The Physical Self Flashcards
Who said,
“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”
Leonardo da Vinci
Is the concrete dimension, the tangible aspect of the person that can be directly observed and examined.
Physical Self
According to William James, is an initial source of sensation and necessary for the origin and maintenance of personality.
Physical Self/ Body
Who introduced the Layers of the Self
Sigmund Freud
Who introduced the Psychosexual Theory of Development
Sigmund Freud
In the Psychoanalytical school, Sigmund Freud’s construction of self and personality makes the __________ the core of human experience.
physical body
What are the Psycholosexual Stages of Personality Development
- Oral Stage (Birth-1.5 years)
- Anal Stage (1.5-3 years)
- Phallic Stage (4-5 years)
- Latent Stage (5 years-puberty)
- Genital Stage (puberty)
This is the Psycholosexual Stage from birth-1.5 years.
Oral Stage
This is the Psycholosexual Stage of a newly born whose mouth is the erogenous zone that provides pleasure.
Oral Stage
This is the Psycholosexual Stage from 1.5-3 years
Anal Stage
This is the Psycholosexual Stage wherein the anus is the erogenous zone. Bladder & bowel control is taught to them.
Anal Stage
In the Anal Stage, kids tell when they need to poop or pee.
In the Anal Stage, this is when kids control poop/ pee.
Process of accustoming to the loss of milk/ milk substitute. (
This is the Psycholosexual Stage from 4-5 years
Phallic Stage
This is the Psycholosexual Stage or time of questioning– what makes a girl a girl? And a boy a boy?
Genitals (erogenous zone).
Phallic Stage
son’s desire to mother
Oedipus complex
to act like/ imitate/ wanting to be like
Identification with the aggressor
daughter’s desire to father
Electra complex
This is the Psycholosexual Stage from 5 years-puberty
Latent Stage
This is the Psycholosexual Stage when they are preoccupied with school/ socializing.
Libido (no erogenous zone)
Latent Stage
This is the Psycholosexual Stage during puberty.
Genital Stage
This is the Psycholosexual Stage for maturing sexual interest. Starts from a crush.
Genital Stage
Who introduced the Psychosocial Theory of Development
Erik Erikson
This states that the role of bodily organs is especially important in early developmental stages of a person’s life.
Psychosocial Theory of Development
Later in life, the development of physics as well as intellectual skills help determine whether the individual will achieve a sense of competence and ability to choose demanding roles in a complex society.
Psychosocial Theory of Development
Who coined the term Somatic Society
Bryan Turner
The ____________ became an established discipline in the 1990’s.
sociology of the body
means the newfound importance of the body in contemporary society.
somatic society
Criticizing your own appearance, through judgment or comparison to another person.
Body Shaming
Criticizing another’s appearance without their knowledge.
Body Shaming
Criticizing another’s appearance in front of them.
Body Shaming
Two Eating Disorders (DSM-5) discussed:
Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa
An eating disorder characterized by loss of body weight and refusal to eat. Appetite is usually intact.
Anorexia Nervosa
An eating disorder characterized by recurrent and frequent binge eating with or without vomiting.
Bulimia Nervosa
characterized by a distressing and impairing preoccupation with an imagined or slight defect in appearance.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (DSM-5)