The face Flashcards
Muscles of facial expression:
- attachments
- movements
- innervations
- attachments are btw skull & overlying skin
- muscle contracts, skin moves (rather than a joint
- innervated by CN VII facial nerve
- elevates eyebrows and skin of forehead
- as in surprised or doubtful look
- depresses skin btw eyebrows
- as in a look of anger
Orbicularis Oculi
- closes eyelids
- palpebral- gentle
- orbital- tight
orbicularis oris
-compresses and protrudes the lips as in puckering/tightly closing lips
- presses cheek against molar teeth
- keeps cheek taut when blowing
zygomaticus major
-pulls superiorly on upper lip as in smiling
levator labii superioris
- elevates lips, dilates nostrils, raises angle of the mouth
- as in Elvis, sneering
depressor labii inferioris
-pulls lower lips inferiorlu (to show lower teeth)
depressor anguli oris
-pulls corners of mouth inferiorly, as in frowning
-elevates and protrudes lower lip as in a pout
- tenses skin of lower face and neck, depresses mandible
- as in a grimace
Facial nerve CN VII
- function/innervation
- cranial exit
- function/innervation
- somatic motor
- muscles of facial expression
- stylohyoid m.
- posterior digastric m. - cranial exit
- into the internal acoustic meatus (temporal bone)
- out of the stylomastoid foramen (temporal bone)
Bell’s palsy
- paralysis of facial nerve
- caused by exposure to cold; common in 20-50 age group
- most recover within 2-8 wks; some may take 1-2 years to recover
- inability to raise eyebrow or generate wrinkles on the forehead
- difficulty closing eye and inability to raise corner of mouth
- drooping at the corner of mouth and inability to completely close eye
Parotid gland and duct
- largest salivary gland
- parotid duct crosses surface of masseter then pierces through buccinator to drain saliva into mouth near 2nd upper molar
- facial nerve is embedded within gland, but does not innervate it
- parotid gland innervated by glossopharyngeal n. (CN IX)
arteries of face
- common carotid a.
- internal & external carotid aa.
- facial a.
- maxillary a. (deep within cheek)
- superficial temporal a.
-facial wounds bleed freely and heal quickly because of numerous anastomoses