Soul, mind and body 2 Flashcards
What is Plato’s take on the soul?
Describe Plato’s theory of the Forms.
Notices a decay in nature, but thinks our minds are immortal. We are trapped in an imperfect body, the soul has a desire to leave to go to the realm of the Forms.
Talk about the significance of Heraclitus’ famous quote to Plato.
‘you cannot step in the same river twice’- if permanence cannot be found in the physical world, it must exist in another world. The soul must be immortal to experience this.
Describe Plato’s charioteer metaphor.
There are divisions in the soul:
Appetitive (greed) - black horse
Spirited (our virtues) - white horse
Rational (intellectual) - charioteer guiding.
(tripartite view on the soul)
The black horse dies, the physical body goes to the Horaton. Virtues white horse goes to the Noeton (soul).
Describe Plato’s hatred to the physical body.
‘the body is the source of endless trouble’.
It’s lustful, hungry, fearful. It is like a prison, like the cave is in the cave analogy.
What is the advantage to Plato’s thinking?
Highlights individuality of people, Freud’s Id, Ego, Superego
What are the weaknesses to Plato’s thinking?
Is the soul no longer complete when we die?
Pleasure isn’t always bad.
Doesn’t touch on how soul and body interact. If the soul goes to the Forms, how can it see the Forms? Sight is associated with the physical body.
What is Descartes’ take on the soul?
Substance Dualism (mind and body are two completely different substances, so are distinct from one another).
What was Descartes’ earliest take on the soul, that he later disputed?
Earliest work, Le Monde, said there was no ‘earthly substance’ or ‘heavenly substance’. Everything is made of the same substance.
Give a Descartes quote that backs up his substance dualism.
‘The body, by nature is divisible, but the mind is not’ (Meditations)
If someone got an amputation, they would have less of a body, but the mind always stays the same.
Why can Descartes be disagreed with?
Some people’s minds are arguably divisible.
People get Dementia, and children’s brains take a while to fully develop. Are they less of a person if they have less of a mind?
Mind can also be mistaken.
What made Descartes dispute earlier thinking of the soul?
Realised that our senses could be mistaken. Approached problem with scepticism and found out that the mind was the ‘first certainty’- ‘cogito ergo sum’.
We could all be in a ‘dreamworld’, agreeing with Plato, all we can be certain of is the mind.
What is an advantage to substance dualism?
People describe having ‘out of body experiences’.
Describe Descartes talk about substances and properties.
Says a substance has properties, properties cannot exist without the substance.
A rug would be the substance, its property would be being soft.
Substance dualists think that the mind is a substance and that its emotions are properties.
But the body is a substance with the property of ‘extension’ (taking up space) that the mind doesn’t. They both make the ‘self’.
What does Descartes think is the ‘principle seat of the soul’ and why?
The Pineal gland, as most areas in the body are double, two eyes, two arms, but pineal gland is central, the connecting point to the body and soul.
Who is the main critic of Descartes?
Ryle- ‘Category error’. Like taking someone to Cambridge University, they look at libraries, colleges and the person goes, ‘where is the University?’- not logical to separate the mind from the body.
Describes it as the ‘ghost in the machine’, acting as though the soul is like having a ghost in a laptop.
But the body experiences things physically and mentally, phantom limbs (still feel pain even though it is gone).
(Criticised for being reductionist)
Who else criticise dualism?
Peter Geach and G.E.M. Anscombe
What is Peter Geach’s criticism of Dualism?
‘it is a savage superstition to suppose that a man consists of two pieces, body and soul’.
How could the soul see the forms if it is linked to sight?
What is Anscombe’s criticism of Dualism?
‘bodily act is an act of man qua spirit’- the body and spirit work symbiotically together. When we are typing on a laptop, our mind is thinking of what to say, but we are physically typing it.
How does Siddhartha Gautama show the problem of dualism?
He starved himself to reach peak enlightenment, but before he passed away he realised we needed food to nourish our mind.
What is Aristotle?
An empiricist
What three types of soul did Aristotle identify?
Vegetative soul- shared by all living things.
Appetitive- passions, appetites, emotions, shared by animals.
Intellectual soul- reasoning, possessed only by humans.
What is the significance of Aristotle’s four causes?
Material cause is matter something is made out of and the Final cause is somethings purpose.
Is a dualist, separated soul and body. Material is body, and final is spark/essence of a person. (soul).
What examples of the soul does Aristotle embed?
If the body was the eye- its soul would be to see.
Axe- to chop.
Wax-seal, wax is the soul, breaks when the letter opens. The soul died with the body (empiricism).
What is a scientific criticism to Aristotle’s idea of the death of a soul?
When we die, the body loses 21 grams of mass.
Which philosophers agree with Aristotle and why?
Peter Geach- ‘the only tenable conception of the soul’.
Aquinas- ‘soul is defined as the first principle of life’.
Living things are ‘animate’, dead things are ‘inanimate’.
The soul is not ‘me’, just the spark.
What is materialism?
The idea that all we can rely on is science.
What does Dawkins say about the soul?
Mocks Plato and Descartes, but acknowledges the mystery of consciousness, but thinks it will eventually be proven through DNA.
Defines two types of soul- Soul One (traditional idea of the soul, Platonic), Soul 2 (Aristotelean ideas).
Selfish genes, we have the potential to have immortal souls passed on through DNA. Metaphorical.
What is Behaviourism?
Type of materialism.
Thoughts are learnt behaviour learnt through conditioning and reinforcement.
Reward for dogs is positive reinforcement, but you can have the argument that we are more complex than animals.
What is the evidence for behaviourism?
Watson and Rayner (1920)- would show a child animals but make a large banging noise whenever it was shown. Baby eventually developed a phobia.
Pavlov’s dog- would salivate whenever shown food, but even when jaw was removed, would salivate at food despite no longer having the capability to eat.
(Criticised for being reductionist).
Dennet criticises Skinner saying we are more complex than this.
What is emergent materialism?
John Stuart Mill- we are only getting more complex because of evolution. The higher intellectual aspects of humans are purely from evolution.
Can be criticised, the world is arguably getting worse- we have things like climate change.