Employee Loyalty Program
Loyalty Review Boards
Purpose was “substantial reduction in tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis.”
GATT Preamble
Members included…
…United States
…SEATO (Southeast Asia Treat Organization)
…CENTO (Central Treaty Organization)
Opposition to spread of communism
“Free World”
Created free trade and enormous markets for American goods
Negotiated at United Nations and signed in 1947
Included the United States and twenty-three Western nations
General Agreement on Tafiffs and Trade (GATT)
“Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos.”
George C. Marshall
in support of the Marshall Plan
American diplomat who wrote the Long Telegram, laying out the foundation for the “containment policy”
George Kennan
Reasons included…
…impossible to vew international crisis on case by case basis
…hard to determine which crisis genuinely involved freedom or an American interest
George Kennan’s Criticism of the Cold War
Used the code name “Militant Liberty”
Resulted in The Red Menace (1949) and I Married a Communist (1950)
U.S. Government Encouragement of Anti-Communist Movies
Nominee for president from the Progressive Party
Henry Wallace
Group of “unfriendly witnesses” who refused to answer questions from the HUAC
Included Ring Lardner, Dalton Trumbo who were charged with contempt
Hollywood Ten
“I say the time has come to walk out of the shadow states’ rights and into the sunlight of human rights”
Hubert Humphrey
at the Democrat National Convention for Election of 1948
Launched hearings about communist influence in Hollywood
Called well-known screenwriters, directors, actors to appear
House Un-American Activites Committee (HUAC)
Led by General Douglas MacArthur and forced the North Korean’s to retreat northward
Allowed MacArthur’s army to occupy most of North Korea
Truman’s intention was to unite Korea under a pro-American government
Inchon Counterattack
Term used by Churchill to describe the line drawn by the Soviet Union between East and West Europe
First used in a speech on March 5, 1946 in Fulton, Missouri
Iron Curtain
Played for Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947
Showed great dignity in the face of racial insults and verbal abuse
Won the Rookie of the Year Award
Jackie Robinson
Announced he had a list of 205 communists working in the State Department
Used the Senate Subcommittee he chaired to hold hearings and level wild charges with the intent of rooting out communist influence in the government, military, and entertainment industries
Joseph McCarthy
“Let us not assassinate this lad further. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir?”
Joseph Welch
to McCarthy at the Army-McCarthy Hearings
Working class Jewish, communist couple from New York City
Accused by David Greenglass of passing atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets
Evidence was highly secret and not revealed in court
Convicted by the jury of conspiracy to pass the secrets to the Soviets
Executed in 1953
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
First hot war of the Cold War
Result of Chinese-backed attack from the north to the south in a country that had Soviet and American zones since 1945
Korean War
Written by George Kennan, an American diplomat in the Soviet Union
Prompted by an angry speech given by Joseph Stalin in February 1946
Argued that Soviets were not a “normal government and that their communist ideology would drive them to expand world wide
Laid foundation for the “containment policy”
Long Telegram
“Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.”
General MacArthur
to Congress upon his return
“Supreme Commander” in Japan after World War II and until 1948
General Douglas MacArthur
Led Communists to victory in Chinese civil war
Created the People’s Republic of China
Mao Zedong
U.S. would provide economic aid to Europe for reconstruction
17 Western European nations became part of the plan
Formally known as the European Recovery Program
Marshall Plan
Required Communist Party members to register with the Attorney General
Made conspiracy to foaster communism a crime in the U.S.
Barred “totalitarians” from entering the United States
Reinforced view that a powerful government was the greatest danger
McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950
Required subversive groups to register with the government
Allowed the denial of passports to members of certain groups
Authorized deportation or detention on the order of the president
McCarran Internal Security Bill
Limited immigration from all regions except Northern and Western Europe
Kept quotas in place
Immigration officials could turn away any immigrant that they thought would threaten national security
Was passed over Truman’s veto
McCarran-Walter Act of 1952
Established to advice and assist the president on national security
National Security Council (NSC)
Alliance of United States, Canada and ten other nations including most of Western Europe
Pledged mutual defense against possible future Soviet attack
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Called for the permanent military buildup in the United States
Pursue global crusade against Communism
58-page report issued in April 1950
Campaign by AFL and CIO to bring unionization to the South
Intended to shatter the hold of anti-labor conservatives on the region’s politics
Approximately 200 labor organizers entered the region
Focused on textile, steel, and agricultural industries
Operation Dixie
Created with Mao Zedong’s victory in Chinese Civil War
Setback to policy of containment
Blocked from occupying China’s seat at the United Nations
People’s Republic of China
Result of…
…drop in income due to surging prices
…lack of overtime pay due to economic slowdown
…AFL and CIO launching Operation Dixie
Most pronounced in steel, auto, coal industries
Postwar Strike Wave
Formed by left-wing critics of Truman’s foreign policy
Nominated Henry Wallace for president
Platform included…
…expansion of social welfare programs
…strong denunciation of racial segregation
…international control of nuclear weopons
…economic cooperation with the Soviet Union
Willingness to acccept support from communists and socialists led to exodus of New Deal liberals from the Party
Progressive Party
Historical interpretation not found in “standard” history
Scholars ignored the many historical ethnic and racial strains in history
Read the American Creed of pluralism, tolerance, and equality back into the past as a timeless definition of Americanism
Revisionist History
Countries that remained under Soviet control
Pro-communist governments installed
Included Poland, Romania, Bulgaria
Soviet Union claimed these countries were no different than Latin American countries under the influence of the United States
Satellite Countries
“Agriculture is important. Our rivers are full of fish. You cannot have freedom without liberty. Our future lies ahead.”
Satirical Speech by Dewey
Told Truman to “scare hell” out of the Americans in order to gain support for forthcoming Truman Policy
Senator Vandernberg
Successfully tested in 1949
Suprised the United States
Learned by measuring radiation levels
Soviet Atomic Bomb
Formed by the Dixiecrats
Nominated South Carolina Governor Strom Thurmond for president
Stood for individual liberty and freedom
States’ Rights Democratic Party
Aided business owners in potential labor disputes
Sought to reverse gains made by organized labor
President had the authority to suspend strikes with an 80-day “cooling off period”
Banned sympathy strikes and secondary boycotts
Outlawed “closed shop”, which required a worker to be union
Authorized states to pass “right to work” laws
Required union leaders to swear they were not communists
Passed over Truman’s veto
Taft-Hartley Act of 1947
Republican nominee for president in the Election of 1948
Ineffective speaker
Unwilling to commit on controversial issues
Thomas A. Dewey
Published by the Commission on Civil Rights and..
…highlighted racial inequality in America
…called on federal government to abolish segregation
…called on federal government to ensure equal treatment in housing, employment, education, justice
Hailed by Truman as “an American charter of human freedom”
To Secure These Rights
“Don’t let them take it away”
Truman threatening that Republicans would take away Social Security
Committed the United States to a policy of containment
Created the language for the postwar world including…
…“defense of freedom”
…support for “freedom-loving peoples”
Truman Policy
…permanent civil rights commission
…national laws against lynching
…national laws against poll taxes
…action to ensure equal access to jobs and education
Congress approved none of the proposals
Truman Plan for Civil Rights
Result of the following series of events…
…Chinese troops intervening near Chinese border to stop the advance of Americans against the North Koreans
…MacArthur demanding to push north again
…Truman refusing to authorize, fearing all out war in Asia
…MacArthur criticism of Truman
…Truman re-enforcing the principle of civilian control of the military
Truman’s Firing of MacArthur
Approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948; had been drafted by Eleanor Roosevelt
Identified a broad range of rights to be enjoyed by all people…
…freedom of speech
…relgious toleration
…protection against arbitrary government
…social and economic entitlements
Established idea that a nation’s treatment of its own citizens was subject to outside evaluation and review
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Colonies borrowed the language of the Declaration of Independence
U.S. backed away from pressuring Europeans to grant self-governance to…
…French Indonesia
…Dutch East Indies
…Gold Coast
U.S. Lack of Support for Colonial Independence
J. Edgar Hoover developed files on many Americans
McCarthy targeted New Deal and Roosevelt
Businesses identified government intervention with socialism
Businesses fought against unions
White supremacists used against black civil rights
Uses of Anticommunist Sentiment
Reasons included…
…United States would be required to recruit and subsidze an “array of satellites, clients, dependents and puppets”
…intervene continuously in affairs of nations
…mistake to align against colonial independence in the name of anticommunism
Walter Lippman’s Criticism of the Cold War
Defensive alliance with loyal Eastern European satellite nations
Formed as a reaction against NATO
Warsaw Pact in 1955
Report by Truman’s Commission on Immigration
Called for replacing quotas based on national origins with more flexible system including family reunion, labor needs, political asylum
Whom Shall We Welcome?