The Cytoplasm Flashcards
Explanted to tissue culture cells of the inner call mass are called
Embryonic stem cells
The plasma membrane contains proteins called …. That linked to both cytoplasmatic protein filaments and ECM components
Outer lipids known as glycolipids include oligosacarides chains that extend outward from the cell surface
Membrane range from
7.5 to 10 nm
Are incorporated within the lipid bilayer itself
Integral proteins
Exhibit a looser association with one of the two membrane surfaces
Peripheral proteins
The polypeptide chains of many integral proteins span the membrane several times from one side to another called
Multipass transmembrane proteins
The lipid bilayer forms from amphipatic phospholipids stabilized by
Transmembrane diffusion of water molecules by ósmosis involves their passive movements throught proteins called
The three kind of endocytosis
Phagocytosis , pinocitosis or fluid phase, trancytosis, receptor mediated
The occupied receptors associate with other proteins on the cytoplasmatic membrane surface and begin invagination as
Coated pits
The coated pits contain this polyptides
Protein secretion involving exocitosis may follow two pathways
Constitutive and regulated
Is use for products that are released from cells continuously as son as synthesis is complete
Constitutive secretion
Through this channel signals may pass directly from cell to cell without reaching the extracellular fluid
Gas junctions
The signals molecules call hormones are carried in the blood to target cells throughout the body
Endocrine signaling
The first zygotic cellular divisions produce cells called
The chemical mediator are rapidly metabolized after release so that they act only on local cells very close the source
Paracrine signaling
Special kind of paracrine interaction neurotransmitters act only in adjacent cells
Synaptic signaling
Signal bind receptor on the same cell type that produced the messanger molecule
Autocrine signaling
Important in early embryonic tissue interactions, signaling molecules such as proteins remain part of a cell membrane and bind surface receptor of the target cells when the two cells Make direct phase al contact
Juxtacrine signaling
Hydrophilic signaling molecules are
Channel linked receptors, enzymatic receptors, G protein coupled receptor
Pseudohypoparathyroidism and dwarfism are diseases caused by
Defective receptors.
Are small electron dense particles about 20x30 nm in size composed by 4 segments of rRNA , have two subunits of different sizes and act to catalized the Process of protein translations
Large ribosomal subunits come together by binding An mRNA to form
Polyribosomes or polysomes
Consist of saclike as well as parallel stacks of flattened cisternae and is limited by the outer membrane on the nucleous especialized for synthesis and segregation of proteins not disgned for the citosol
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Proteins to be processed through the RER contains initial ….. Which bind receptors
Signal peptides
New proteins that cannot be assemble properly by chaperones under go
Endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation
Osteogenesis imperfecta cuasada por
Deficiencia en el colageno molecular
Membrana citoplasmatica de la celula, mosaico fluido llamado tambien
Especializaciones de la membrana formada por envaginciones cilindricas rodean una zona especializada del citoplasma donde se encuentran microfilamentos se le llama
Micro vellosidades cortas y rectas que se disponen apretadas y en paralelo según el eje celular originando un borde birrefrigerante y estriado llamado
Ribete en cepillo
El citoplasma apical de células con microvellosidades suele contener una red de
Red de filamentos intermedios pero sobre todo de microfilamentos que forman la trama terminal
Microvellosidades largas y flexibles de aspecto ondulado llamados
Su función es aumentar la superficie de absorción para el transporte de sustancias
Porcentaje de colageno en el plasmalemma
30% y 70 % fósfolipidos
La bícapa lípidica es en su interior
Electrofobica y negativa
When cells are frozen are fractured called
A mayor role of enzymes in the smooth endoplasmic recticulum is
Phospholipids synthesis
Denote a yellowish discoloration of the skin and is cause by accumulation in extracellular fluid of bilirubin and other pigmented compounds which are usually metabolized by SER
Jaundice o ictericia
Responsable of glycogen metabolism for processing Endogenous molecules such as components of bile
His funtion is to sequester and ralease Ca and is name sarcoplasmic reticulum
Completes posttranslational modifications of proteins synthesized in RER and then packages and adresses these proteins to proper destination
Aparto de golgi
Detoxifies drugs, alcohol and poisons
Forms vesicles and peroxisomes
Materials moves from the RER cisternae to the golgi aparatous in small, membrane enclosed carriers called
Transport vesicles
When cells are frozen are fractured called
A mayor role of enzymes in the smooth endoplasmic recticulum is
Phospholipids synthesis
Denote a yellowish discoloration of the skin and is cause by accumulation in extracellular fluid of bilirubin and other pigmented compounds which are usually metabolized by SER
Jaundice o ictericia
Responsable of glycogen metabolism for processing Endogenous molecules such as components of bile
His funtion is to sequester and ralease Ca and is name sarcoplasmic reticulum
Completes posttranslational modifications of proteins synthesized in RER and then packages and adresses these proteins to proper destination
Aparto de golgi
Detoxifies drugs, alcohol and poisons
Forms vesicles and peroxisomes