Emergence of America as a World Power Flashcards
Progressive and “leftist intellectual” writer
Rediculed other Progressives who believed that they could mold the war according to their own “liberal purposes”
He predicted the conflict would empower the “least democratic forces in American life”
Randolph Bourne
Process to of the United States becoming a more homogeneous national culture
Term used by Allied propaganda to depict the German soldier
Germans were portrayed as bloodthirsty beasts
World War I was the first war where propaganda was used on a widespread scale
Group of U.S. senators opposed to American presence in Europe in any form
Influential in preventing the passage of the Versailles Treaty in the Senate
Wilson’s policy in Europe in January 1917
Outline of vision including freedom of the seas, restrictions on armaments
“Peace Without Victory”
Theme of Republican William Hardings campaign for the Election of 1920
“return to normalcy”
…barred from joining unions, skilled employment
…barred from employment in new retail stores
…not included in idea of the melting pot
…had access to segregated settlement houses
…exluded from WWI’s woman’s hours
African-American Exclusion from Progressive Freedom
Britain, France, Russia, Japan
Allied Powers
Name for American army sent to Europe to aid Britain and France after United States entered World War I
General John Pershing commanded the army
American Expeditionary Force
United States foreign policy in 1914 at the start of World War I
American Neutrality
Helped identify radicals and critics of the war
Carried out “slacker raids” – men had to show to show draft cards
Cooperated with the government to crush the IWW – lynched IWW leader Frank Little
American Protective League
Founded in 1893 and increased public awareness of the social effects of alcohol on society
Supported politcians who favored prohibition and promoted statewide referendums in western and southern states to ban alcohol
Anti-Saloon League
Assasination by Serbian national started chain of events that quickly led to broad war
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
More disciplined labor force
Promote more orderly city environment
Undermine urban political machines
Protect wives and children from domestic violence
Arguments for Prohibition
Supreme Court ruling that overturned Southern “peonage” laws because it violated the Thirteenth Admendment.
Peonage = the use of labors bound in servitude because of debt
Breaking a labor contract was a crime punishable by hard labor. The very act of quitting was considered evidence of intent to defraud the employer.
Bailey v. Alabama (1911)
American troops stopped Germans from crossing the Marne and advancing into Paris
One of the first major battles of World War I involving American troops
Battle of Chateau-Tierry
World War 1 battle in which U.S. Marines stoped a German offensive between June 6 - July 1, 1918
Dan Daly, two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner said: “Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?”
Belleau Wood
Epic movie released by director D.W. Griffith in 1915
Portrayed Reconstruction as a time when Southern blacks threatened basic American values, whicht he Ku Klux Klan protected
Was lauded by many including Woodrow Wilson
Birth of a Nation
Supreme Court case that upheld the constitutionality of sterlization laws
Buck v. Bell (1927)
10 mile strip of land around Panama Canal
United States had sovereignty over this areas from Bunau-Virilla treaty until 2000
Canal Zone
Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
Central Powers
Created by Woodrow Wilson during World War I to mobilize public opinion for the war
Most intensive use of propaganda to that time by the United States – explained the governments actions in entering the war
Image of “Uncle Sam” was created for this propaganda campaign
Headed by George Creel
Trained and dispatched 75,000 “Four Minute Men”
Committee on Public Information (CPI)
Merchant ships traveling together and protected by American warships, which guarded them from German U-boats
Used to protect ships carrying materials to Great Britain and France in World War I
Convoy System
“Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?”
Dan Daly during the Battle of Belleau Wood
Foreign policy that increased American investment in the world as a method of exerting American influence; favored President William Howard Taft
In some parts of the world, such as Latin America, the increased American influence was resented
“Dollar Diplomacy”
Banned intoxicating liquor
Passed by Congress in December 1917
Ratified by the states in 1919
Went into effect in 1920
Eighteenth Amendment
World War I era law passed in 1917 made it illegal to obstruct the draft process in any way
Mandatory prison sentences were imposed on those who interfered with the draft
Any material sent through the mail that was said to incite treason could be seized
Espionage Act of 1917
Convicted in 1918 under the Espionage Act
Gave speech tracing dissent from Thomas Paine
Wilson did not commute his sentence
Eugene Debs
Woodrow Wilson’s view of post-World War I world he hoped the other Allied Powers would endorse. Issued in January 1918
national self-determination
freedom of the seas
free trade
arms reduction
open diplomacy (elimination of secret treaties)
creation of a League of Nations
Fourteen Points
Rationed coal and oil
Fuel Agency
Negotiated by Roosevelt to end the migration of Japanese to United States except for wives and children
Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907
“…conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses”
Edward Bernays on the Goal of the CPI
Large numbers of southern blacks moved to midwestern and eastern industrial cities beginning with World War I and continuing into the 1920s
Workers were needed there orginially because of the war and later because of immigration restrictions
Many blacks gladly left the racist South
War had opened opportunities due to fewer immigrants
Migration sustained by: higher wages, education opportunites for children, escape from threat of lynching, right to vote
Great Migration
United 365,000 migrant workers in Chicago
Demanded union representation, higher wages, eight-hour day; wokers flooded into Amalgamated Association
Industry magnates launched concerted counterattack and associated workers with communism, IWW
Great Steel Strike
Senator who argued that the League of Nations threatened America’s freedom of action
Henry Cabot Lodge
Ideology of Nationalism
First woman in Congress
Suffrage advocate
Opposed entry into World War I
Jeannette Rankin