Response Flashcards
if the casualty appears unconscious check this by shouting : can you hear me? ‘open your eyes’ + gently shaking their shoulder
A - Alert
adult behaviour - eyes open spontaneously, appears aware + responsive, follows commands, eyes tract people + objects
paediatric behaviour - chid active + responds appropriately to SO + other external stimuli
V - Voice
adult behaviour - eyes don’t open spontaneously but open to verbal stimuli, able to respond in some meaningful way when spoken to
paediatric behaviour - only responds when name is called by SO
P - Pain
adult behaviour - doesn’t respond to questions by moves or cries out in response to painful stimuli such as pinching skin or earlobe
paediatric behaviour - responds only to painful stimuli such as pinching nail bed
U - Unresponsive
patient does not respond to any stimuli
If there is a response:
if there is no further danger, leave casualty in position found and summon help if needed. Treat any conditions + monitor vital signs (breathing, response + pulse) continue monitoring until help arrives or they recover
If there is no response:
shout for help, if possible leave casualty in position found and open the airway or turn onto their back and open the airway