The resuscitation council guidelines Flashcards
They advise you to:
stay calm + ensure you + staff are safe
look at the pt generally to see if they look unwell
use ABCDE approach
A is for Airway
assess looking for signs of obstruction + breathing problems
B is for Breathing
check for paradoxical chest + abdominal movements (see-saw respirations) look at the depth + rhythm of breathing. Adults should be about 12-20 breaths per minute + children 20-30. check the use of accessory muscles of respiration (are neck muscles contracting)
C is for Circulation
does the pt appear to have central cyanosis which makes the lips + tongue appear blue?
D is for Disability
is the pt conscious? make rapid initial assessment of the pts conscious level
using AVPU method
are the alert? do they respond to voice? do they respond to painful stimuli? or are they unresponsive to all stimuli?
E is for Exposure
to assess or provide emergency trt adequately, you may need to loosen or remove pt clothes, to see any rashes. the pts dignity should be respected + heat loss minimised