Roles + responsibilities Flashcards
What is first aid?
the provision of emergency care for an injured or all person(s) prior to the arrival of professional medical personnel on the scene - this is to provide basic life support for the casualty until you are relieved by professional assistance
In addition
it is the initial care of the sick or injured prior to medical care: your ability to remain calm + in control is an important part of successfully managing a casualty situation
Reassuring the casualty
a major role, thereby gaining his or her trust through your ability to confidently manage an accident, Illness to injury through effective + appropriate communication.
First aid
ranges from applying an adhesive dressing to being able to assist in a life threatening emergency
Accident scene management
to ensure the further safety of casualty, yourself and other rescuers + outside observers + bystanders. part of this is the recording of details of the scene + casualty’s condition which is given to the professionals who arrive on scene
Easing anxiety + discomfort
by combining calming reassurance with good first aid management, you will, in most cases, immediately reduce the pain, stress + anxiety levels of casualty. this is vital in controlling + minimising the escalation of shock.
Legal issues
you will not incur any legal ramifications if you act to the best of your ability, following what you have learned in first aid training.
What must we do?
understand emergency protocols + first aid policy
to keep records
maintain first aid kits
ensure you know location of first aid room, kit + extra supplies
to report all accidents/incidents to safety officer/manager
What must we do?
comfort + reassure, stay calm + take charge, introduce yourself + gain trust, explain what is happening + why, say what you are going to do before you do it
What are the aims?
P - preserve life (airway + breathing)
P - prevent worsening (treat injuries)
P - promote recovery (reassurance)