The Challenge of Secularism Flashcards
Is Britain becoming secular?
Not necessarily.
Whilst Christianity is decreasing, it doesn’t mean other religions are too. They are on the rise.
Ways people talk about secularisation:
Casanova outlines three ways:
- Due to the ‘human development process’, through development, the requirement of religion isn’t so needed. Empiricism. Like Aristotle used to believe women didn’t have eggs.
- ‘Religion should be private and not seen in public’. But there are still huge events, like weddings.
- ‘The secular separation of spheres of state’, the Church is no longer relied on in law.
Is secularisation really the case? Critics:
- Steve Bruce says England is a ‘pale shadow of its former self’.
- Linda Woodhead says there is a growth in other religions.
- Charles Taylor says we are in a ‘secular age’.
Is globalisation global?
We have religious radicalism/extremism now.
Some countries are very religious.
India still hunts witches.
- Immigration has also meant there are more religions.
Feuerbach quote:
‘What yesterday was religion is no longer such today; and what today is atheism, tomorrow will be religion’.
It keeps changing according to trends.
Freud quote about religion:
It is ‘wish fulfilment’.
Like OCD, ‘infantile neuroses’.
What does Freud say religion is?
A coping mechanism.
We are trying to live up to our superego, which has developed due to behaviourism and conditioning.
‘The religions of mankind must be classed as amongst the mass delusions’.
What does Freud say God is?
Due to Oedipus complex, we want to kill our father.
Our ego mediates this aspect of our Id, creates a cosmic father-like figure to worship.
Something we can control, to mediate the fear of the unknown.
According to Freud, what does religion do???
Religion stops us doing evil things.
Can disagree, Sodom and Gomorrah, ‘brimstone and fire’.
According to Freud, is religion healthy?
Unreliable and unhealthy.
Discourages people from taking responsibility for their own actions.
Critiques to Freud’s view:
- Watts- religion is the ‘transformation from anxiety into laughter’.
- Jo Merchant- religion is healthy.
- Popper calls Freud a pseudo-scientist. He is trying to verify the subconscious, but according to logical positivists this cannot be done.
Strengths to Freud’s view:
- According to RRR, religion has made God have male qualities, as seen through the trinitarian imagery of the ‘father, son and the holy spirit’.
Charity example:
- Atheist Bus Campaign raised £150,000 to fund buses around the country.
- BUT, Oxfam in a year raised around £140 million and gave it to those in poverty.
How does Dawkins refer to religion?
Calls it infantilism in ‘The God Delusion’.
How does Hawkins describe the problem of religion?
- Thinks we should be able to live a life that is meaningful without religion.
- Religion is repressive, dress codes like the Burka.
Dawkins and children:
- Says children are ‘hijacked by religious faith’.
- Uses the extreme example in his book, ‘God delusion’.
- Sexual abuse, Irish nunneries, forced baptism.
- Says being in religious schools is psychological abuse.
Critique to his focus on children:
- Isn’t this just bad people, not religion?
- Is it not important for children to be taught about their religion, so that they can know about their history and who they are?
- Makes the term abuse superficial.
What quote does Dawkins steal about children?
Nicholas Humphry.
‘Children have a right not to have their mind addled by nonsense’.
Advantage to Dawkins take on children:
At a conference he said that there is no such thing as an ‘atheist child’ because indoctrination of any kind is wrong.
Negative impacts of Christianity on society:
- Played a part in the criminalisation of homosexuality according to Dawkins.
- Restricts women rights, restricts contraception and abortion because of ‘imago dei’.
Positive impacts of Christianity on a society:
- Good for mental health, as Jo Merchant says.
- Unites people, come together to worship.
- Provides hope, what is the harm in that??? God doesn’t have to be real.
- The religious extremism, small percentage in comparison to the bigger picture. Dawkins is cherry-picking.
In what countries is there a separation between Church and State??
Separation of Church vs State:
With pluralism growing, not everyone can be appeased.
State and Church should be two different matters.
Example of why the separation is good:
In the Stuart Dynasty, Charles I prompted a Civil War due to his belief in Divine Right of Kings.
Are Church and state separate in the UK?
No, unity through monarchy.
Legal case of church vs State:
Eweida v Uk:
She wore a cross as a symbol of her faith, but was told it was a breach of policy by her employer.
She was suspended without pay.
The court upheld this.
Religious schools:
Humanist association- ‘young people of all backgrounds and beliefs can learn with and from each other’.
- America does not teach RE.
- It is not common for creationism to be taught alongside science.
- Church schools are funded by Church’s and have a ‘Christian ethos’.
Disadvantages to faith schools:
- Can encourage division.
- Surely school should be about education, not religion. But isn’t RE a HUGE part of history and schools are required to teach this.
Advantages of faith schools:
- Professor Francis has accumulated evidence that shows those educated in Christianity are more open-minded.
- Different cultures encourages more respect.
Those disagreeing with secular schools:
- Christopher Dawson- ‘The Challenge of Secularism’ says an abstinence to religion is like communism.
Where has the hijab been banned?
France in 2004.
2016, France, armed police forced a woman to take off a burkini.
What is the secularisation theory?
As technology advances, we lose a need for religion.
People disagreeing with the reality of secularisation:
Luke Bretheron says ‘multi-faith London in full bloom’.
Those who criticise the idea of secularisation being good:
Casanova says it can lead to brutality, it is used in things like fascism and communism (Red Terror in Russia).