ABOO- Teleological Flashcards
What theology is the teleological argument?
Natural theology–> seeks to understand God through the world around us.
Where does the word ‘Teleological’ come from?
Study of telos. Purpose.
A priori or a posteriori?
a posteriori.
When was William Paley alive?
Quote for introduction:
Cicero–> ‘what could be more clear or obvious when we look up to the sky and contemplate the heavens, that there is some divinity or superior intelligence?’
What is William Paley’s book?
Natural Theology
What is Paley’s theory called?
Design qua Purpose.
World shows design and pattern and purpose, must have reason.
Anything designed must have a designer.
What is Paley’s analogy?
Watch on a heath.
Intricately designed, shows designer.
How does Paley justify POE?
The watch malfunctioning is irrelevant, it used to work and its very existence shows design.
What is the second part to Paley’s argument?
Moves to nature–> the eye is so intricate.
‘Every manifestation of design, which exists in the watch, exists in the works of nature’.
Eye has ability to see, things in nature do work to a purpose.
What does Paley described God as?
The ‘designing creator’
What is the final stage to Paley’s argument?
Looks at the universe. So complex that it must have a creator.
What is the second stage to Paley’s argument?
Design qua regularity.
Looking at the sky, the rotation of planets obey the same universal laws. Must be an external agent imposing these laws.
What is important to note about St Thomas Aquinas’ timeline?
Existed BEFORE Paley.
Aquinas quote:
‘Everything operates as to a design. This design is from God’.
What is Aquinas’ book?
‘Summa Theologica’
Which way of Aquinas’ is important to the Teleological argument?
Fifth Way.
Design qua Regularity.
What does Aquinas say about Design qua Regularity?
Something regulates the universe, scientific laws are regular and predictable.
Objects follow natural laws and have a goal/purpose.
What example did Aquinas use?
Arrow heading to its target, we presume an arrow is shot on purpose it cannot move on its own.
Planets are the same, a divine mind makes things reach their target.
‘This being we call God’.
What are the arrow and the archer examples of?
‘Regularity of succession’.
Everything in nature follows certain laws that lead to certain results.
What is the an_____ principle?
Anthropic principle.
‘Goldilocks argument’. The earth is so perfectly placed away from the sun (92 million miles) so we don’t freeze or burn up.
We also have the ozone layer, perfect distance and protective layer.
What are FR Tennant’s arguments?
Anthropic principle.
Aesthetic argument.
What is the aesthetic argument?
We enjoy and appreciate the beauty of our surroundings. Enjoying Shakespeare doesn’t help us survive, so this isn’t down to evolution. Some Divine Creator.
How does Dawkins criticise the aesthetic argument?
Comes up with ‘Memes’ in ‘The Selfish Gene’.
Darwinian perspective, families are social groups, we band together in packs to make us stronger to survive.
If you didn’t have ‘memes’ (interests, hobbies), people wouldn’t want to interact with you.
Natural selection.
What does Dawkins say about the Teleological argument?
‘No purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference’. Book- ‘Blind Watchmaker’.
Too cynical? Not appealing to say we live in an indifferent world.
People are not indifferent, Civil Rights Movement.
What real example does Dawkins use to show the cynicism in the world?
Female digger wasp.
Stings caterpillar to paralyze it, lays eggs inside so it can eat the caterpillar alive.
What’s the point?
Stephen Fry quotes:
‘Bone cancer in children, what’s that about?’
‘If he created this universe he is quite clearly a maniac’.
Why can Stephen Fry be critiqued?
Too emotive, POE does not necessarily disprove God.
He may not be the typical theistic God, but may still be a God.
Cancer is living out its purpose.
Give David Hume context:
Empiricist, using senses, going against teleological argument with the same approach.
Never directly criticising Paley- book wrote 20 years before his.
What is David Hume’s book?
‘Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion’.
What does Hume say about Paley’s watch on the heath analogy?
Weak connection, world is not mechanistic, it’s more organic, like a potato.
What is the main basis to Hume’s argument?
Cannot guess the universe has a designer just because things in the universe show design (links to fallacy of composition, used to critique Aquinas’ Cosmological argument).
Why does Hume think the world shows design?
Uses the Epicurean Hypothesis–> there is design but no God.
At beginning of time particles were in random motion, chaotic but eventually evolved into ordered system. Gradual design, not no designer.
What is Charles Darwin’s book?
Origin of Species.
What is the thesis of Darwin’s book?
Natural selection- specific features make animals survive longer and others die out. We evolve to better fit the planet.
Not God, evolution.
Disproves anthropic principle.